Example sentences of "[pron] a good [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Have I a good tape of quiet music for the reflection time ?
2 Well am I a good son ?
3 ‘ We 're unbeaten in eight games but we have n't been able to win them and the players were saying beforehand that we were going to give someone a good hiding .
4 An American editor deleted a comment from one of her books when a father tells his daughter : ‘ Do n't bother about school because you 're a pretty little thing and will make someone a good wife . ’
5 When Hanns wrote an article for the London magazine Ballet Today about South African achievements , he described it as having ‘ all the qualities which a good valentine should possess … the girls flit , skip and drift hither and thither in pairs or threes , giggle coyly and point with gloved hands , while the sentimental , romantic Pierrot searches among them for his true love .
6 Productivity has been maintained , as far as possible , by the increasing use of artificial fertilizers , but it has proved very difficult to keep up the humus level on which a good soil structure depends .
7 Then Boy cut to a black and white film in which a good man comes back from the war in uniform and finds his wife hostessing a party in black satin with orchids , and he throws out her gin-drinking friends , and she says to them , laughing but then not laughing at all , my husband would like to be alone with me .
8 There was nothing he had to do to earn it , or nothing to threaten his security , except a too-rapid recovery , which he daily prayed against and which a good God would surely not allow — at least until summer came in and clothed a scarred earth with kindliness .
9 The Liberal Democrats happen to believe that investing in our children 's future will provide the highest dividends of all ; and the better quality of life which a good education brings .
10 Proof-reading is of the abysmal quality we 've come to expect from this particular publisher , and there 's a certain amount of sloppiness and inaccuracy which a good editor would have pruned .
11 As a result they are merely measures of the degree of indentation of the coast , and ‘ tell little which a good map does not tell much better ’ Johnson , 1919 , P. 171 ) .
12 What is known is that nearly 8000 young people leave care each year at 18 and many others at 16 and 17 , and are not provided with any semblance of the help and support which a good parent would give not only to these age groups but often to many young people of 19 , 20 or even older .
13 It is probably true that in most online catalogue searching both recall and precision are much lower than that which a good intermediary would obtain in reference retrieval searching .
14 I think they rather wanted me to wear my old farm clothes , but we compromised with a grey check skirt which a good friend gave me , and a blue jumper .
15 But beneath this exterior there lived a man who treated the islanders with the affection which a good father bestows on his slightly wayward children .
16 Alternatively , Small and Hoy have tabulated a series of group molar attraction constants from which a good estimate of δ for most polymers can be made .
17 They saw the role of the state not merely as a set of instrumentalities for securing material welfare but as the focus of a sense of community and citizenship , an institution in which a good common to all classes and recognizable to all interest groups could be articulated .
18 The issues which will inevitably come up in one form or another include ‘ no first use ’ of nuclear weapons , about which a good deal has been written , not least in No-First-Use ( Blackaby et al . ,
19 Hypotheses which are worth testing can only be developed in areas about which a good deal is known , i.e. where a great deal of empirical field data has already been collected .
20 it 'll give somebody a good laugh
21 I mean it , they complain and moan about the N H S , but basically its a good system
22 Its a good ending
23 well a number of things have come up so let's just take a couple of votes as er , from hearing from a few people and of which people have n't managed to speak so , first of all , er , er people talked about fear being larger than the incidence of assault , are you afraid to go out in the dark ? , button one for yes and button two for no do you find that your afraid to go out in the dark , and then this hundred and that 's a very , I mean that 's , that 's a very significant figure fifty seven out of this hundred women say yes that their afraid to go out in the dark from time to time , I mean that , that is not as it should be , let me ask you are you ever afraid in your own home ? , button one for yes and button two for no and that two is a very worrying figure , twenty nine of of this hundred say yes their afraid in their home , let me ask you this have you trained in self defence ? , button one for yes and button two for no , I mean its something that comes up from time to time and I do n't know what your view and whether or not its a good idea , well twelve of the hundred here have er , eighty eight say no , of those twelve would you recommend it ? , did it make you feel better ? , yes
24 — Well mate , its a good question , what with winter coming and the need to feed the soil in preparation for laying the seedlings .
25 The firm boasts that it is ‘ one of the biggest and most innovative pharmaceutical businesses in the world ’ , but Zeneca has a problem : how to prove its a good buy .
26 after horseracing 's big festival we 've got Greyhounds gala event this Saturday … six dogs will be racing in the pall mall final at Oxford 's Cowley Stadium … five thousand pounds to the winner … its a good night
27 There 's lots of music and its a good night out for families .
28 its a good draw for Town … they must fancy their chances …
29 Mm , if its a good record , yeah , how d' ya like that ? could you taste the rum ?
30 Terry Biddlecombe says its a good horse and he thinks this is magic for racing … lots of happy people who own their own horse
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