Example sentences of "[art] [adv] [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 After a disastrous fire the new church was begun by Justinian in 532 and was built in the incredibly short time of six years , though the interior decoration was completed after this .
2 People have also constructed artificial underground chambers since the most ancient times , the native American kivas and the Cornish fogous being examples .
3 It 's actually and that 's the most absorbent time , your mind 's most absorbent where you 're up to the age of five which is when you should when you 're at nursery school .
4 Jack said to Franca , ‘ We 've been having the most extraordinary time !
5 Monographs treating potentially contentious areas have tended to be published in very restricted editions , and until the most recent times an individual historian who strayed onto dangerous ground or advanced unwelcome ideas ran the risk of public reprimand and expulsion from the profession .
6 THE AUDEN GENERATION by Samuel Hynes Pimlico , £12 THIS literary history of England in the Thirties ( a decade often looked back upon nostalgically as the most recent time when literary giants still stalked the land ) is more than the usual glib account of the rise to fame of that precocious composite poet MacSpaunday .
7 Biogeographers investigating landscape change on the most recent time scale have also resorted to documentary and field evidence because palynology may not be sufficiently reliable at this scale for the studies which have been completed including those of the outer Leeward Islands ( Harris , 1965 ) , the southwest of the United States and the vegetation of Barbados 1627–1800 ( Watts , 1966 ) .
8 I made visits at the most relevant times during the appraisal , in particular whilst the inspection was under way , so that I could observe the effect it was having on staff .
9 Of interest to us , however , is his attempt to address the question why , if the time of bleeding is the most fertile time , do women tend to shun male company just at this part of the cycle ?
10 This brings the time of resuming sexual relations right up to what is for most women the most fertile time of the month .
11 In this day and age , 100MB is average , and people quite often discover that they 've got only a few kilobytes of space left , and usually at the most inopportune times .
12 It 's very amusing , and you 've explained it amusingly to us , but er , there 's a lot of truth , I think in er , what you say and er how can we , er make the best of these unwelcome guests who insist on turning up at the most inopportune times , when we 're trying to enjoy ourselves .
13 But the most embarrassing time was winning an award from the National Association of Hospital Broadcasting Organisations ( NAHBO ) .
14 Not if he arranged it at the most awkward time of the year ? a little voice rejoined .
15 One of the most emotional times for anyone .
16 It is often assumed that winter is the most suitable time for training yet only 43% indicated that any time during winter would be suitable .
17 These farmers were then asked what is the most suitable time of day .
18 Brenda , her eyes suddenly alighting on a round milk stain on the table cloth , herself thought that breakfast was n't perhaps the most suitable time for a display of her recently acquired information about the investigation of rape .
19 I had the most awful time with him .
20 But even the milkman 's timing ca n't compare with those supremos who have perfected the art of appearing at the door at the most irritating time possible — the Jehovah Witnesses .
21 The Citation , at the most vulnerable time of any flight , now had full forward power hurling it upwards on its left side and full reverse power dragging it downwards on its right side .
22 The few days I spent on that trip will stay in my mind as some of the most pleasant times I have ever spent .
23 Examples of these are " what rate is a phone call at 10 am on a Tuesday " ( 62 per cent , 78 per cent , 82 per cent correct within each band respectively ) or " what is the most expensive time of the day for telephone calls ? " ( 63 per cent , 69 per cent , 85 per cent ) .
24 And I never phone unless I can erm , well you know if I can possibly avoid it I never phone at the most expensive time of day , I avoid mornings like the plague if I can possibly manage
25 In any case , volunteers are not available in July/August ( holidays ) , and by September the weather is unreliable ; May and June are , realistically , the most opportune time for such projects .
26 One of the most critical times in any inexperienced pilot 's flying career is the first flight in a new type of single-seater glider .
27 Right now , though , he faces the most critical time in his managerial career .
28 He said : ‘ It was the most nerve-wracking time of my life . ’
29 That was particularly true for deciding the most profitable time to fell trees on the 900,000 hectares , more than 700,000 hectares of that in Scotland .
30 What is the most dangerous time of the in-patient 's day ?
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