Example sentences of "[prep] him as the " in BNC.

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1 He worked for Michael but was n't as subservient towards him as the other boys .
2 Cardiff saw Rohmer , Duvall and Gilbert recoil towards him as the hideous black-glistening thing thrashed amidst the collapsing detritus of its entry .
3 He openly talked of him as the probable successor to the see of Canterbury .
4 But when Prince rocks out it 's because that 's as much a part of him as the funk strut .
5 His name was Bartholemew Burton , but everyone thought of him as the little 'un .
6 A photograph of him as the Devil ( not in female disguise ) shows him poised on one foot , the other leg bent so that his whole body is tilted eccentrically .
7 The Yorkshire Evening News spoke of him as the man whose motto was ‘ keep smiling ’ .
8 He and his brother Jonna got on better now that Jonna had grown up , but George knew that his brother would always be jealous of him as the elder .
9 ‘ I think of him as the big brother I never had . ’
10 The term kerygma , proclamation , is normally held to refer , in such a phrase as ‘ the Jesus of the kerygma ’ , to the proclamation concerning Jesus ; that is to say the proclamation of him as the resurrected one , as Lord and Saviour .
11 They know that he is playing a part ; they are amused by his attempts to amuse them ; and grow fond of him ; and thereby demonstrate their own tolerance to themselves ; and grow even fonder of him as the occasion of the demonstration .
12 Until I was seventeen , only occasionally and briefly meeting him , I thought of him as the rather alarming head of the family .
13 I thought of him as the rhino : myopic , short-legged , thick-skinned , not too bright but with a mean temper , a surprising turn of speed over a short course , and , above all , a keen sense of smell .
14 With the most supreme effort she had ever made , she thought of him as the patient .
15 No he 's always , Fred , thou you think of him as the policeman do n't you that John Thaw .
16 But he had expected it to be directed by concern for the dead rather than against him as the perpetrator of their demise .
17 There was a brief scream behind him as the crossbow man , sighting down his weapon , dropped it and clutched at his throat .
18 And then , on the verge of sleep , she was crashing with him through the bushes of that dreadful wood , feeling the briars scratching her legs , the low twigs whipping against her cheeks , staring with him as the pool of light from the torch shone down on that grotesque and mutilated face .
19 Corbett regained his strength and scrambled to his feet , dragging the dwarf in his grasp with him as the latter 's accomplice slumped wordlessly to his knees .
20 Wearing Havvie 's ring , a diamond heirloom given to all Blaine brides , laughing , talking and playing with him as the London season began , Sally-Anne persuaded herself that she was as happy as a girl could be , Terry Rourke 's betrayal wiped out and forgotten .
21 In his responsiveness to temporal processes he differed from many of his contemporaries and we can look upon him as the forerunner in literature of those , like Spenser and Shakespeare in the late sixteenth century , who were greatly concerned with the irreversible effects of time on the human mind and Spirit .
22 But the aforementioned medrese was bestowed upon him as the result of the letter of Ferhad Pasa . "
23 I look upon him as the authentic voice of the Labour party , and I want him to be heard .
24 So , though Geoffrey expressed his anger after the knight Walter had killed one of his kinsmen , he accepted two mills from him as the price of his peace .
25 The veils of sleep and illusion dropped away and she moved as far away from him as the seatbelt allowed , turning her face to the window .
26 They stopped saying , you know , would you buy a used car from this man and started talking about him as the international peacemaker .
27 ‘ Britten had written the part for him as the eldest son , Jaffet , which was a treble , ’ said Graham .
28 I stopped beside him as the other three went on ahead .
29 His first loves — to make use of Klima 's title — prove to be his last , but prove as engrossing to him as the lyrics in which his emotional development is encoded .
30 He preferred the shore , where the long vistas of rocks with their thick coverings of seaweed appeared to him as the heads of ‘ black phantoms emerging from the underworld , ’ and the grottos were full of strange brilliantly coloured rocks and polished white beds of gravel which seemed about ‘ to receive the water-nymph when she emerged from the waves ’ .
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