Example sentences of "[art] time being [coord] " in BNC.

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1 Ron Birch , the protest leader , said they would accept the fence for the time being but would step up their campaign to protect the trees from a surprise attack by council workmen .
2 I am happy here for the time being but want the chance to move on to bigger things in the future . ’
3 Intervention by the library committee has prevented the sales for the time being but it will be difficult to monitor such activities in the long term .
4 He conceded that his preferred solution of involving the Soviet Union in a guarantee was impracticable for the time being but it remained the most satisfactory long-term solution .
5 I 'll tell you what it 's a sound argument for the time being but it 's not a sound argument if we 're involved in a management buy out .
6 By investing a few million pounds into the anti-poaching forces of Kenya and Tanzania , as is happening at the moment , we will probably reduce and even stop the poaching problem for the time being but the long-term survival of the elephant in eastern Africa is going to depend ultimately on those countries ' abilities to incorporate wildlife and wild area protection into an overall land use policy .
7 ‘ Interest rates are in the driving seat for the time being and it is still too early to buy , ’ says Mr Tora .
8 Other companies still in dispute with Disney have agreed not to press their claims for the time being and will call off plans for a demonstration at Sunday 's opening ceremony .
9 None the less , the Barclay offer had been instrumental in saving the statue for the nation at least for the time being and , soon after , the Minister for the Arts announced that an export licence had been refused .
10 The prescribed element is , in effect , frozen for the time being and should not be paid by the employer .
11 The effect of reading a Bill a second time is to curb further debate on the general principle for the time being and cause the Bill to go straight to the next stage , which is the committee stage .
12 ‘ But I am ready to ignore any further transfer rumours for the time being and concentrate on making this a successful season for Rangers . ’
13 After the hearing the mother asked the local authority to accommodate the two boys for the time being and that was done by placement in foster care .
14 In the light of the foregoing material and pending the conclusion of the investigation that has been undertaken at the request of the Chief Executive , the board resolved that , in the interests of investors , Norwich Union should for the time being and with immediate effect be prohibited from : ( 1 ) accepting any new investment business from the Winchester Group or any company representative of the Winchester Group and in particular entering into any investment contract with any investor introduced by the Winchester Group or any such company representative ; and ( 2 ) soliciting investment business from members of the public through the Winchester Group or any of its company representatives .
15 Iris elected to remain with Philippe Bonard for the time being and Jack undertook to drive her back when she was ready .
16 However , due to the limited capacities of the Committee it was recommended that the group should concentrate on running the centre more effectively for the time being and to engage management consultants to help it develop the capacity to run more complicated projects .
17 In Wisconsin the Assembly agreed not to vote on an abortion measure , thereby killing a revised bill for the time being and allowing a stringent , but inoperable , law imposing criminal penalties for doctors performing abortions to remain in force .
18 It was announced that despite the signing of the peace agreement between the government and the Communist Party of Malaya ( CPM ) on Dec. 2 , 1989 [ see p. 37124 ] , the Internal Security Act ( ISA ) would continue to be enforced for the time being and that there were no plans to legalize the CPM as a political party .
19 All this reflected a recognition at the highest political level that the country 's foreign relations must include , at least for the time being and probably permanently , an unprecedented effort to shape and direct opinion abroad .
20 He seemed to have resolved his sexual hang-ups for the time being and was content with his lonely existence .
21 er for the time being and if you ask Dave about this thing you 've missed and also about what this business about erm cos he has explained it to me but I 'm not quite sure about it , this business of keeping a , a sort of l record of all the practicals for this term
22 You just tip it carefully that will do for the time being and eat those first
23 If you do n't get a job , I will get a job for the time being and you want me to take some money off your bill , you can get rid of some of that rubbish out in that fucking shed , in the back of that van
24 Then , as section 2 of the 1980 Act , they have the duty , originally spelt out in section 1 of the 1948 Act , to receive a child into care where it appears that a child under 17 ‘ has neither parent nor guardian or is lost or that his parents or guardian are , for the time being or permanently , prevented by reason of mental or bodily disease or infirmity or other incapacity or any other circumstances from providing for his proper accommodation , maintenance and upbringing ; and in either case , that the intervention of the local authority under this section is necessary in the interests of the welfare of the child ’ .
25 A decision now has to be made about whether this rearrangement is acceptable for the time being or whether some further rearrangement might be more satisfactory .
26 ( 3 ) The tenant should try to insert reference to the tenant being construed to be : the tenant for the time being or better still : while this Lease shall be vested in the Tenant This is to obviate the remote possibility of an argument as to whether the bankruptcy or liquidation of the original tenant ( after an assignment ) who will presumably still be within the definition of " the Tenant " could affect the re-entry provisions contained in the lease .
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