Example sentences of "[prep] only [det] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 If legislative controls are used developing sophisticated clinical practice guidelines for only those procedures with high cost and high variability , and requiring those guidelines to apply to all providers and payers , would be a healthy start .
2 It may be that it 's time to look again , even though this new rule has been enforced for only these elections , at this particular method of positive discrimination .
3 The MacDonalds box has a useful life of only several minutes , but languishes for decades in litter or landfill .
4 In the UK the AIB keep a very tight control over any CVR read-out since it represents a considerable intrusion on the privacy of the flight crew and , while they insist on using it whenever there is an accident , only the relevant extracts are made known to the public and the official reports contain transcriptions of only those sections which are necessary for a full understanding of the circumstances of the accident .
5 Size of adenoids affected the gains in mean hearing thresholds of only those children receiving adenoidectomy .
6 As it becomes established it may be that after-sales service criteria become important , leading to a move to selective distribution , with only those dealers that are able to offer the necessary standard of after-sales service being allowed to sell the product .
7 I had thought at the time , wrote Goldberg , turning the page , wiping his brow , taking a sip of orange juice from the glass on the desk beside him , dreaming for a moment of the cigarettes he had given up two years earlier , I had thought , he wrote , that an edited version of the text , with only those comments directly concerned with the Big Glass included , would serve you best .
8 Some managers who carry a smaller team of paid workers with only few volunteers have indeed shown support for the new breed of ‘ unemployed ’ worker , in order to broaden the CAB volunteer base .
9 As chapter 3 shows , however , such developments have been possible in only some industries and to varying degrees .
10 Notice that we have concentrated on only those elements which are activated , that is , relevant to the interpretation of what is said .
11 The Childhood , with its insistence on only those memories that could be recalled clearly , supports Eckert 's belief that there was a silent but complete understanding between them :
12 Many of the dichotomies traditionally employed in this area — for example between constraints operating through reasons and constraints due to other factors — are formulated with individual subjects in mind , and so do not apply , while others , which were originally intended to apply to only some properties of individuals and collectives , must bear extra weight .
13 Some children do n't seem to do as much if their parent is on the premises so maybe parent help in the classroom should be restricted to only some activities , at specific times .
14 The major problem with essentially voluntary schemes like these , however , is that they appeal to only those farmers who arc already convinced environmentalists .
15 Alternatively a drug might be ineffective until converted into an active form by a particular viral enzyme , thus restricting the action of the drug to only those cells that are infected with the virus .
16 Further , the user will be able to select the status of SPRs/SSRs that are to appear in the report and will also be able to limit the report to only those modules which appear in the Root Package itself .
17 Consequently it is neither possible nor appropriate in a book of this kind to analyse all of the issues which currently preoccupy environmentalists-It will be necessary instead to limit our discussion to only those aspects of environmentalism which are immediately relevant to current social changes in rural England .
18 Had Hoving 's reign been marked by only these highlights , he would have richly earned his self-appointed title as the ‘ crusading force ’ in American museums in the twentieth century .
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