Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] [adv] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Davide saw how they fastened their hopes on his powers of persuasion in the courts where identity and responsibility are conferred .
2 You are in rubber , which the Germans desperately lack .
3 The birds just sort of bob their heads like they 're wind up toys .
4 ‘ I forgot to put it out for the birds yesterday morning . ’
5 well you ca n't give the birds much bread today , because I have n't got a white loaf , I 'm not going to give 'em this expensive whole meal bread
6 So busy yourself today and remember , making a really special effort today could mean even more success with the tape measure and the scales tomorrow morning .
7 They turned off into the woods where th'fence ends .
8 To the south , a large estate has closed off a public right of way because of vandalism in the woods where pheasant are bred for shooting .
9 Mrs Hardy , of Tower Hill , Chipperfield , was found crawling through undergrowth in the woods yesterday morning by two women who were out for a walk .
10 Interestingly , religion had a considerable influence on herbal use in cookery , since the church authorities decreed the times when meat should be eaten , when fish only was the rule , and when there were fast days or fasting weeks .
11 But it can be pointed out that times of motivational conflict are just the times when signalling may be expected .
12 The fact that they arc to some extent predictable does enable management to identify the times when staffing needs will be increased .
13 The cases where English for Business/Commerce feature in those awards are :
14 The cases where Office Skills subjects feature in those awards are :
15 The major changes to the plugs in the hours following transection of the vessel are that lytic areas initially seen at the edges of the plug also develop in its centre and the degranulated platelets resemble empty vesicles .
16 Then there are the rules about time and penalties .
17 The first part of this chapter will provide a definition of Prestel , the best known viewdata in the UK , give some background information , some of the reasons why school librarians should be concerned with Prestel and some of the questions raised through this involvement .
18 One of the reasons why owl pellet analysis is so useful a tool for ecologists is the good preservation and lack of breakage of most of the bones .
19 Now agricultural erm one of the reasons why agriculture has n't been included in the G A T T is because governments right from all sorts of countries have said hands up why agricultural policy , this is a domestic policy , it 's got nothing to do with international trade , right there 's no international dimension to it right , you ca n't come in here and t tell us that we 're erm disbanding these protectionist measures right .
20 Instead you should investigate the reasons why progress has faltered by taking an analytical look through your diary .
21 The same qualities — mechanical strength , chemical inertness and infrared transparency — were the reasons why diamond windows were selected for the NASA space-probes sent to Venus in 1978 .
22 In order to appreciate the reasons why cost records may be inaccurate at any given point in time and therefore will need adjustment before any cost value reconciliation can take place , it will be useful to examine the thinking behind a typical cost system .
23 One of the reasons why English is , perhaps , not a straightforwardly ‘ feminine ’ subject is that most of its teachers in higher education are men , and most of the authors and critics studied are also men .
24 That is one of the reasons why container gardening catches the imagination .
25 One of the reasons why play is so absorbing is that it is self-initiated , in a way that is not available to us in the process of combatting , enduring or avoiding the slings and arrows of day-to-day living .
26 Maybe , just maybe , one of the reasons why Sun Microsystems Inc 's SuperSparc Viking chip has n't gone as smooth as silk is because Sun 's lead engineers did n't listen to the young pups and do all the simulation runs they should have to begin with .
27 Teachers should also discuss with pupils , and encourage them to analyse , the reasons why vocabulary changes over time — eg contact with other languages because of trade or political circumstances , fashion , effects of advertising , need for new euphemisms , new inventions and technology , changes in society .
28 Discuss the reasons why accrual accounting methods are not appropriate to future decision making .
29 First , Marx and Engels argued that one of the reasons why capitalism would be destroyed was due to the internal contradictions of the system itself .
30 Explain the reasons why partnership agreements often contain clauses relating to interest , bonuses , salaries and division of profits .
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