Example sentences of "[art] [num] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 THE 41-year-old chairman of the Shui On property and construction group , Vincent Lo , has risen sharply to political prominence since he was chosen by Peking in 1985 as one of the 180 members of its Basic Law Consultative Committee .
2 At 1100 hours all is set and the parade ground is filled by the long ranks of the 180 members of Training Company and the Pegasus Band all awaiting the arrival of the Inspecting Officer , Brigadier Mike Scott DSO CBE , who commanded the 1st Battalion of the Scots Guards in the Falklands War .
3 This makes for a very compact representation of a map ; for example the YAC map in Figure 3 can be completely specified by a file listing the 180 probes in order , with the chromosome/contig breaks marked .
4 Hitachi released the 2050 series predecessor to the 3050 machines in September 1985 , as Japan 's first Unix office processor .
5 Half of the 4,650 strikes in 1937 ( involving two million workers ) were over union recognition .
6 Biomass will combine a range of recycling techniques to deal with the 40,000 tons of domestic waste generated by the 125,000 residents of Halton every year .
7 The 74 heifers on offer returned great prices to top at £192 over for a 470kg Limousin selling at £662 , £140.85 per 100kg .
8 Given the 74 years of Communist dictatorship and the long period of Tsarist dictatorship before that , is it not essential to provide aid and assistance so that at long last Russia and the countries associated with the former Soviet Union can become stable democracies ?
9 Pereira 's defeat had been widely predicted following the rout of his nominally Marxist African Party for the Independence of Cape Verde ( PAICV ) in the first multiparty legislative elections , on Jan. 13 , when Monteiro 's Movement for Democracy ( MPD ) won 56 of the 79 seats in the National People 's Assembly [ see p. 37948 ] .
10 Legislative elections , held in two rounds on March 6 and March 13 , resulted in the Social Democratic Republican Party ( PRDS ) winning a majority of the 79 seats in the National Assembly .
11 And it is estimated that currently 87% of the 1,672,000 tonnes of pulp Britain imports each year has been chlorine-bleached .
12 The 97 employees of the company , based at Cleckheaton ,
13 The Nationals won 49 per cent of the vote and took 68 of the 97 seats in the unicameral parliament , an increase of 28 ; Labour polled 35 per cent and won 28 seats , a net loss of 28 ; and the left-wing New Labour Party retained its single seat .
14 ‘ Food poisoning ’ , for instance , shows the effect of the 44,000 cases of the ‘ runs ’ reported this year with a cartoon strip depicting bacteria like so many vengeful Smurfs .
15 Elected last March only days after M-19 laid down its arms , the 312 members of Congress include just one representative of the movement .
16 The 275 acres of pasture are of the best and surround the house on all sides , undulating towards distant hills — and to Dublin airport only half-an-hour away .
17 One train , the 15.4 hrs from Quainton and the 16.15 hrs from Aylesbury on Sunday was cancelled on Sunday for several reasons while the gauging run for King Edward was only carried out an hour prior to departure from Aylesbury of the first ACE .
18 The four-and-a-half gallons of oil take about ten minutes to warm up to the minimum 40°C , and we used the time to taxi around the sheltered bay within Calshot Split , checking for debris and driftwood and surveying the area .
19 The fire service will use Alpha House and the 2.4 acres of ground that come with it for practical and theoretical training courses .
20 Recent cohorts will not match the 2.4 children per family of the baby boom years , but the total seems unlikely to fall much below 2 ( table 4.1 ) .
21 The shortages were partly the result of reduced capacity at two main refineries which helped process the 1,700,000 barrels of crude oil produced per day .
22 What might otherwise be a dry debate on science policy has raised a hue and cry among the American public , for the issue is which of the 70000 chemicals on the market may cause cancer .
23 The 16S sequences of microorganisms are identified by the host from which they are isolated ( PM are in bold ) .
24 =58 , p<0.01 ) in values of B. Treating the 120 values of P(A) as independent the values were compared in an analysis of variance with two factors , junction and study .
25 THE 120 musicians of the great Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra shut themselves up in a secret conclave yesterday and elected a conductor who is almost the exact opposite of the late Herbert von Karajan : the Italian Claudio Abbado .
26 Within a year most of the 120 households in the village were connected into the network .
27 It grew rapidly , however : the 120 employees of its first days had become 261 at the accession of Catherine II in 1762 .
28 By 0700 hours the 120 recruits of the junior intake , Who are in their fourth week of training , have finished cleaning their rooms and join the centipede of recruits marching in small groups towards the Elizabethan Restaurant .
29 By the next day , flood warning computers built into the river banks along the 120 miles of the Tay were flashing yellow warning signals as placid tributaries dumped their overload into the river .
30 In 1927 she swam the 120 miles from London to Folkestone in stages ; and on 7 October 1927 , at her eighth attempt , she became the first Englishwoman to swim the Channel ( from France to England in 15 hrs. 15 min . ) .
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