Example sentences of "[art] [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Frederick Herzberg ( 1968 ) put forward the two-factor approach to motivation after an extensive study of job attitudes among engineers and accountants .
2 And as to the over-imaginative way in which papers have so often treated her , she added simply : ‘ Because I 'm only young , and have lived such a short and normal life , they run out of things to say about me . ’
3 Despite his efforts to tear into his food with Latin gusto , or the slicked-down hair above the urban American face , he simply ca n't appear to be a native of a provincial Italian town . ‘
4 The part of the programme which had received highest priority was the introductory course in information retrieval for the engineering undergraduates .
5 It has been decided that the introductory day on future courses should include a substantial session on confidentiality .
6 In climatology the system has been adopted as providing a suitable framework and appears as the introductory foundation for Causes of Climate ( Lockwood , 1979a ) , where it is argued that the application of systems theory and mathematics has completely changed the subject of climatology .
7 After some confusion over the numbering scheme , US sources say HP is preparing to debut a low-end with a box that will best the introductory price of Sun Microsystems Inc 's new Sunergy Classic by $10 .
8 Most of the introductory texts to organisational theory will have a chapter on the classical , systems and contingency approaches to organisations .
9 If the message contains the word ‘ Secure ’ , that means the words following make up the introductory identification of someone who will contact him and give him orders .
10 The introductory chapters of my books contain much advice which , if heeded , would help to minimise the dangers .
11 To discover why , we must turn to the introductory chapters of Genesis .
12 It leads towards the Introductory Certificate of the National Examination Board for Supervisory Management ( N.E.B.S.M. )
13 Four staff from Stokesley sausage manufacturers Mr Lazenby 's have been awarded the Introductory Certificate in Supervisory Management .
14 At this point my story becomes the introductory scene of a fiction which could be continued .
15 Following the introductory assessment of the market context of handheld electronic books in this current section , this report provides two main areas of update .
16 The introductory document on national curriculum English hints at formal examinations at the end of key stages and this saddens her .
17 A recent research project has certainly proved that a large number of very young babies would stop crying or even go to sleep whenever they heard the introductory music to certain television soap operas .
18 A new study by the Patented Medicine Prices Review Board ( PMPRB ) found that 56 per cent of the introductory prices of 124 new drugs in Canada were greater than the corresponding median international prices .
19 Hobbes first describes this , in the introductory part of De Corpore , as a part of ‘ indefinite ’ science , the working out of a theoretical structure in terms of which particular ‘ limited ’ questions are answered .
20 Most appropriately , the introductory chapter on distribution and evolution is an up-to-date review by that eminent physical anthropologist G. H. R. von Koenigswald .
21 After the introductory chapter on scepticism , the first part contains a chapter on the nature of knowledge and its relation to true justified belief , and another concentrating on one particular theory .
22 I also attended a number of the introductory workshops to which potential recruits are invited .
23 Customs themselves predict that the introductory costs of meeting the single market requirements will be about £100m to British companies .
24 Michael was asked to give the introductory lecture at an engineering conference on the subject of his government review .
25 This is the introductory article to an occasional series on Broad Gauge topics , in particular on modern developments centring on the Firefly Project , in which a team at Didcot is building a broad gauge locomotive . .
26 Oblique-slip margins are considered in detail in various papers in Ballance and Reading ( 1980 ) ; the introductory article by Reading ( 1980 ) is particularly useful as it presents a general review of sedimentation patterns in relation to topography .
27 From the introductory note to the 1978 publication ‘ What 's wrong with Britain ? ’ edited by Patrick Hutber .
28 After entering the introductory corps at Ruffwood Comprehensive School , he joined the regular army at 16 and ‘ lived for being a soldier ’ .
29 In a biology text , one might expect that a section about mammals would have subsections about particular mammals , and the organization of those subsections would reflect that of the introductory section about mammals .
30 See the introductory section in the Unit and its explanation of the movement from meaning to form .
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