Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [to-vb] off " in BNC.

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1 By contrast the tax charge increased in the UK , mainly becuase of the inability to set off UK losses outside the ring-fence against ring-fenced North Sea income .
2 Diana not only ostentatiously wore outfits that she had been seen in before — to knock a few criticisms on the head about the money she spent on her wardrobe — but she also seized the opportunity to kill off a few more misconceptions .
3 It was another sunny morning and I took the opportunity to set off with Singi , our assistant sirdar , for a shapely rock peak rising above the campsite and offering the prospect of an interesting climb and a good viewpoint .
4 The masher 's intended victim was not quite so indecisive ; far from taking the opportunity to run off , leaving St George to fight the dragon on his own , she had taken the opportunity once her attacker 's attention had been diverted from her to remove her right shoe , and she now proceeded to attack him from the rear , pounding him first about the head and shoulders with the shoe , and then with her handbag shrieking , ‘ Take that , you cowardly bully , and that , ’ leaving him open to any attack Neil might care to make .
5 I felt an incredible sense of relief and achievement , but as Richard quickly reminded me it 's not during the first free flights that a bird takes the opportunity to fly off , because it does n't fully realise what it means to be free .
6 This small country in Central America was one of the first to seize the opportunity to write off international debt by trading a commitment to large-scale national nature conservation , and that good start is being taken much further .
7 She allowed the sentence to trail off .
8 He allowed the sentence to trail off .
9 He allowed the sentence to trail off .
10 He allowed the sentence to trail off .
11 ’ She allowed the sentence to trail off .
12 Would you recommend that I got rid of some of it then by paying my poll tax or doing something with it or use the money to live off ?
13 Charlie has taken a street sweeper 's job to earn the money to pay off the cruel landlord who would otherwise put a blind girl and her mother out onto the streets .
14 When the zero-coupon bond matures , in , say , 15 years , the French debt-issuer uses the money to pay off the principal .
15 Legally , if only one of the partners has the money to pay off the company 's debts , then she must do so .
16 Lloyds Bank released the bills back to him so that he could sell them and thereby obtain the money to pay off the loan from the Bank .
17 The position has been held to apply to an insurance agent , who was under no duty to hand those notes and coins to the company ( Robertson [ 1977 ] Crim LR 173 ( CA ) ) , and to a person in receipt of housing benefit , who was under no legal obligation to use the money to pay off rent arrears ( DPP v Huskinson [ 1988 ] Crim LR 620 ) , even though that was the purpose for which the accused received the benefit .
18 The four tenants had actually been paying their rent , but the landlord had not been using the money to pay off his mortgage .
19 A dying man and his family are again facing eviction from their home after failing to raise the money to pay off mortgage arrears .
20 He had taken the money to pay off debts and had continued to do so even when bereaved relatives were desperate for cash to pay undertakers ' bills .
21 He said Gavin had used the money to pay off debts .
22 He had taken the money to pay off debts and had continued to do so even when bereaved relatives were desperate for cash to pay undertakers ' bills .
23 A country that has a balance of payments surplus may receive payment from the debtor 's foreign exchange reserves , receive the balance in gold , leave the money in the debtor country and use it to purchase goods and services in the future , or lend the debtor country the money to pay off the debt and receive interest on the loan in the meantime .
24 In the same way , a country that has a deficit on its balance of payments will either have to run down its foreign exchange reserves , pay over gold , borrow the money to pay off the debt from other countries or hold money , in terms of credit , that the creditor country can use to purchase goods and services in the future .
25 The trouble is my boyfriend , with whom I have been living for six months , thinks I should use the money to pay off our overdraft .
26 You know how it is Elsie when you go to the show in August and they have those horses jumping and you are waiting for one of the riders to fall off .
27 It is as follows : that the decision to turn off a ventilator is , in fact , a decision to terminate the life of a patient or to remove from a patient the last thread by which he held on to life .
28 Section 53(1) allows the buyer to set off damages due to him for breach of warranty against the price he owes the seller .
29 I goes well they 'll improve the grant to start off with , he goes well it wo n't be in time to benefit us , I goes well you should n't just be thinking about yourself
30 But Nicola 's husband recovered himself and padded over from the settee to switch off the television .
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