Example sentences of "[art] [adj] [to-vb] [det] " in BNC.

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1 It is true that Beccaria 's classical programme has never been given a full trial ( the image of his public floggings and toiling chain-gangs rather than his denial of capital punishment may help the liberal-minded to feel this less of a loss ) .
2 During the 1920s this fact had been used against universal family allowances because , it was claimed , they would have the ‘ dysgenic ’ effect of encouraging the idle and the feckless to have more children ( Gray ; 1927 ; McDougall , 1921 ) .
3 inspection to proceed , that 's why were partial explanation and I have the English to explain that for you
4 the cleaner to sort that out .
5 One of the features of the day will be a series of mini-lectures on just about every conceivable subject , and during the next few Ideas in Action programmes , I shall be talking to some of the lecturers about their topics and , hopefully , whetting your appetites sufficiently to want to join us on June the fourteenth to hear more .
6 The opportunities of the British to make any impression were , as usual , largely dependent on the presence of others of like mind within the labyrinthine corridors of power in Washington .
7 One of the German pilots saw the state of their clothes and offered to fly over to Mudros with a message for the British to bring some of their personal belongings over to the camp .
8 What price are we going to have to pay the French to get this through , really do n't know and I wonder if the minister could say , what exactly does do the French actually want before they agree to this ?
9 Essanelle is one of the few to make this distinction they have stylists and ‘ style directors ’ for whose expertise you pay more .
10 Chemicals group Courtaulds was one of the few to register any positive movement .
11 This should not be interpreted as an attempt to violate the contract , but rather the desire of the Japanese to allow both sides the ability to adjust to unforeseen circumstances .
12 In any proceedings it shall be a defence for the accused to prove that , at the date of the alleged contravention , the instrument had not been issued by Her Majesty 's Stationery Office .
13 I did the catalogue so I looked all the information up with through the three to do that .
14 And the horses well they they 're the worst to ship some were really bad and they had to be severely tied .
15 resources should be allocated to the subordinate to enable him to carry out his tasks at the expected level of performance , and authority should be delegated to enable the subordinate to do this job ; and
16 In 1377 the tax had been levied at 4d. a head , in 1379 it had been graduated and in December 1380 Parliament granted a further tax at 1s. a head , and although suggestions were made that the rich should help the poor to meet this heavy burden , one suspects that these were largely unheeded .
17 The conversion of low income dwellings into owner occupied properties or high rent luxury accommodation has forced the poor to consume less housing space , often within the same borough and homelessness and council waiting lists are increasing — in part a consequence of rehabilitation .
18 Mr Editor , you have a duty on behalf of the 1161 to investigate this matter .
19 Perhaps unlike many such a contract in the UK , the agreement between Philips and ISS required the latter to employ all the former 's canteen personnel o
20 It concerned him the more to see that Titch , also , appeared to have no eyes for anything but the Wheel .
21 Clause 3 imposes a number of obligations on Overdrive , including paying the drivers on hire , accounting for national insurance contributions , making necessary deductions for Inland Revenue purposes and keeping records of payments ; it is a welcome relief for the haulier to have these administrative tasks lifted from his shoulders .
22 He grinned at the enthusiasm ‘ Or that Martel , a French speleologist , was the first to explore these caves in 1896 .
23 The Revenue is centralising its cases on this point at claims branch and of course the value to the Revenue of fighting these cases is far greater than the value to individual taxpayers ; on the other hand , the financial risk for the individual taxpayer of being the first to take such a case before the Special Commissioners or higher , would be extremely high .
24 It was n't a bad-looking saucer and Rex was the first to appreciate that .
25 Immediately everyone charged around the room attempting to be the first to touch all the walls .
26 Among the first to exploit this property on an industrial scale in the eighteenth century were William Worthington and William Bass , and when trade marks began to be registered under the Trade Marks Act of 1875 , the very first was William Bass 's familiar red triangle .
27 Probably Schoenberg was the first to exploit this system in his Chamber Symphony Op. 9 ( 1906 ) .
28 ‘ It would be very appropriate for Courtaulds — the first company in the world to exploit viscose rayon — to repeat history at the end of the century and be the first to exploit this new technology . ’
29 And it would be very appropriate for Courtaulds — the first company in the world to exploit viscose rayon — to repeat history at the end of the century and be the first to exploit this new technology .
30 This study , to be carried out by Professor Roy King and Dr Kathleen McDermott of the Centre for Social Policy Research and Development at UCNW , will be one of the first to include both prisoners and their families in the same study .
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