Example sentences of "[art] [vb base] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Still rattled , she walked away from the cab , leaving the remain in the front seat .
2 ‘ The wood turned beautifully , ’ Arthur recalled , tactfully refraining from comment on the qualify of the noise produced by the finished instrument .
3 Despite what the EAT in the Sen case go on to say about the Riley decision , it is submitted that it was an established rule of law as a result of that and other decisions that where an applicant instructs solicitors or advisors to act on his/her behalf and through their default the claim is presented out of time , the tribunal would not have exercised their discretion to allow the claim in .
4 The entail from the grandfather was on the eldest son .
5 ( First Edition ) ‘ MEN and women of metal ( mettle ? ) must come together to cheat the wind , ’ shouted the voiceover on the incomprehensible video , to the accompaniment of crashing cymbals and lurid flashing lights .
6 UNTIL lines is done in the correct manner , in that the NEXT is aligned with the FOR and the REPEAT with the UNTIL .
7 Muslim nationalists were encouraged to see themselves as the spearhead of the anti-colonial movement , and Lenin himself addressed their congress ( in November 1919 ) .
8 Professor Roger Scruton made himself the spearhead of the academic attack , especially in his Peace Studies : A Critical Survey ( with Baroness Cox , 1984 ) , and Education and Indoctrination ( with Angela Ellis-Jones and Dennis O'Keefe , 1985 ) .
9 There it is made clear that Urban Development Corporations , the spearhead of the development thrust , ‘ are the most important attack ever made on urban decay ’ ( ibid .
10 They are the spearhead of the Imperial army , capable of shattering almost any enemy line under the right circumstances .
11 It was the spearhead of the contest between King Henry II and his archbishop of Canterbury , Thomas Becket .
12 Lt.-Col. Hoffman von Waldau , the Chief-of-Staff of X Corps , which now formed the spearhead on the Right Bank , opened with a thoroughly gloomy report .
13 What they 're able to do with that money this year and in that way we can make a reasonable assessment as to what has to be done next year and the years after and budget all , but we 're talking about how they 're going to spend the money that we 've just earlier on voted for , for us so that we can see what is being done and also that the public can see because after all this all came up , the report to the ombudsman and the public will not be satisfied about our performance on that .
14 The Usher of the School
15 International interest in the sue of the plutonium from irradiated nuclear fuel has led to a joint venture with BNFL .
16 Well first of all I 'd go down Street and up Street West and up to the top of Street and there was some puddling furnaces , the new side iron works and I 'd watch those men they 'd produce wrought iron and during the process the metal boils up and I 'd have to get a big rubbling bar and rubble they 'd call rubble into a ball , there 's a little wagon put underneath the put under the wagon and off he goes to the steam hammer , now I used to be fascinated with this and Saturday after Saturday I used to go up there and watch one of the heats and as soon as they 'd finished doing they used to go into the Forge and Hammer for a drink , I mean it was such hard work so they 'd do a heat go up the Forge and Iron and come back and then do another heat when I 'd
17 After two days of feeding I release the fry into the tank ; the water is now similar to the jar water , and the temperature is , of course , identical .
18 Move all the Tanganyikans except the fry to the new tank ?
19 Should we separate the fry from the other fish ?
20 A few drops of liquifry should be added shortly after the eggs hatch to start an infusoria bloom in the tank ; alternatively you can culture this in a separate container and feed it to the fry from the 5th day .
21 The foot-army from Levenmouth is coming up through Glen Farg and expects to cross the Earn at the nearest main ford and march to their friends here at Scone .
22 Unbathed and weary from the bake of the sun and the refreshment of cool water , I am delicious with the skag inside my chest and the sweet , smoky aroma surrounding me , and the touch of my lover and his hot arms about my waist , and his
23 Day two of the seize of the George Hotel at Nailsworth at Gloucester , and the protestors were in a confident mood .
24 Tatham might have been a natural but Magill had been the achiever in the secret world .
25 In the opposite direction , firmer in outline , more clearly separated from the cling of the sky , the darker mountains of Wales set the boundary of his vision .
26 If we look at the look at the role that women play in our society today they have a very heavy burden already placed
27 It was the begin of the war .
28 The Manage of the Group Pay Department will be pleased to provide you with further information .
29 No , you got the lend of the one , he had a lend of the one you give to Nicholas .
30 We 're talking major league crunch here , aided and abetted by the sustain of the glued-neck construction and the vibrancy of alder and maple .
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