Example sentences of "[pron] be in the " in BNC.

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1 The first match at the Hillsborough Centre , Sheffield , is against the Lancashire County U18s , several of whom are in the England squad .
2 Prosecutor Dorian Lovell-Pank told the court : ‘ A group of people , not all of whom are in the dock , were engaged in the wholesale theft or handling of a vast amount of property .
3 Working on the template agreed with his fellow coaches , McGeechan and Douglas Morgan , Dixon has brought a dynamism to the driving mauls , mostly triggered from clean lineout ball , which had seemed largely beyond the Scottish Exiles — four of whom are in the pack — when they attempted to deploy that tactic during the inter-district championship .
4 I think that if you 've only got twenty spaces then that 's difficult because we 've got a hundred and something members most of whom are in the central belt
5 Although the sport and television market appears to be a free-for-all to delight the most Darwinist of entrepreneurs , a scrutiny of those top five private networks soon reveals that four of them are in the hands of a holding firm called Finvest , which is itself the broadcasting vehicle of the Socialist-leaning businessman Silvio Berlusconi .
6 ‘ Most of them are in the south of England , which could , in the next 10 years , see the top teams coming from Chichester or Eastbourne , ’ Roberts said .
7 Some of them are in the library .
8 Although he produced Venetian and Italian vedute his views of Poland and Germany are the most sought after , although most of them are in the Dresden Museum and National Museum in Warsaw .
9 ‘ There are adequate championship courses in Britain and many of them are in the top hundred in the world .
10 Most of them are in the name of Thomas Leavy , a cover identity originally provided by the CIA in 1982 and reinforced by the DIA in 1990 for Operation Shakespeare .
11 Many of them are in the south of England , in seats held by Conservative Members of Parliament .
12 And to add to all the infamous circumstances which concur to plague a traveller , I must not forget the eternally meeting with chalk-waggons ; themselves frequently stuck fast , till a collection of them are in the same situation , and twenty or thirty horses may be tacked to each , to draw them out one by one .
13 Most of them are in the outer and inner narthices , on the walls , lunettes and in the ceiling shallow domes and ribbed cupolas .
14 Them are in the
15 So that you may find that all the hesitations are by women , or most of them by women , or most of them are in the pub , or most of them are a after ten at night , or ar you know , you can look at the context in which certain words , certain conversational gambits that some of them use .
16 ‘ This day have I been in the library and it has been very interesting .
17 ‘ And whatever the way of it , had I been in the Lord Owen 's place , with my chief enemy thus presented naked into my hand , I doubt if I could have resisted the temptation .
18 I been in the shower .
19 I been in the shower .
20 Sara and I are in the front bedroom .
21 Please inform the parents that my brother and I are in the best of health .
22 Never in my life , he wrote , have I known so exactly what step to take after the step I am in the process of taking , and then what step to take after the step I will take after the step I am in the process of taking .
23 Never in my life , he wrote , have I known so exactly what step to take after the step I am in the process of taking , and then what step to take after the step I will take after the step I am in the process of taking .
24 Patrick Scott , managing director of BSB Datavision , said : ‘ I hope I am in the embarrassing situation of earning more than BSB . ’
25 Now , many years later , I am in the luxury of a hire car .
26 I am in the pink , ’ said Dot , though she knew she was n't or she would n't have allowed herself to weep the day before .
27 But whenever I am in the United States , or near an American Center in Kyoto , Paris or Seoul , I always look at the Washington , DC telephone directory and seek out Dana 's name , address and number .
28 About half-an-hour before his death , he said , ‘ I am dying ’ , and soon after added , ‘ ‘ I am in the high road to heaven . ' ’
29 Living in both Manchester and Leeds , I am in the position to be able to put a few things straight .
30 I am in the process of fitting scaffolding runner boards to offer some protection , but it is still a concern that I could explode because of a minor accident Are there any cases of this happening ?
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