Example sentences of "[prep] first [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 In March 1984 Mansur Rajih was tried before the Court of First Instance in Ta'iz for the murder of a man from his village .
2 The practice of appeal from ducal courts of first instance in the duchy to the Paris Parlement led ultimately to the formulation of the theory of independent Plantagenet sovereignty over Gascony .
3 Perhaps a third of first births in Victorian times were so conceived .
4 In 1971 47 per cent of first births in social class V , compared with 7 per cent in class I , were pre-maritally conceived .
5 This difference in the age at which women begin childbearing reflects both the later age at union and the greater frequency of deliberate postponement of first births in developed compared to less advanced countries .
6 Oxford , Durham , Cambridge , Newcastle and Edinburgh ( in that order ) publish high proportions of first papers in Nature , and these universities are also amongst the highest scoring in terms of productivity .
7 It is at first sight difficult to account for the anomalous position of Birmingham , which has a rather high productivity score , but whose proportion of first papers in the core journal set is low .
8 Oxford , Durham , Cambridge , Newcastle and Edinburgh ( in that order ) publish high proportions of first papers in Nature , and these universities are also amongst the highest scoring in terms of productivity .
9 This was the pattern of first railways in many parts of the world and it was to produce in Australia great complexities of gauge , rolling stock , and working systems .
10 Nevertheless , in view of the 30% incidence of restenosis with this technique , it should not be regarded as the revascularisation mode of first choice in cardiac arrest survivors .
11 The reader will probably reply that the question is quite otiose because it is obvious that , as Freud himself pointed out , the oral region is of first significance in a new-born baby 's life , the anal zone is significant later , especially with the coming of toilet-training , and the phallic period is last merely because it is only later that increasing awareness of the genitals and the ability to manipulate them and perceive the persons of the parents causes Oedipal phenomena ( which are synonymous with the phallic period ) to come to the fore .
12 Community Mothers are experienced mothers who are recruited in the areas and trained to give support and encouragement to parents of first babies in their own local communities with emphasis on child-rearing , health care , nutritional improvement and overall development .
13 By the year 2000 , it is expected that women will represent almost 50% of the workforce , so , assuming women have the same potential management skills as men , and bearing in mind that women gained 45% of first degrees in 1989 , companies that fail to recruit or promote them are cutting their reservoir of managerial talent by half .
14 But they , they sailed sort of first thing in the morning and did n't come back till last thing at
15 Neither Princess was of first rank in the European hierarchy of royalty and both were protestants .
16 Meanwhile , to keep as much of its collection as possible in New York City , the Society is offering other New York institutions the right of first refusal in the purchase of its works put up for sale .
17 The weakness of both the holistic and individualistic approaches is that they are both in their different ways incapable of explaining the origins of phenomena ; yet it is the origins which are of first importance in understanding human psychology and society .
18 There are many contenders for the title of first headhunter in Britain , and claimants include Charles Owen and Harry Roff , of EAL and MSL respectively , who entered the business in the mid-1950s .
19 What are you like first thing in the morning ?
20 Manhattan SMP prices will range from $32,000 to $36,000 , and Premmia P/60 retail prices will go from $5,500 to $8,000 , with first ships in July .
21 Manhattan SMP prices will range from $32,000 to $36,000 , and Premmia P/60 retail prices will go from $5,500 to $8,000 , with first ships in July .
22 Texas Instruments Inc says the MicroSparc chip , aka Tsunami or the much less picturesque TMS390S10 , worked with first silicon in a record design cycle of 18 months compared to previous cycles of two or more years .
23 Intended for students with first degrees in mathematical/scientific subjects who wish to specialise in one of several areas of Computer Science .
24 Maybe she 'd win the pools or walk off with first prize in the national lottery !
25 Their top class operation was recognised recently with first place in northern region 's quarterly audit checks .
26 That could change on a technicality if , as seems likely , Aliysa is disqualified from first place in the Oaks for having traces of camphor in her system .
27 This is a process which , of course , begins from first term in Nursery when the young children are befriended by Senior Pupils who each year elect to assist the Staff and children at Nursery level and indeed throughout the Junior School .
28 From first thing in the morning , when you turn off the clock-radio , throw back the fibre-filled duvet and activate the toaster , to the end of the day when you switch the TV off and the kettle on , plastic items have become an indispensable part of our lives .
29 From first thing in the morning until we closed at night , there were people drifting in and out all the time .
30 There was no sort of law against erm employing people without a certain amount of rest and erm that was employed , er that was occupied that office from first thing in the morning when the bus went out from five o'clock and erm he would , the depot clerk would go off round about dinner time , there 'd be his relief who came on at nine o'clock and worked with him until dinner time and he 'd carry on till five and then we had , what was called , the cashiers come on duty then , there was a cashier and erm a hand .
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