Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [vb pp] for " in BNC.

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1 Our confidence thus bolstered , we were now stepping eagerly out of the tent bound for Ancohuma .
2 A special feature of many of the courses offered by the University is the opportunity allowed for transfer .
3 It then indicates the opportunity provided for a more participatory approach to school development planning .
4 The opportunity afforded for exchange of knowledge and practical study — Miller 's basic principles — are emphasised and due credit is respectfully given to the Apothecaries .
5 The talks foundered essentially on the issue of the size of the majority required for decision-making in a future transitional parliament , whose principal function would be to establish a new democratic constitution .
6 ‘ This is something we opposed since day one , but the majority voted for it and the majority has to prevail .
7 The majority opted for the visit and in my opinion made a good choice .
8 It is therefore no legal answer to the ejectment to say that the contingency provided for has not happened .
9 The remainder made for the Trig al Ab , a desert track running inland about thirty miles south of the coast .
10 Just 350 rooms out of more than 1000 are open to the public , with the remainder used for stores and auxiliary services .
11 Theoretically his presidency must end in 1852 , but it was already evident that the Prince hoped for a second term of office , to which end he began to organize a campaign to drum up sufficient popular support for this to become possible .
12 The royal couple flew out of South Korea last night , the prince bound for Hong Kong and the princess for Britain .
13 The royal couple flew out of South Korea last night , the prince bound for Hong Kong .
14 The Prince left for Brussels an hour and a half later , his carriage escorted by an honour guard of Dutch Carabiniers who had learned their trade in the French Emperor 's service .
15 Campaigners living near the base called for all flights to be suspended pending an investigation but a spokesman said operations would continue as normal .
16 Bodies such as the Kenya Institute of Education with some thirty full-time professional staff and the Zambia Curriculum Development Centre with about forty , would claim , probably rightly , that they were still understaffed and often experience difficulty in securing the release of the most able teachers from schools and colleges , but the provision made for them is certainly more realistic than that available in University Institutes like those in Ahmadu Bello or Sierra Leone .
17 The provision made for those moving from region to region is limited and most have to rejoin the waiting list .
18 The picture includes the provision made for amateur and professional , part-time and full-time church musicians .
19 The Department of Education had accepted criticisms of the provision made for young children in ordinary elementary schools and had phased out arrangements for under-threes by 1904 ( in 1875 elementary schools accommodated 19,358 under-threes ) .
20 In response to requests from a number of Departments within the University , the Enterprise Centre looked at the provision made for students wishing to start their own businesses or with business ideas which they want to explore .
21 I 've taken the view that since you all appear to be happy with the provision made for you in I five , you do n't wish to make any comment ?
22 LEAs were given carefully defined responsibilities , to identify the needs of children with a learning difficulty which , in the view of an LEA , calls for it to determine the provision required for the child .
23 Do you regard provision in accord with point one as being part of the provision provided for N I five ?
24 Now can I er also suggest to you that in discussing this one outstanding item of the housing land allocations , we pursue virtually the same sort of approach that we did yesterday , er and in fact if you look at what is set down under matter One D for discussion , it says is the provision proposed for the Greater York area including the new settlement appropriate etcetera , and in fact when you look at the first item for discussion under the Greater York new settlement issue , we come straight into , does Greater York new settlement represent an appropriate and justified policy response , etcetera .
25 He was pleased with the support received for the practice of joint confirmation and particularly , welcomed the first ever united service for Christian Unity week .
26 These developments and the support provided for them were constantly underpinned by the continued demonstration of commitment to partnership by the school 's Governors and senior management team .
27 In early 1991 the Radioactive Waste Management Advisory Committee ( RWMAC ) had urged the government to set up an independent consultative service for the " small users " of radioactive material , since H.M. Inspectorate of Pollution was not able to provide the support required for such a service .
28 However , there were others , more distinctively local in their orientation : the gradual demise of the traditional two-tier model of primary school management and its replacement by three-tier and matrix models ; the desirability of building on the diversification of staff management roles which PNP has produced , avoiding any contraction of such roles as a consequence of LMS ; the need to acknowledge the pivotal role , for good or ill , played by primary heads , and to work with and through rather than round or against them ; the need to expand the focus of management training courses to encompass the roles and needs of all staff ( not just those of the ‘ managers ’ as conventionally defined ) , to locate management strategies in whole-school analysis , and generally to broaden the concept of ‘ management ’ which currently informs such courses ; the importance of training , support and INSET for heads , and of ensuring that these give close attention to the broader aspects of the expertise needed for headship , such as professional knowledge and personal relationships as well as the more obvious tasks , roles and strategies .
29 During more liberal periods the requirement of political loyalty has been relaxed to strengthen the expertise required for rapid technological progress ( Schurman 1970 ; Hearn 1978 ) .
30 They managed to avoid the panning reserved for contemporaries like Bogshed who were termed : ‘ Four twisted misanthropes trying to make a career out of sneering at people ’ by Dave Jennings in the NME .
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