Example sentences of "[art] [v-ing] out [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In seminar teaching it should elicit feedback , questioning , the bringing out of implications or contradictions , and the opening up of fresh aspects of the subject .
2 the first level was concerned with the stamping out of political regionalism and other local attitudes that limited central authority .
3 Revenue-raising measures under the plan included ( i ) the stamping out of tax evasion , especially of capital gains tax , and reform of the tax penal law ; ( ii ) increases in general taxes on assets ( up by 2 per cent ) and on assets in the services sector ( up by 4 per cent ) ; ( iii ) higher taxes on the purchase and sale of foreign exchange , although the stamp tax would be eliminated and import tariffs cut to 11 per cent for semi-finished goods and raw materials , while previous item-specific duties would be replaced by a single 22 per cent duty ; ( iv ) the elimination of remaining tax discrimination favouring foreign investments ; ( v ) the increase of value added tax ( VAT ) to rates of between 16 and 25 per cent and increased taxes on bank loans ; and ( vi ) rises of 33 per cent in fuel taxes and adjustments in the rates charged for all public services , which acknowledged the continuing steep fall of the austral against the dollar .
4 Corporatist arrangements may be given effect to formally by statute ( as in the case of the complex system of structured self-regulation established by the Financial Services Act 1986 ) or by contract ( as in the case of the contracting out of the running of the register of fighting dogs ) ; or they may operate purely by way of informal agreement .
5 Over her eleven year premiership the only substantial issue of penal policy in which Mrs Thatcher played a decisive part was the privatization of prisons and remand centres , and the contracting out of certain criminal justice services .
6 However , the claim begins to look exaggerated in the context of the causes of the growth ; in particular , the contracting out of services from the productive industries .
7 This takes two forms : the contracting out of clinical work to private hospitals and competitive tendering for the provision of non-medical services such as cleaning , catering and laundry services .
8 This is partly the result of government cutbacks but it also reflects the closure of business activities which were judged not to be viable plus the contracting out of many non-technical services and a continuing quest to achieve greater efficiency in all aspects of the business .
9 To ask the Secretary of State for Health what representations he has received on the contracting out of hospital ancillary services ; and if he will make a statement .
10 Wherefore your petitioners pray that your honourable House halt the contracting out of the maintenance of the Royal Parks .
11 In part , these demand changes reflect broader issues regarding the contracting out of local authority services .
12 The paper included plans to privatize British Rail and London buses , to increase competition for the Post Office , to expedite the contracting out of local authority services to the private sector , and to shorten waiting times for hospital admissions .
13 The Kantineservice case did not cover franchise or licence businesses but covered the contracting out of services by a customer to an independent contractor .
14 For many organisations , the first port of call is the legal department , which this year has continued to receive a range of enquiries on charity formation , interpretation of constitutions , company law , trading activities , and the contracting out of services , amongst others .
15 For example , with the creation of hospital trusts , with the opting out of schools , with the contracting out of local government services .
16 But he said the RMT were still opposed to the contracting out of the fencing and tree lopping work .
17 The residents , from all over the city , are furious that the Housing and Urban Development Bill will take away their right to veto the contracting out of housing management .
18 Thus , cases such as Expro Services Ltd v Smith [ 1991 ] IRLR 156 , involving the contracting out by the Ministry of Defence of its catering function , should not fail in the future on the grounds that the catering operation , as carried on by the Ministry , was not in the nature of a commercial venture .
19 The levelling out of investment is worrying because it needs to grow so that UK industry can keep up with international competitors , ’ Mr Sentance said .
20 ‘ Mr Cameron , are you suggesting that your repeated speeches — and mind , we have abundant eye-witness testimony concerning them — contained no word about the driving out of proprietors ?
21 Abuse of Market Power — Consultative Document on Possible Legislative Options , considers practices such as companies ' refusal to supply or the driving out of competitors through loss-making pricing , to be anti-competitive .
22 Those who believe that the growth of planned economy brings with it the possibility ( on the narrow basis of the dying out of the law of value ) of acting just as one pleases , do not understand the ABC of economic science .
23 Music for entertainment … seems to complement the reduction of people to silence , the dying out of speech as expression , the inability to communicate at all .
24 Oh the nicking out of the er sheds , lawn mo , lawn mowers and things .
25 A similarly timid attitude had to be taken with regard to strikes by ASLEF , the train-drivers ' union , and the bailing out of British Rail .
26 The bailing out of weaker building societies must come to an end .
27 They may have had a function in aiding the picking out of broken threads on the loom .
28 The picking out in black paint of the window surrounds and pediment was also instigated by the Georgian rector , and is very much in the Welsh tradition .
29 From time to time persons distinguished in the fields of making war , healing , diplomacy , or mere grace in the sight of kings , have been granted augmentations to their armorial bearings ; and the discovery of , and comment on , these can — where they are relevant — make a small but useful contribution to the rounding out of a local history .
30 As long as the volume of work undertaken by house-building firms is dependent either upon local authority contracts or upon the doling out at yearly or half-yearly intervals of a meagre number of individual licences , so long will increased productivity , and the gearing to it of the output of the building materials industry , be impossible .
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