Example sentences of "[pron] be [vb pp] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 During his stay in Istanbul he was treated with the greatest respect by his former students , among whom are mentioned three important muderrises of the city , two from the Sahn and one from the Murad Pasa medrese .
2 The largest of these is The Desktop Publishing Company which uses a network of independent consultants among whom are numbered most of the better-known experts .
3 The governing body of the agency is the board of directors consisting of eleven members , all appointed by parliament , but five of them are appointed pursuant to the recommendation of the following bodies , namely : the organizations dealing with the environment , one by the trade unions , one by the employers ' organization , one by Social Security , and one by the various organizations presently dealing with state assets .
4 These three big creatures dominate the composition , but around them are introduced small figures .
5 Again the stone walls are dark and streaked with rain and age , and along them are ranged carved figures , many badly worn and now almost unrecognizable .
6 Negative , extremist , in them are fused sectarian party orthodoxy and individual self-deliverance .
7 Eventually everyone leaves the room to shower and drink coffee and do all things that people usually do after intercourse — communally in this case — and Samantha and I are left alone .
8 Just as I am drawing his attention to the point and beginning what I know will be a long and wearying discussion , Mirsal , who has been fighting the cabman about his fare outside , appears and lets loose such a torrent of thumbnail word portraits of the clerk 's family that , used as I am to his powers in this respect , I am struck dumb with admiration .
9 I am struck all of a heap .
10 Re-reading the paper which formed the background to this presentation , I am struck most of all by the difficulties there are in moving from a statement in critique — containing arguments about the weaknesses in our current models of design understanding , such as our failure to be able to define satisfactorily either design phenomena or design activity or to assert powerfully enough , and at the right levels , design 's wider social significance — to positive statements ; to being able to say this is the phenomena with which design is concerned , this is the nature of design activity , this , therefore , is the significance of design — epistemologically , socially , and practically .
12 Q What happens if I am ill , have an accident or I am made redundant ?
13 ‘ I have n't actually fixed a time when I will return , it just depends when I am made some offers . ’
14 Maybe it is for myself I mind , rather than for him ! 'T IS not so much that Richard is bound for sanctuary — as that I am denied such privilege .
15 I am bent gouged pinched and tugged at , and squeezed into this funny shape .
16 Alas that today of all days , when there will be opportunity for further converse with him , I am laid low with this horrid malady ! ’
17 I can only hope I am proved wrong : things have gone too far to turn back the tide .
18 We need to move somewhat quickly , and I am reminded that , I did see Caroline come in , but we have two people who 've come in connection with item fifteen , Community Concerns in East Oxford , are you agreed that we take that now , so that they can
19 If I buy a bus ticket for two persons , I am issued separate tickets .
20 If I buy a rail ticket for two persons , I am issued separate tickets .
21 Provided I am focused 100 per cent , I will win it .
22 Every minute , say , I am delivered one of these standard electrons .
23 It has been suggested that she had a secret , ironic intention , but I doubt it : she wished to give souvenirs to a number of people , and that there should be no cause for jealousy between them — though I am told that jealousy arose .
24 Reliance was apparently placed — I say ‘ apparently ’ because there is nothing in the papers which indicates clearly one way or the other what the view of the justices ' clerk was on this subject — I am told that reliance was placed on section 8(3) which provides : ‘ For the purposes of this Act ‘ family proceedings ’ means any proceedings … ( b ) under the enactments mentioned in subsection ( 4 ) . ’
25 It has also become evident from recent literature that there was nothing like a " simultaneous " extinction of many different groups , either within the brachiopods alone or within the organic world in general , at the end of the Permian ; I am told that plant spores , at least , still show an uncannily rapid change at this level all round the world , though the big change in plant macrofossils seems to have come much later .
26 Next year I shall plant crown imperials , Fritillaria imperialis , round the garden as I am told this will deter even the most persistent mole .
27 I would like to know if anyone else has had to pay for shore dives as I am told this is an illegal practice .
28 I am told this is the norm .
29 When will I be given some responsibility ?
30 Chairman I 'm , I 'm conscious that this amended recommendation will cause some disappointment among the support of the Brandon bypass , but I generally feel that some form of agreement can be reached with Norfolk County Council and Breckland District Council and indeed the Norfolk Member of Parliament , if I 'm given more time to review the situation in the light of other proposals on the A eleven , the A one three , four and in Thetford .
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