Example sentences of "[art] [det] than [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The problem always is to identify myths that support a mature life from those which distort the quality of living and mobilise only the less than adult , managerial capacities and capabilities of individuals in their work roles .
2 With a more than halving of losses in the second quarter to $48.7m ( 1992 : $100.2m loss ) , the worldwide underwriting deficit at the mid year was down by $106.2m from $235.2m ( representing 12.3% of premiums ) to $129.0m ( 6.1% of premiums ) , a reduction due largely to a substantial improvement in the UK result .
3 ‘ I doubt you will get into bad company whilst in my care ! ’ said the lady Alianor with a smile — she being renowned for plain-speaking no less than loyalty .
4 Year 3 : No less than Year 2 sales
5 But Donleavy , no less than Hurley , was anxious to get him back .
6 So in fact , self-knowledge requires no less than revelation .
7 ‘ The sort of judgmental work that the study suggests the external assessor will do will be of a much higher standard requiring people at no less than partner or senior manager level .
8 I insisted in my foreword that spiritual warfare was down to earth and it is no less than modernity where the battle is now raging .
9 His crime is blasphemy no less than theft , for from the beginning he lied impiously , saying he had his revelation from the saint , and he has covered his offence ever since with lie after lie .
10 This has been capped by the well publicised current appearance of no less than Rain Man ( Warner ) for sale ( £14.99 ) as well as for rent , when hitherto the two spheres have tacitly been regarded as mutually exclusive .
11 Death is n't ; at least , no more than birth is .
12 The ‘ best ’ rooms have chimney-pieces picked out in a canny false-stone effect ( in fact no more than mortar ) or else ornamented by rubbed and painted bricks .
13 In fact , contrary to what has sometimes been said about his modesty , he enjoyed talking about his work , even when it was no more than work in progress .
14 They were proceeding at no more than walking pace past the numerous hut-like structures around the perimeter of the Barracks , and Denis kept his gaze resolutely in front of him .
15 Unless those constitutional proposals are properly , fully and adequately addressed in a manner that both this House and the other place can accept , they are no more than pipe dreams .
16 It is very possible to sympathize in good part , if not entirely , with the psychologists and philosophers who were sceptical or uncertain of the worth of introspection as a source of knowledge , reluctant to attempt to deal with the unquantifiable , keen to be in accord with certain principles of scientific methodology , resistant to such free speculation as the Freudian kind , and who thus took the step of analysing ascriptions of consciousness into claims about no more than behaviour .
17 But evidence really amounts to no more than expression of the opinion by a particular practitioner of what he thinks that he would have done if he had been paid hypothetically without the benefit of hindsight the position of the defendant , with a little while the evidence of the witness is due , what in the matter of law the solicitor 's duty was in the particular circumstances of the case , I should have thought , being a solicitor the very question which the functions , to decide .
18 The insurgents in London in 1381 called for Fordham 's death , but in the event he suffered no more than damage to his house and wine-cellar .
19 When the Minister announced the scheme I described the measures as ’ no more than damage limitation measures .
20 Professor John Boardman , for instance , Lincoln Professor of Classical Art and Archaeology at Oxford University , recently shocked an audience of classicists by claiming that : ‘ The exploits of Theseus , the ancient Greek hero who tamed the Minotaur and repulsed the Amazon invasion of Attica , were probably no more than state propaganda invented to rouse nationalistic pride ’ and were ‘ manufactured to glorify the role of Athens in the Ionian revolt of 499 BC ’ ( Times Higher Educational Supplement 7.8.81 ) .
21 It may be argued that these proposals amount to no more than state capitalism .
22 If it is true that some of them are not quite what they were — and even this grasped-at straw is no more than speculation — we may rest assured that the successor generation brought on tour to breathe down their necks will be as good if not better .
23 This suggestion is , unfortunately , no more than speculation at this stage .
24 It can of course be no more than speculation to consider whether this total concern with instalment size makes people less likely to keep up conscientiously with the payments than they would be if they had a clear idea of their total commitment .
25 A second , conservation-oriented design met with more approval but action was blocked by the imposition of an environmental safeguard on the area by the then Minister for Beni culturali Vincenza Bono Parrino , which permitted no more than monitoring and surveying to be carried out .
26 Well , the cape would do no more than implicate Putt in the rape of the gipsy girl and it seems she 's married and gone .
27 However , they are names freely used by the locals and they are a great convenience , because they split the Basque country into three geographically distinct regions , from the coastal and no more than foot hilly Labourd , through the higher but still not fully mountainous Basse-Navarre , to the genuinely mountainous Soule , adjacent to the High Pyrenees .
28 Perhaps it was no more than frustration , a demand for physical relief .
29 Since considerations of probability are to the fore in one part of actual scientific practice bearing on causation , and there is little attempt to go beyond them , and there is to hand the Probability Calculus , we are invited to take it that causation can come to no more than probability .
30 The County Council has been very active in trying to find a way forward which retains the objective of relieving the A ten eighty eight of lorries , but reduces the rat run in through the small villages using what are no more than country lanes .
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