Example sentences of "[prep] different time [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It would n't have taken as Mr has pointed out , any cognizance of the fact that there 's difference for different times of the day , nor would it have taken any account of the fact that people would perceive the travel times and travel costs in different ways .
2 There was a ‘ Refuge Rota ’ pinned by the house telephone , with six different names filled in for different times in the week .
3 • time-of-day tariff perhaps with several different charge bands applying to different times of day .
4 Table 2.1 suggests , in simplified form , the changing factors that have shifted particular industries at different times towards global competition .
5 The ERA became law on 29 July 1988 , though each of its many provisions will come into force at different times over the next few years .
6 As with other types of support , we observe similar patterns in studies undertaken in different regional locations , and at different times over the past 30 years .
7 Some owners have observed that two helpings of exactly the same cat food , given at different times on the same day , are treated differently — the first being eaten , the second rejected .
8 Owen himself served at different times as governor of the community .
9 Although much more work needs to be done in this area , the impression gained by surveying a range of industries is one of foreign incursions occurring at different times with price being a significant element at certain stages .
10 I suppose I have had three or four cracks at it now at different times of my life and in different circumstances and every time I have got it wrong .
11 Experiments have been performed to investigate , at different times of the day and night , how easy it is to fall asleep , how likely it is to wake up spontaneously , and how long volunteers can stay asleep .
12 Related to these results is the question of how long we can stay asleep ( in a laboratory that is always equally quiet , dark , and warm ) at different times of the day .
13 The same workers are investigated at different times of the day .
14 With sufficient manipulation of the rota , it would be possible to arrange for the work-force to have been working for the same number of hours at different times of the day — condition ( 2 ) .
15 Such behaviour may be practised by animals of any age , and at different times of year , and sometimes between the same sex , but does not always lead to mating .
16 Thus tree rings are differentiated by the types , density and size of cell laid down at different times of the year ; varves by the gradation in particle size resulting from sedimentation of debris released into rivers and carried to lakes by the annual melt of glaciers ; and ice core layers by differences in dust content and acidity .
17 The well-defined rings ( fig. 7.6 ) are due to the difference in the cells produced at different times of the year .
18 This is where the forces of the earth are exposed with a dramatic clarity and where billion-year old rocks , deposited at a time when seas extended right across the valley give the stark harshness of the area a startling and a rare and sometimes unexpected beauty at different times of the day .
19 The family goes foraging as a group within a large home range and establishes a variety of bases for refuges which seem to be used at different times of the year .
20 Over the years our local support groups — Open Houses , New Mums , Mobile Mums and Mothers in Employment , have evolved according to different needs at different times of parents and children .
21 Back home , he dreamt , he filled the whole flat with buckets of earth , even filled soup dishes and the kettle and the wineglasses with soil , and spent hours watering them and moving them carefully around every day , carrying them from room to room so that they would be struck in turn by whatever sunshine came in through the different windows at different times of the day , making sure they were kept warm .
22 Notice the varying colours of the trees , the grass and the sky at different times of the year .
23 A young person has changing moods and changing needs — not merely at different stages of development but at different times of the day .
24 Anyone of a moderately sensitive disposition , who is not in the thrall of what Aldous Huxley termed their ‘ idiot monologue ’ of petty rigmarole , but who is sufficiently inwardly tranquil and open to the influence of the landscape , can not fail to be struck by the uncanny quality which the chalk ‘ breathes out ’ at different times of day under particular atmospheric conditions .
25 You can develop the link further by visiting regularly , at different times of the day , such as dawn , noon , sunset and midnight , at times of the full moon , perhaps , or the eight traditional festivals .
26 It is a good idea to view a property more than once , at different times of the day , as what may seem a peaceful haven during the day , when everyone is out , turns into a nightmare in the evening , when families come in and televisions are turned on .
27 With the advent of longer holidays taken at different times of the year and easier travel , people began to seek their entertainment further afield , but remnants of these past festivities remain around the county in various guises .
28 Additional variation is likely to creep in when different children are tested at different times of the day and possibly in different locations .
29 Children who perform differently at different times of day may be reacting to a changed quantity or quality of lighting level .
30 Most outsiders — this newspaper included — have had different ideas at different times of what was or was not desirable or feasible .
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