Example sentences of "[prep] her [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Perhaps you can look after her for five minutes while I go and book the rooms ? ’
2 Presumably she bolted the door after her for that was how the police had found it in the morning .
3 ‘ I would look after her with loving care , Mr Wormwood , and I would pay for everything .
4 She walked away with a poise unmatched by any woman of his acquaintance , and he stared after her with angry fascination .
5 In Albania she was known as the queen of the mountaineers , and streets there have remained named after her through all changes of regime .
6 Look after her like this and she is a sweet tempered old soul .
7 Jealous of Lubor ? ’ and did n't know where she was when , as if he did n't think much of sitting opposite her in one chair while she had the huge couch all to herself , Ven suddenly moved from his chair and came and sat down next to her on the couch .
8 ‘ How interesting , ’ he murmured , moving towards her with total self-assurance in every step .
9 The riverbank rushed towards her with dizzying speed as the stiffness in her legs caused her stumble and lose her balance on the uneven ground .
10 Her sisters-in-law excluded her from their gossip ; the servants behaved towards her with greater formality and at least once a day she was summoned to Dona Marguerita 's room to sit with her and listen to her talking about the family 's history and her hopes and ambitions for João .
11 He came towards her with outstretched hand .
12 Although his head and body are bent towards her in paternal concern , their tension indicates that he wants to be elsewhere ; away from hysterical females , generally , and , in particular , at his lunchdate with the Chinese antique dealer who has hinted over the telephone that he has some particularly fine pieces of Ban Chieng that the National Museum will never see hidden away in his back room .
13 Cadfael hoped and thought his prayers towards her in resigned humility , but always in good north Welsh , the Welsh of Gwynedd .
14 Shock made her cry out , and he closed the door and moved towards her in quick strides , putting his hand across her mouth to stop-her scream .
15 Ethel Hallow was the form sneak and goody-goody , and it was hardly surprising that Mildred felt unfriendly towards her after all the mean tricks Ethel had played during their first two terms , including almost getting Mildred expelled on two occasions .
16 Rosa thought of the Madonna , and thanked her , thanked her with a welling passion of gratitude such as even she had never felt towards her before that Tommaso had not taken advantage of her total willingness and that she was still intact — no one would be able to say anything against her.They could examine her if they wanted , those witches could paddle inside her to make sure .
17 Alison waved from the window of the departing taxi and Celia waved back , a sudden feeling of depression taking hold of her to such an extent that she abandoned her idea of looking for a pram and set off , rather aimlessly , in the direction of Leicester Square in the faint hope that perhaps a cinema might take her mind off things .
18 ‘ Lesley was seriously assaulted facing those dangers in December 1991 but this did not deter her from bravely facing them again and we are very proud of her for that .
19 Yet the glimpse of her on that brief video had n't brought her back with the sharp focus that I craved .
20 His memories of Sarah were as strong as ever , but he thought of her with mixed emotions .
21 He thought of her with shocked tenderness and a kind of sad humility .
22 She 's had a hectic Christmas — one long round of shopping , cleaning and cooking for the entire family , including Malc 's brother and his wife and his mother , who has become confused and forgetful since Dad 's death and Lynda has taken care of her with selfless dedication .
23 Rose caught hold of her with both hands .
24 He does n't talk of her with any affection . ’
25 Apart from that initial glimpse of them both getting out of the car , I literally have no image of her at all .
26 It was a relief when others came , others who took no notice of her but , if they thought of her at all , must think her as seasoned a traveller as they .
27 At first she tried not to stare at him , knowing how the feeling of someone looking over her own shoulder made her clumsy , but soon it became clear that he was no longer aware of her at all .
28 But when the time finally arrived , he had n't seen any sign of her at all .
29 He was working quickly , efficiently , and without , it seemed , taking any notice of her at all .
30 And he did n't take any notice of what she was asking or saying and he did n't take any notice of her at all .
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