Example sentences of "[pron] of [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It has , however , become the habit to assume that Central Office is of little importance immediately after an election and to give the chairman 's job to some minor figure in the party , replacing him later with someone of greater stature .
2 Three horsemen left , members of the armed household , and someone of greater consequence accompanied by three or four servants on garrons but no pack-mules .
3 She felt it would have to be an MP or someone of similar standing in order that her story would at least be believed .
4 Someone of great influence in Britain must have exercised it on his behalf but who did so is not known .
5 In some organisations such as the armed forces , rank is a clear expression of authority , and orders gain credibility because they come from someone of higher rank .
6 An intention to kill must be proved in order to convict someone of attempted murder .
7 These prior conditions may be determined by a chief constable or his deputy , or someone of equivalent rank in the Metropolitan police .
8 She seemed a thoughtful person , someone of like nature to Mary Smith , but with much more up top .
9 Naturally , she 'd heard of this legendary Tech-Green , and was disappointed someone of such intelligence and vision had allowed maudlin dross to get in the way of his career .
10 It makes one wonder about that when one hears of someone of such frailty being pursued and put in prison for failing to pay a tax that everyone recognises was nonsensical from the moment that it was introduced .
11 ‘ I knew someone of that name a long time ago .
12 When young people form a strong attachment to someone of another race or religion , parents and elders may well express surprise .
13 A woman is the ‘ opposite ’ to Christ in a way in which someone of another race is not .
14 He wanted someone of high calibre , with business and administrative skills , who was outside the traditional courtier mould yet compatible with the Old Guard already in situ .
15 Thus someone of mature judgement and sophisticated taste has to be taught and examined in literature alongside someone who has chosen that subject because it is thought to be relatively easy , has no aptitude for it nor any possible interest except in getting through the examination .
16 If they provide excellent support for someone of heavy build they 're most unlikely to suit anyone lighter .
17 I 've no wish for someone of unknown parentage to inherit after my death . ’
18 The next move was to find a chairman from the ranks of the great and the good , someone of acknowledged independence who combined the qualities of Solomon and Job .
19 For someone of this persuasion , who does not want to attribute everything to the workings of power , the problem obviously arises of why the sexes should have distinctive linguistic subcultures at all .
20 However , although the age of consent is fifteen , it is illegal to prescribe the oral contraceptive for someone of this age .
21 She brought as a present a portrait of Mother Mary as she appeared to the children at Fatima , executed by someone of sentimental disposition , and a statue of the Virgin Mary , the mould fashioned by someone of a melancholy and austere frame of mind .
22 His alternative is what he calls an ‘ appreciative ’ stance : ‘ These appreciative sentiments are easily summarized : we do not for a moment wish that we could rid ourselves of deviant phenomena .
23 Out of the hundreds of pictures that my husband Bob Turner and I took , we decided to publish a book by ourselves of 130 images showing the life , culture and people of Calcutta .
24 However frightening a panic attack may be we must always remind ourselves of one fact : none of the symptoms of a panic attack can harm us .
25 Commenting on the transactions , Joe Darby , LASMO 's Chief Executive , said today : ‘ These disposals are part of our continuing strategy to reduce debt and gearing and to divest ourselves of peripheral assets when attractive prices can be obtained .
26 It is relevant to describe these experiences in order to raise issues , to remind ourselves of important topics and to offer local solutions to some of the problems which arise .
27 In order to believe in the Devil we must rid ourselves of unhelpful images of him ( though we do not need to wax philosophical about him as I did for the doubting lady ! ) .
28 What Gunn means by this is , I think , that everyone realises the risks but yet we all feel a tendency to delude ourselves of any possibility that it might happen to us .
29 We may assert that people are essentially good and born in a ‘ state of grace ’ because we need to convince ourselves of these facts .
30 Videos : Yours of 1 June
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