Example sentences of "[art] time [prep] his " in BNC.

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1 Something terrible had happened in the time between his looking away and looking back .
2 The round number " 40 " occurs at almost every new stage in Israel 's history : e.g. at the flood , the time of the spies in Canaan , Elijah 's journey to Horeb , Jesus ' time in the wilderness , and the time between his resurrection and ascension .
3 Carl changed the time on his watch .
4 Joe was in good form , though the time for his retirement was drawing near , and he was already beginning to feel a bit lost and abandoned by people who once fawned on him .
5 Surely this was the time for his girlfriend to give Vitor all her support ?
6 He had spent a while in the toilet , most of the time with his ear to the stethoscope-like instrument he 'd pressed against the closed door .
7 Evan spends much of the time with his eyes clamped shut , rocking gently and scraping notes out of his sore , croaking throat .
8 From Ajaccio they travelled by bus to Porto Vecchio , Minton sleeping much of the time with his mouth open and head lolling against Ross 's shoulder .
9 As well as the horror stories of the tsarist penal system and the Stalinist GULag , there are also examples of those exiles who managed to lead a relatively comfortable , if spartan , existence , taking regular exercise , hunting for sport , reading , writing and corresponding fairly freely with fellow exiles , enjoying connubial pleasures and composing theoretical treatises — one thinks particularly of Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov/Lenin who spent three reasonably fruitful and unexacting years , most of the time with his wife , Nadezhda Krupskaya , living as a political exile in the home of a rich peasant in the village of Shushenskoe in southern Siberia ( 1897–1900 ) .
10 I had a vague impression of their father but he had spent most of the time with his head in his hands .
11 ‘ I never think about Kev 's age and most of the time with his vast experience he 's one step ahead of the strikers we face .
12 He lived for most of the time at his family seat at Laxton Hall , Northamptonshire , with his wife and only daughter , and frequented St. Saviour 's Church for the Deaf in London .
13 ‘ If Sir Vivien had reached the fifteenth green at the time of his abduction and Bonzo arrived in the clubhouse at ten o'clock , we can assume that Sir Vivien himself must have begun his round at , shall we say , about half past eight . ’
14 Out of a desire to protest against the ‘ oppression and exploitation ’ he saw around him , he began to write short stories , by the time of his death over a hundred had been published .
15 Pound — thanks to Hewlett probably more than anyone else — had , at the time of his dinner party for Hewlett and Prothero and the rest , the chance of moving into that society .
16 More recently , he relocated the Schools Canteen from dingy basement to gleaming mezzanine and at the time of his death had nearly completed his greatest coup .
17 At the time of his death he had just completed a second , much fuller edition , to be published in 1990 .
18 Montgomery ( a very outdated figure at the time of his death in 1976 ) had been Britain 's last military hero , and he seemed as remote as Wellington or Marlborough .
19 Such reminiscence of childhood presented at once as reality and illusion came frequently to Eliot around the time of his conversion .
20 At the time of his trip he was such a novelty that he was featured in several Reykjavik newspapers , and treated with great hospitality wherever he went .
21 Goya 's life , on the other hand , coincides with the decline and ultimate collapse of the Empire ; Spanish rule in America had been overthrown by the time of his death in 1828 .
22 Which opera was Puccini working on at the time of his death ?
23 He is suing Jocelyn Timothy Thomas , a solicitor who held his late brother 's will at the time of his death , for negligence to the tune of £4 million .
24 The question , for instance , whether the goods of a person who dies intestate ought to be divided among his relations according to the rules of English or of some foreign law , will be decided by an English court , not according to the citizenship , but according to the domicile of the deceased at the time of his death .
25 For the present we may note that every person is considered to start life with a ‘ domicile or origin ’ , which will be , as a rule , the domicile of his father at the time of his birth ; and that this domicile of origin continues until it is shown that some other domicile has been acquired , and is restored whenever an acquired domicile is lost without the acquisition of another .
26 ‘ practically , to each particular person , the time of his own death is the time of the Lord 's coming . ’
27 Sam , about 16 months old , has had the time of his life with Peter .
28 By the time of his third Melbourne Cup in November he had already won eight races as a five-year-old and had become a national idol , but the handicapper had shovelled ten stone ten pounds on his back for the Cup , so it was no disgrace when he could finish only eighth .
29 Norton 's Coin won four point-to-points out of ten runs over three seasons and then developed into a good chaser : by the time of his Gold Cup attempt he had won four of his fourteen races under Rules , including a valuable chase at Cheltenham the previous April .
30 During our work with this widow , whose husband had died very unexpectedly , it turned out that since the time of his death until the time she contacted us , she had kept herself in a state of perpetual motion between her house and that of her son who lived some fifty miles away .
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