Example sentences of "[pron] of the two " in BNC.

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1 It may be that neither statement need be held to subtract from the other , but there could well be some dispute as to which of the two is the more deeply entrenched in the novel .
2 When he is shown a pair of faces and has to decide which of the two is a celebrity , he performs at chance level , even though he performs almost as well as normal subjects on this task when the faces are replaced by their names .
3 Which of the two ?
4 Which of the two was in the eye of the beholder .
5 The more immediate problem , however , was which of the two Boards ( trade or education ) should have overall authority for the juvenile side of the exchanges and Churchill may well have sensed that a controversy was brewing .
6 Which of the two alternatives represents greater success ?
7 Which of the two supermarkets do you think would be the most successful , and why ?
8 Centred on one Sir Colenso Rigeon , a caricature of Wright , it concerned the decision as to which of the two men should be saved from death — a sixpenny doctor ( ’ an honest decent man , but is he any use ? ’ ) or a scoundrel of an artist ( ’ a rotten background , but he 's a genuine source of pretty and pleasant and good things ’ ) .
9 In the case of Irish union the pre-existing parliaments are nowhere expressly abolished ; on the other hand , it is nowhere stated , or implied of necessity , in any of the union legislation , that one of the pre-existing parliaments was continued under a new style and , indeed , if this view were to be adopted , one is left with the question as to which of the two pre-existing parliaments it is which has survived .
10 Benny was also putting off telling her own parents about the accident , but she had to decide which of the two nuns to talk to on Eve 's behalf .
11 In the survey , people had said which of the two factors was more important to them .
12 It is difficult to establish which of the two scientific theories could hold sway .
13 Which of the two was it ?
14 It will simply be a case of which of the two areas can muster the greatest amount of support in order to secure the development for their own area !
15 ( Which of the two horses , if either , was responsible for the accident is not stated . )
16 So , the first question the CDA would always have to put was : which of the two objectives did those advocating rescue want ?
17 The reader is also invited to ponder which of the two proofs gives him the greater personal satisfaction .
18 In another experiment , subjects were woken either five or fifteen minutes after REM sleep had started , and asked to estimate which of the two intervals had been used .
19 Since this shot occurs in two different scenes , maybe he tried it both ways , but it looks the same in each , tough repeated inspection fails to disclose conclusively which of the two possibilities it actually is .
20 Where a fraudster has tricked , first , the signer of the document , in order to induce the signature , and then some third party , who is induced to rely on the signed document , which of the two victims is the law to prefer ?
21 It can not be an informed decision unless the person who has provided the specimens of breath knows that there are two possible specimens which can be substituted for them and has been given the opportunity of making representations as to which of the two types of specimen it should be .
22 Following the further arguments of which we have had the benefit , I should find it very difficult , in conscience , to reach a conclusion adverse to the appellants on the basis of a technical rule of construction requiring me to ignore the very material which in this case indicates unequivocally which of the two possible interpretations of section 63(2) of the Act of 1976 was intended by Parliament .
23 After the conclusion of the first hearing , it came to your Lordships ' attention that an examination of the proceedings in Parliament in 1976 which lead to the enactment of sections 61 and 63 might give a clear indication which of the two rival contentions represented the intention of Parliament in using the statutory words .
24 Today , somehow , she would find out which of the two of them he really loved .
25 It is not an argument over which of the two screening strategies will confer the greater medical benefit .
26 Which of the two you buy depends on your needs ; the HP is better , but more expensive .
27 Notice that we have said nothing yet about the possibility of actually deciding , in a given instance , which of the two mutually exclusive classes the posited existent belongs to .
28 She was tirelessly willing to discuss things in the manner of the country ; to sit down with a landlord , for example , and answer such questions as whether England was smaller than London , and which of the two belonged to France , and how much larger the Turkish navy was than those of England , France and Russia put together .
29 An application for annulment of a bankruptcy order must specify on which of the two alternative grounds in s 282(1) it is made and in either case must be supported by an affidavit ( r 6.206 ) .
30 Which of the two is correct ?
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