Example sentences of "[prep] if the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 While they had not asked for permission to enter his lands and claimed they were not in a position to pay for the disturbance , they promised he would be well looked after if the find was as good as appeared .
2 If the War Altar is destroyed of if the Theogonist leaves it he is dealt no magic cards , and will not be able to cast spells .
3 There is then a pause , followed by one of the following messages : — and possibly one of if the H strip message has appeared .
4 So if you have a look at those and play with them for next time erm and make sure that you learn those two rules about if the signs are the same
5 You 're thinking about if the ball is coming to you you 're watching the ball .
6 ‘ What about if the company no longer exists ? ’
7 Now how about if the cat if your cat had strayed how would you spell that ?
8 Erm number one asking for the completion had been worthwhile , very good there , reminded er John why , yeah that was excellent , thought you handled the objection well , you know , about if the person walked through , that was good , everything else was tick tick tick erm sound pretty enthusiastic there , that little extra note , excellent voice , quite enthusiasm again controlled but not appear too pushy , it was very controlled
9 Yeah well what about if the fire was down that end ?
10 Yeah well what about if the fire 's between the box room and this exit ?
11 In London , though , life went on that Friday almost as if the invasion had not happened .
12 We were all shooting at the crowds , as if the guns were not loaded , and only meant to frighten them .
13 The strap-hangers were swaying unsteadily , as if the metal floor were running in wavelets .
14 He held on , digging his fingers into metal , as if the metal were soft and would give .
15 Section 677 applies as if the capital sum had been paid to the settlor by the trustees of the settlement thus bringing the whole £100,000 worth of income , potentially , into charge to tax under s677 .
16 Even Mister Johnny sat still , as if the story had lulled him , though perhaps it was only the soft sound of Hepzibah 's voice .
17 She sat down in front of the mirror and brushed her hair carefully , as if the success of her enterprise lay entirely in the sleek disposal of each gleaming black thread .
18 It 's as if the relationship needed redefining and I was n't committed to doing that .
19 Despite his sharply critical memoranda on Britain in 1965 and 1966 , he could write as if the relationship were still at its peak : [ The British and Americans ] to an exceptional degree , … look out on the world through similarly refracted spectacles .
20 The applause crescendos , as if the boy is really present , and not simply broadcast from a video tape of an American Nation of Islam meeting .
21 It was as if the boy were charged with some powerful yet masked vitality .
22 Yes , it was as if the boy were a compact little battery , filled with the energy of knowing ; a veiled light , awaiting its moment to shine out , illuminating the world .
23 It was as if the boy was somehow both more and , at the same time , less human than anyone he had ever come across .
24 He looked down at the child , surprised , as if the boy would vanish at any moment , leaving him holding nothing .
25 It is not as if the Home Secretary had not been warned .
26 The way the poem is ordered allows us momentarily to read it as if the juxtaposition was just that of eye and Canaletto , for the eye appears at first as an independent entity .
27 It was as if the Baron had picked up her thought .
28 ‘ In the early Fifties , we all started setting up Resistance networks again , all over Europe , when it looked as if the Soviets were going to come west on the next train : , The Air Force was particularly interested : escape routes for aircrew and so on .
29 It looks as if the manuscript version ( with a different ordering from the printed one ) was the one submitted to Mizler , while the engraved plates may well not have been used until after Bach 's death , providing a companion to the posthumous printing of The art of fugue .
30 It is as if the legislature wishes both to compromise the criminalizing effect of conviction and to mitigate the impact of a prosecution facilitated by strict liability ( cf.
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