Example sentences of "[art] more [subord] a " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Oh , Beth , I do love you , ’ she said : the two of them laughing all the more when a little voice piped up from its place at the table , ‘ I do love you too ! ’
2 England 's Nigel Redman gets beats the Eagles ' Chuck Tunnacliffe ( left ) and Norm Mottram ( black headband ) to the ball with a more than a little help from prop Jason Leonard as England beat the USA 37–9 in their World Cup Pool One clash .
3 I said well no I cos I said I expected a co I think she deserved a more than a commended .
4 Philistinism is rife , and it is high time for some loud restatement of the old conservationist maxim that ownership is no more than a temporary rental on the nation 's heritage .
5 But it is still no more than a performance .
6 A cordon is no more than a single stem which fruits all the way along .
7 The side kick delivered from the back foot is comparatively slow and does no more than a good front kick .
8 Nevertheless , a foot sweep does require a lot of power to prevent it from degenerating into no more than a shin attack .
9 Some broken bones have no more than a hairline crack in them , but this is enough to cause your withdrawal from competition , regardless of the stage you are at .
10 Otherwise you may aggravate something that , with a little rest and good management , could have been no more than a minor injury .
11 But someone committed to a thorough-going naturalism is no more prepared to allow to the mind mysterious properties than he is prepared to allow them to matter : for the thorough-going naturalist , after all , mind is no more than a manifestation of matter .
12 The worst case was in July 1989 when an alternator set fell off at around 100mph at Harrow on the main line into Euston and caused a major derailment , fortunately with no more than a few injuries .
13 The rhetoric may point to extreme scepticism or Pyrrhonism but its users , if pressed , are likely to retreat to positions which are no more than a modified version of traditional ones .
14 A natural response to this state of affairs would be to say that theory cut off from the writing of literature is no more than a sterile academicism .
15 Eliot seems to have ignored these suggestions because for him the physical and social landscape of London was no more than a screen on which to project a phantasmagoria that expressed his own personal disorders and desperations ( partly sexual , as one might expect , and as the drafts make clear ) ; whereas Pound seems to have supposed that the subject of the poem was London in all its historical and geographical actuality , much as the city of Dublin was from one point of view the subject of Joyce 's Ulysses .
16 It had not occurred to us that this ranging survey of the idioms of English and incidentally French verse had been no more than a ‘ prologue ’ — and to what , for heaven 's sake ?
17 It seems no more than a charming anecdote , but when Professor Davie cites Bunting 's tale in Under Briggflatts , his history of British poetry since 1960 , he calls the incident ‘ challenging ’ .
18 The manager thought his lunchtime call to Anfield was no more than a formality .
19 Offending policemen frequently receive no more than a dishonourable discharge , and may resume killing in plain clothes , Mr Santos said , while some adolescents — who under Brazilian law are not criminally responsible - are also employed to kill other children .
20 ‘ Labour 's supposed conversion to multilateralism is no more than a confidence trick to try to make Labour electable .
21 All of us that is except uncle Eugenio , who had never been to see a film , saying that it was a fraud , all illusion , and that when the lights went up and all the characters disappeared the screen was no more than a rag .
22 That was at most a couple of miles up the road and no more than a few pence on the bus .
23 They were sweeping over the ancient continent of Africa , the everlasting wastelands of the desert no more than a patch on a great patchwork quilt .
24 Ferrari chose to hide its two-pedal Mondial on component supplier Valeo 's stand in the faint hope of convincing people its clutchless transmission was no more than a experimental engineering car .
25 Until then the Polo is no more than a worthy evolution of a familiar species and merely addresses the most urgent problems that nearly 10 years of standing still have created .
26 But he hesitated for no more than a moment before stepping inside and when the door was closed he took refuge in clowning .
27 A last uneasy look at the chief inspector told him his visitor was genuinely interested , paying no more than a routine call .
28 Happily , these include some of the most desperate cases , like Borringdon , a once-magnificent Elizabethan house outside Plymouth which was no more than a gutted shell clinging to a precipice , but today is a comfortable country house hotel .
29 The truth he got , but , when he rose to his feet at the splendid Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre to declare the summit open , no more than a few people present had any inkling of what he was about to say .
30 It was no more than a shadow on his deepening melancholy .
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