Example sentences of "[prep] her [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 He sat down opposite her sipping the brandy .
2 Lisa watched as he stepped past her to examine the Bentley , running long tanned fingers across the scratched and dented surface .
3 ‘ I 'm going for a walk before breakfast , ’ she said as Iris stepped past her to reach the wardrobe .
4 When he let go of her to shut the door her impatience for him to return was almost more than her body could stand .
5 It was too stupid of her to let the memories come crowding in so easily .
6 How rotten of her to spread the family troubles all round the town .
7 I have a vivid memory of her descending the stairs to the conservatory where we said our vows .
8 I had to think of her seeing the copy of my cock on Monday , I had to think of her first thinking , ‘ Golly , what a nut ’ , and then finding she had to stare uncontrollably at the specific image of my cock , boyoing , had to file that image away in a secret file folder where she filed away all my asterisk memos , and that some night working late , she 'd reach her long arms down to that drawer and bring out the asterisk file and go through the pages , asterisk after asterisk , until she found my cock .
9 I mean I would n't think of her sending the camera over
10 The only common factor was Mrs Marcia Williams ( now Lady Falkender ) , his private and political secretary , of whom I saw very little , but I saw enough of her to realise the immense influence she exercised over Harold Wilson .
11 Police say they have no record of her entering the country .
12 By what I can gather they must have lived in Durham for a time , 'cos when she was saying her prayers she brought in a Mrs Melburn , a parson 's wife , who was kind to them after the father died or whatever , an' from what I made out of her jabbering the woman and the mother have written to each other .
13 Part of her was appalled at the ease with which she had slotted straight back into the military lifestyle ; part of her welcomed the safety of knowing exactly where she fitted in and what she was supposed to do .
14 Somehow the protestant part of me could not find it right to speak of her place in God 's order of salvation because I was afraid of her obscuring the central place of Jesus Christ in his Church .
15 Ahead of her glittered the tracks of Frere 's previous solitary excursion .
16 Something on the local news about her poking some television woman in the eye , to say nothing of her dancing the night away with John Major .
17 Beneath her lay the vista of the outdoor restaurant in its sheltered patio .
18 He bent briefly to brush her lips , then he was reaching behind her to turn the handle of her bedroom door .
19 From behind her came the sleepy groan of a child .
20 Behind her ran the rio , screened by trees , and before her stood — or , rather , leaned — a house .
21 The serpent coiled around the branches of the tree behind her enhances the foreboding of her appeal .
22 Shivering a little in the silky bra and pants set that was all she was wearing , Folly held her only ‘ good ’ dress up against her to judge the effect .
23 Sylvie 's rancour against her became the measure of her universe .
24 It was what Nigel wanted in theory , but in practice he could n't bear the whole thing ending acrimoniously , especially with her getting the last word .
25 With her died the chance for Sinead to exorcise the demons that had scarred her childhood and turned her into a rebel whose talent to shock would ultimately overshadow her singing ability .
26 An officer went with her to recover the knife from her flat although , like the others , it bore no clues to its sender .
27 It was Mark who had persuaded her to approach the bank for a loan , Mark who had suggested her old friend Linda George , who had graduated in business studies at the same time that Theresa had finished her fashion degree , should join forces with her to organise the commercial side , Mark who had given her enough confidence in herself for her to allow her mother to put up her house as security — something Theresa had fought against even whilst realising there was no other way to secure the loan she needed .
28 Imbert , who has known Moore 's daughter Mary since 1985 , has spent three years working in collaboration with her to organise the exhibition which , in its latter phases , has employed a team of forty people .
29 With her driving the I never thought of that .
30 Another afternoon she took me with her to deliver the knitted garments .
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