Example sentences of "[pron] to [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Very well , convey my congratulations to General Froebe — I 'm sure he 'll be anxious to convey his to me for the sake of protocol . ’
2 The great novelist , here writing as a criminologist , was evidently seeking to describe a social accompaniment of the transition to a capitalist mode of production , which to him as a magistrate was most evident as a problem of order .
3 At the beginning of one of his books I discovered these words , which to me in my lowly condition were more than words : ‘ I am made unlike anyone I have ever met ; I will even venture to say that I am like no one in the whole world . ’
4 Knowing that Adam always liked to keep his options open , Miranda was forced to the lonely conclusion that he did n't love her enough to commit himself to her for life .
5 It was no fun loving a person like Memet , especially when he would n't commit himself to her in a civilized and law-abiding manner .
6 Mario described himself to me as a hungry kid , adding that maybe those early experiences had left him with a permanent sense of insecurity .
7 For some time I was left standing at the counter but eventually one of four assistants came over , introduced himself to me as Mr Palmer and asked how he could help .
8 There had been a stray mongrel whom they had named Herbert , with a large uncoordinated body and look of lugubrious disapproval who had attached himself to them for a few weeks and whose voracious appetite for dog-meat and biscuits had had a ruinous effect on the housekeeping .
9 He was alongside them , to reveal himself to them in human terms , and to rescue them from the self-induced estrangement into which they had fallen .
10 The relative speed with which emancipation came about after he ascended the throne gives the impression that he addressed himself to it with enthusiasm , but even in Russian politics six years was a long time .
11 Chapter Five argued that the main problem in discussing the peasant question in the reign of Nicholas I is explaining why he addressed himself to it at all , not why he did relatively little .
12 The main problem in discussing the emancipation may be explaining why Alexander addressed himself to it halfheartedly rather than why he addressed himself to it at all .
13 He sacrificed strength to send himself to you in that way .
14 As he makes his way along within the quiet desperation of his life , he must reveal himself to us as cuckold , fetishist , masochist , outsider , victim , inferior , loser .
15 ‘ She … can draw you to her with a single hair ’ , ’ he murmured .
16 I 'll propose Emily 's report and , and in doing so I 'd like to say thank you to her for her sterling work this year , I think she 's done a terrific job erm and I 'd like to thank her personally for the help she 's given me over the year .
17 I have a man , quite as terrifying as myself , and I will send him to tell your aunt that you are quite safe and that I will restore you to her by nightfall . ’
18 He said , ‘ Tell your sister she must send you to me with a message , and I 'll be there . ’
19 Perhaps then the Yek will meet the army of this Emperor , and on that day we will send you to him as our ambassador . ’
20 ‘ Just remember that your contract commits you to us for two years , ’ he said coolly .
21 7.4 Whenever any sum of money is recoverable from or payable by you to us as a result of the operation of any of these conditions or any breach by you of the same , such sum may be deducted by us from any sum then due or which at any time thereafter may become due to you under any other order or transaction placed or entered into by us with you .
22 A predator may have scented what you see and beaten you to it by a matter of an hour or so .
23 She had longed to be invited to a party , a longing which presented itself to her as a weakness and a wickedness , as well as an impossibility .
24 Only in our passion did this not suggest itself to me as mean retention on his part .
25 The upshot of this little matter was to leave me labelled as ‘ Mr X ’ — a pseudonym invented by Harold Wilson and which has attached itself to me throughout the years , but never offensively .
26 His body , as though accustomed to her shape , her rhythm , accommodated itself to hers in perfect match .
27 Against the egotism of the preoccupation of being with itself , he posits a relation of sociality , whereby the self instead of assimilating the other opens itself to it through a relation with it .
28 I 'm not saying it 's hard work , like working on a farm , but they certainly do n't give everything to you on a silver platter , ’ she added as her name was called for yet another fitting .
29 and what I want to do is to look at it er over that particular period so I can explain everything to you in full because there are benefits to you in terms of tax savings
30 And I had a couple of months making it and god , it was such a wonderful time I had and writing the lyrics and saying things about love and feelings that have meant something to me over the years .
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