Example sentences of "[art] [adj] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 Now the State has already got a problem because in the next century , it will have insufficient people at work to pay for old age pensions we already know Mr Portillo is doing a pension review and is looking about only targeting it to the needy at the bottom well that means a lot of people like you and me will miss out on State pensions .
2 The principle of the conservation of energy implies balance in all interactions , from the largest at the intergalactic scale to the smallest at the elementary particle scale … with somewhere between them , the human scale .
3 The International workshops were amongst the largest at the conference along with those on pornography , lesbianism and socialism , socialist-feminism and child sexual abuse .
4 Place all three cakes on top of each other , with the largest at the base and the smallest on top .
5 Intel Corp rates the 66MHz version of the Pentium chip at 112 MIPS — well it is claimed to execute two instructions per cycle — one for each of its parallel arithmetic-logic units — two five-stage execution units , and claims that it is five times more powerful than the original 80486 microprocessor and over 300 times faster than the 8088 ; it contains 3.1m transistors , compared with 1.2m for the 80486 ; it is manufactured in Intel 's 0.8 micron three-metal layer BiCMOS process technology ; it has two 8Kb on-chip caches and a fully compatible floating point unit that is up to five times faster than the one on the 80486 at the same clock speed ; to get around the problem that the thing can squeal to a halt when it comes to a branch that stalls the instruction stream , it includes branch prediction , where the chip remembers prior instruction pathways and predicts the correct pathway for a new instruction .
6 It is manufactured in Intel 's 0.8 micron three-metal layer BiCMOS process technology , has two 8Kb on-chip caches and a fully compatible floating point unit that is up to five times faster than the one on the 80486 at the same clock speed .
7 Lewis taking over from the greatest at the pavilion er Lawrence and er , first time we 've seen Lawrence this morning , and on the subject of frustration Victor which you were just airing then , did you by any chance see Tony Locke at er Old Trafford when Laker took his .
8 He was so moved by the sufferings of the wounded at the battle of Solferino ( the Lombard village where the French and Sardinians defeated the Austrians in June 1859 ) that he published a book urging the formation of permanent voluntary aid societies to succour the wounded in time of war , and this so caught international imagination that in 1863 , sixteen European nations met at a conference in Geneva to launch the plan .
9 Mistinguett was drawing huge crowds at the FoliesBergeres ; the great Bernhardt , though aged and ailing , was still as seductive as ever , dividing her time between the theatre and her hospital for the wounded at the Odéon ; at the Opéra Comique Manon was all the rage , and in May , when the Germans were hammering their way on to Côte 304 , there was a glittering film premiere of Salammbô and once again the Spring Flower Show was reinstated in all its pre-war glory .
10 His first book , Newcastle-upon-Tyne and the Puritan Revolution ( 1967 ) , quickly established him as an important contributor to seventeenth-century studies , and put him in the forefront of the group of scholars who were beginning the process of reinterpreting the English Revolution of the 1640s at the grass roots .
11 In addition it has been suggested that bureaux make contact with the social worker for the deaf at the local Social Services Department to ensure that the bureau has all the up-to-date information relevant to the deaf .
12 Lowe continued his career until 1871 when he fell victim to a pulmonary disease which prevented him from joining the services for the deaf at the new St. Saviour 's Church .
13 Eleven years later the World Federation of the Deaf at the seventh Congress in Washington awarded him an International Solidarity Merit Award , and Gallaudet College , taking advantage of his presence made him the first recipient of a medallion for " outstanding international service to the deaf " , which he received at a special convention attended by the Vice-President of the United States .
14 Many academics and journalists who gave warning that liberalisation and the Congress Party culture were fattening the rich at the expense of the poor are understandably silent .
15 They have benefited the rich at the expense of the poor , and Britain in 1990 is a much more unequal society than it was in 1979 .
16 Opponents of the government argued that the objective as well as the consequence of the legislation was to increase the after-tax incomes of the rich at the expense of the poor .
17 As most average families are in the bottom 60 per cent. , does not that show that the Government have given money to the rich at the expense of ordinary families ?
18 The banding system and property valuations are devised deliberately to protect the rich at the expense of the rest .
19 Their crowded funerals have been dignified by ceremony proper to their public status and success , but few personal tributes were more poignantly expressed than by the posies of primroses picked by children of the unemployed at the Docklands settlement where Mrs Melville Wills had worked to within a few days of her death at the age of 73 in 1936 .
20 The official definition of the Unemployment Percentage Rate in the UK can be stated as ‘ the number of unemployed expressed as a percentage of the latest available mid-year estimate of all employees in employment plus the unemployed at the same date ’ .
21 The second problem that would have troubled the faithful at the death of the last apostle was this .
22 The torch was passed from the grand old man to the heir-apparent at a touching little ceremony at the end of the Cabinet meeting on 5 April .
23 Software developers — independent or corporate — can have access to the tests and certify their SVR4 applications on the 88000 at no charge , the group says .
24 Please indicate your acceptance of the terms of this Agreement by signing the enclosed duplicate copy in the space indicated and returning it to the undersigned at the letterhead address .
25 However important this is , it ought to be born in mind that what may appear to be the cheapest at the time may not necessarily be the most effective in solving a particular odour problem and consequently not the cheapest in the long term .
26 LORD ALDINGTON told a High Court jury yesterday he remembered making inquiries to ensure that thousands of Yugoslavs repatriated by the British at the end of the Second World War would be properly treated .
27 The actual Indian designs were not , however , to the taste of the British at the time , who had developed a somewhat different image of Oriental peoples .
28 None of this was known to the British at the time .
29 This was shortly before another concession had been granted — one more to the British at the expense of the Russians .
30 Contrary to assessments made by the British at the time of signing , there are many examples of these .
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