Example sentences of "[prep] me [adv] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The best thing for all of us is for me just to go back to London .
2 It would have been easy for me just to put off the difficult decisions we need to take , but I must do what is right for this country .
3 ‘ It 's quite enough for me just to know that you 're going . ’
4 The third is sexual love and enough illustrative material is on show in cinemas for me not to need to labour this point .
5 On the few occasions I have met him it has been very difficult for me not to let slip something about you .
6 ‘ But he has kept goal exceptionally well , not only this season but for two or three years and it would be unwise for me not to look at him . ’
7 Chris was a learner driver at this time , and he used to drive me to hospital ; driving practice for him , but a great relief for me not to have to drive myself .
8 ‘ Then you 'd have had another reason for me not to stay on board . ’
9 but , she prefers for me not to stay on the phone for very long she does
10 But it is impossible for me not to feel that my body is other than I , that I inhabit it like a house , and that my face is a mask which , with or without my consent , conceals my real nature from others . ’
11 It is not for me here to try to account for the common features of movements so different in nature as those we have mentioned .
12 For me , as a lover , as a person , as a man , it 's not enough for me only to give — I want it back as well .
13 With the leave of the House , it remains for me only to thank the Select Committee on Energy for allowing us to hear the Government 's reply .
14 The bedroom doors of Darlington Hall are of a certain thickness and I could by no means hear complete exchanges ; consequently , it is hard for me now to recall precisely what I overheard , just as , indeed , it was for me later that same evening when I reported to his lordship on the matter .
15 She is silently waiting for me now to understand the nature of what she is offering me .
16 I must apologize for this one , it 's hard for me sometimes to understand it as well .
17 I do n't think anything will ever change that so it 's very stupid of me even to hope … to live in the hope that he … that it 'll ever be different .
18 Now that I 'm feeling a bit calmer , I can see that it was amazingly presumptuous of me even to imagine that Madeleine might love me enough to sacrifice all the luxuries she 's used to , just to be with me !
19 It would be churlish of me not to say how much I welcome that statement , and how much I rejoice in the fact that to add to the four climbdowns that I announced at 4 o'clock , there is a fifth — the abandonment of the proposal announced by the Home Secretary in column 167 of Hansard on 2 July .
20 Stupid of me not to realise that here , also …
21 What I have advocated is possible and not just a dream , but it would be remiss of me not to consider the nightmare scenario of colliery closures at a time when we are increasing restructuring grants by £1,000 million .
22 The funeral directors ' lobby is very strong ; I suppose it was naïve of me not to have realized before that they would clamp down hard on any wholesaler who dared to step out of line and supply the public direct .
23 He will agree that it will be only wise of me not to attempt to comment on or in any way to qualify the words that the Prime Minister used this afternoon — and I have no intention of doing so .
24 That way it made his rejection of me easier to bear .
25 He might find it useful having an old man like me around to give him a few tips on how to manage horses . ’
26 Someone threw a beer bottle at me , and hit a guy who was behind me about to pour a pint over my head .
27 She would get really worried and stroke my forehead and plead with me not to talk about dying .
28 With me now to discuss what the budget means for more people in our area is Paul Sampson from Deloitt Hawkins and Sells .
29 However , I feel sure she values her friendship with me enough to play it our way .
30 You can explain to her why I rushed off , that I want to give her time to think things over without me around to distract her .
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