Example sentences of "[prep] both [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Had the conservatives prevailed completely , there could have been a reconciliation with Rome after the death of both Catherine of Aragon and Anne Boleyn in 1536 , when the occasion of the dispute was thus ended .
2 Müller urgently advised the recall of both Volkovs to the safe confines of the Soviet Union .
3 Having the time off allowed the quality of both sessions to be even higher .
4 Infants suffering these events are more likely to be anaemic , and its correction has been reported to reduce the frequency and severity of both apnoea of prematurity and cyanotic breath holding .
5 The dental index in the study by Mattila et al was composed of both severity of periodontal disease and dental caries , suggesting that dental decay may contribute to the risk of coronary heart disease .
6 What Lanham describes as ‘ perpetual immanent metamorphosis ’ comes in Verbivore to infect the coherence of both point of view and plot structure .
7 Twenty thousand roll of both dice for the football winnings !
8 Just before the meeting delegates were delighted to hear that PHPA had decided that the main emphasis for both species of Indonesian rhinos ( Javan and Sumatran ) would be in situ conservation and that there should be no captive-breeding programme for Javan rhinos at this time , a view endorsed by the workshop .
9 Their objective was to use the concordance and dictionary definitions to produce an ordered set of disambiguation rules that would determine the correct sense of a word by testing for both part of speech and membership of sixteen specific semantic categories .
10 I mean the strain on families must be enormous in a strike situation and for both people in the family to be having an input and feeling that they 're getting some sort of feedback from the situation that it 's not just despair must surely you know be you know there 's that side to it and then erm from the women 's point of view I mean we have like I said become one big family in a way you know and the social side of the strike in a way you know people are sa you know going out more maybe and certainly
11 Stewards will be needed for both front of house and backstage plus programme sellers — either or both performances .
12 Corinthian friendliness towards Athens lasted , as we have seen ( p. 16 ) , throughout the archaic period and into the classical , i.e. as long as Megara was an independent power , capable of causing trouble for both Corinth to the west and Athens to the east : Megara 's tyrant Theagenes helped Kylon try to become tyrant of Athens in the late seventh century and , in the early sixth , Megara fought Athens hard for possession of Salamis .
13 Now , late on Sunday afternoon , people were saying that the weather had been perfect for both days of the two-day Show .
14 In addition , the purchaser should seek from the vendor a specific indemnity against bad debts but on the basis the purchaser acknowledges that it will not be able to recover twice for both breach of warranty and under the bad debt indemnity .
15 She was a nun at Hampole Priory before adopting the life of a recluse at East Layton near Richmond in 1348 when Rolle wrote for her a treatise known as The Form of Living which was designed as both programme for , and illumination of , the solitary life-style that she had adopted .
16 However , there are also significant differences with both Richter in Argentina and the 1989 episode in Utah .
17 The 1930s and 1980s are similar in that a wide variety of institutions , both voluntary and statutory , were involved in both decades in work with or for the unemployed .
18 He cites a distinguished , contemporary English descendant of the eighteenth century essayists , Gilbert Ryle , whose account of ‘ self ’ corresponds in both mode of thought and expression to that of the non-literate Dinka people of the southern Sudan , amongst whom Lienhardt did field work .
19 Gooch , who batted magnificently in both innings at Old Trafford , was responsible for 198 of his side 's 542 runs .
20 He was dismissed in both innings by the ‘ Lion of Kent , ’ Alfred Mynn , for scores of three and 11 .
21 first , in both Pepper v. Hart and ex parte Johnson the statutory provisions to be construed had very straightforward legislative histories .
22 It was set a great deal more by the massive alteration in the balance of the Catholic community — the decline of France , Italy and Spain , the rise of Brazil , the United States , the Philippines , even Zaire , the revival of Catholic Eastern Europe , the larger shift from both west to east ( especially in Europe ) and from north to south .
23 ROCKSTAR Elton John certainly made sure that the sun did n't go down on Earls Court recently , as over 16,000 fans flocked to the arena on both nights of his sell out charity concerts .
24 The shows went well on both days with no further injuries .
25 I was present on both days of the inquiry .
26 A Medau publicity stand will be situated in the Norwich Sports Council marquee on both days of the Royal Norfolk Show .
27 Géraud V of Armagnac ( 1256–85 ) had married Mathe of Béarn , daughter of Gaston VII and sister to both Constance of Marsan and Margaret of Béarn , and therefore possessed claims through the female line to both Béarn and Bigorre .
28 Studies of responses to both separation from the attachment object and subsequent reunion with it , yield unequivocal support to the proposition that attachments can and often do survive periods of absence , undiminished in strength , despite the fact that attachment behaviour may diminish in strength during the period of absence .
29 The plaintiff argued for the Woolwich principle and referred to both Hooper v. Exeter Corporation and Steele v. Williams but no reference to these cases appears in the reserved judgment .
30 Is the answer that the principle applied in Hughes was entirely inapplicable to both Foakes v. Beer and High Trees ?
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