Example sentences of "[prep] state for [art] " in BNC.

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1 Constitutionally , the prime minister may assume the functions of head of state for a fortnight .
2 The Secretary of State for a Higher Sphere , in the absence of the transport minister , was also trapped for the day with Mr Prescott whose ancestors during the Black Death were sullen and resentful charcoal burners with chips on their shoulders .
3 However , Local Authorities do not at present have delegated powers under Regulation A13 to grant relaxations on fire safety matters for buildings which exceed 7,000 m3 and any such application is forwarded to the Secretary of State for a decision .
4 In this case Friedman , Ipser , and Parker ( 1984 ) , using the stiffest plausible equation of state for a star , obtain a maximum stable mass of 3.5 .
5 The fourth congress of the PCT on July 30 , 1989 , re-elected him as central committee chairman and thus as head of state for a further five years .
6 Michael Heseltine , Secretary of State for the Environment , stated that from April 1992 , 60% rather than the current 50% of Government housing finance will be allocated on a discretionary basis following civil servants ' assessment of councils ' performance .
7 The Local Government and Housing Act 1989 gave back to the Secretary of State for the Environment the power to make determinations excluding certain elderly persons ' dwellings from the Right to Buy .
8 These have mounted because in February Nicholas Ridley , then Secretary of State for the Environment , stopped any new deals and Hammersmith 's portfolio was largely weighted to the expectation that interest rates would be low , preventing the council from improving its position in the market .
9 Companies wishing to enter the waste disposal business at this level must demonstrate to the local Waste Disposal Authority ( usually a county council , but in some cities and in Wales a more local authority ) that they can meet various criteria , although the authority may be over-ruled on appeal to the Secretary of State for the Environment .
10 But , says a refinement of this view — and Mrs Thatcher and Chris Patten , her Secretary of State for the Environment believe this too — wastes should be disposed of in their country of origin : that is a new drift in British policy .
11 However , Chris Patten , the Secretary of State for the Environment , said the proposals for passing unforeseen costs on to consumers were well-known and accused Dr Cunningham of whipping up unjustified concern .
12 CHRIS PATTEN , the Secretary of State for the Environment , yesterday announced that he was overturning his predecessor Nicholas Ridley 's ‘ mindedness ’ to allow an instant , private new town to be built on the Berkshire/Hampshire borders , south-east of Wokingham .
13 Meetings between the Prime Minister ; Chris Patten , the Secretary of State for the Environment ; and Nigel Lawson , Chancellor of the Exchequer , have been unable to come up with an agreed solution to put to today 's Cabinet .
14 CHRIS PATTEN , the Secretary of State for the Environment , summed up the house-building dilemma when delivering his ( provisionally negative ) judgement on the proposed building of Foxley Wood , a ‘ new settlement ’ on the borders of Berkshire and Hampshire .
15 Chris Patten , Secretary of State for the Environment , will lead the Government 's fight-back , by announcing a compromise over the poll tax to allay Conservative grassroots concern about the effects of the ‘ safety net ’ under which Tory areas subsidise Labour-dominated inner cities .
16 The decision last week by Chris Patten , the Secretary of State for the Environment , to reject the scheme for a small new town among the gravel pits and conifers of north-east Hampshire is pure politics .
17 Planning Ward v Secretary of State for the Environment ; CA ( Woolf , Nicholls , Staughton LJJ ) ; 25 Sept 1989 A private garden was capable of being an ‘ open space ’ and something that should be taken into account when deciding whether a development proposed to be carried out in a conservation area would preserve or enhance the area within s 277 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1971 , as substituted , and of Circular No 8 of 1987 issued by the Secretary of State .
18 ' He told the Conservative Party that it would be an unpopular tax when he first opposed the idea — successfully — as Secretary of State for the Environment in the early Eighties .
19 This , however , was too much for the Government and , using the excuse that public opinion was not yet ready to accept the protection of many unpopular modern buildings , Lord Caithness , the Minister of State for the Environment , arbitrarily whittled down English Heritage 's list to 18 buildings - excluding Bankside — although it represented a more traditional approach in the Fifties to the now-unfashionable Modern Movement .
20 He cited the decision last week of Chris Patten , Secretary of State for the Environment , last week to turn down the housing development for Foxley Wood in Hampshire , adding : ‘ We have repeatedly said that , wherever possible , decisions of this kind should be left to local people . ’
21 One of the ‘ Blue Chips ’ , regarded in her early days as little better than an Edward Heath Youth Movement , the new Secretary of State for the Environment is now her green-eyed boy .
22 With this advice the Secretary of State for the Environment , Christopher Patten , yesterday rebuked a Thatcherite who had urged the Conservative Party to put its faith in the free market .
23 CHRIS PATTEN , Secretary of State for the Environment , yesterday steered further away from the philosophy of his predecessor , Nicholas Ridley , and emphasised the need for state regulation to protect the countryside .
24 Shortly before David Hunt , Minister of State for the Environment , announced drastic changes in the ‘ safety net ’ arrangements to the conference , he was warned once again that poll tax payers in prudent council areas should not have to subsidise the profligate .
25 Chris Patten , the Secretary of State for the Environment , later countered : ‘ If the Labour Party are accusing us of an electoral bribe , it shows that they find it rather difficult to criticise us on any other grounds . ’
26 A REVIEW of all government policy affecting the environment was announced yesterday by Chris Patten , the Secretary of State for the Environment , in a Conservative Party conference speech that flagged a shift in the Government 's ideological stance .
27 ‘ GREATER LOVE hath no man than that he lays down his jokes for his Prime Minister , ’ a Cabinet minister said in Blackpool on hearing of the sacrifice made by Chris Patten , the Secretary of State for the Environment .
28 The Museum of London and Hanson are to ask Chris Patten , the Secretary of State for the Environment , to schedule the site as one of national importance .
29 In a message of support Michael Heseltine , Secretary of State for the Environment said ‘ I am confident that the Trust can play a major role in the regeneration of the area . ’
30 Speaking on Capitol Hill , the Assistant Secretary of State for the Near East , Mr John Kelly , said that he hoped attempts to bring peace to divided Lebanon would continue .
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