Example sentences of "[prep] an [adj] and " in BNC.

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1 After an acrimonious and close battle , Guinness emerged narrowly as the victor .
2 After an emotional and heated 11-hour debate V. P. Singh 's National Front government lost the vote of confidence in the Lok Sabha on Nov. 7 by 346 votes to 142 , with eight abstentions .
3 Shottermill ran out worthy winners of the 1992 Haslemere Hospital Cup after an entertaining and competitive final between these two old rivals at Fernhurst on Sunday .
4 After an exuberant and spectacular mandate , returning to his previous post in 1988 after an absence of nearly two years , he concentrated his efforts on saving the national heritage , creating a body of trained curators for French museums , and encouraging patronage of the arts without abandoning his penchant for popular adulation ( of which his orchestration of the celebrations for the bicentenary of the French Revolution is the prime example ) .
5 After an unfortunate and ill-timed brush with the law , it was almost impossible for Marinello to arrest his downward spiral .
6 The Labour Government 's pamphlet Britain 's New Deal in Europe , issued before the 1975 referendum , stated unequivocally that ‘ there was a threat to employment in Britain from the movement in the Common Market towards an Economic and Monetary Union .
7 It is perhaps because of an effort to buck the trend towards an insufferable and market-conscious cleverness that we are witnessing an attempt amongst more committed narrators to seek out a way of dealing directly with the emotions , without all the paraphernalia of intrigue and description that has accumulated over the past few years .
8 Sometimes , a judge will be particularly impressed by a mellifluous and seductive plea put up on behalf of an accused and will sentence leniently to the point of mistake .
9 Androgyny — of an explicit and active kind — was the key sexuality of the mid-sixties .
10 Not less important , Kunaev was at the centre of an elaborate network of patronage and corruption which was clearly threatened by the imposition of an ethnic and political outsider .
11 The view most favoured is that it could , by the intervention of an official and by means of his coercion .
12 The first worry is that proving that your contract has been broken may not be easy , particularly if you are complaining about the breach of an unwritten and rather vague term .
13 Mercier and Baker ( 1985 ) ( see also Baker and Mercier 1982a ) report the results of an extensive and thorough series of experiments ( using the conditioned suppression procedure and a clicker and a light as the stimuli ) , none of which yielded any indication that the S1-S2 procedure diminished the magnitude of latent inhibition .
14 By far the most famous of these clerical judges is Henry Bracton : he died in 1268 as chancellor of Exeter cathedral , but he had served in the meanwhile as a justice in eyre , a judge on assize , and from 1248 to 1257 on the King 's Bench and on the king 's council ; his fame rests on the fact that not only was he the foremost jurist of his age and possessed of an extensive and precise knowledge of Roman law but he was also credited with the authorship of The Laws and Customs of England which became — in the words of Dorothy Stenton — ‘ the Bible of the coming legal generation ’ .
15 But the best form of support for her is of course to be found in the framework of an affectionate and united family who will make sure that she is not too lonely and can help her to rebuild her social life .
16 In the near future , pregnant women could have their children examined at home , with the certainty of an accurate and unequivocal result .
17 Indeed , there 's an excellent description in the seventeenth century by the physician Thomas Willis of an honest and prudent woman , as he describes her , who erm , after much hasty speaking will become mute as a fish , and one might even fancifully look further back and wonder whether this fatiguable weakness was n't something that erm that the Old Testament character , Samson , had .
18 Mr Baughan is an example of an elderly and disabled man at his most vulnerable , but Age Concern believes they are not a group most at risk in Society .
19 The household of Henry I of England , the most literate of its day north of the Alps and the Pyrenees , the centre of an administrative and judicial system which was rapidly growing , was still a mobile headquarters for a chieftain whose principal business was to hunt and to fight .
20 I sent a message via others of Nigel 's relations that , should he do the bit about it ‘ pleasing Almighty God to take unto himself our dear brother Nigel ’ , he would run the risk of an immediate and very angry protest from me .
21 Baldwin , with his wife , then saw Davidson , and although ‘ still a little stunned ’ they both talked in terms of an immediate and complete withdrawal to Astley .
22 By the age of 12 , she was only the size of an eight-year-old and had already undergone two operations to straighten her legs .
23 They begin from a description of ‘ the ways in which the cultural heritage is transmitted in non-literate societies ’ and then inquire ‘ how these ways are changed by the widespread adoption of an easy and effective means of written communication ’ ( ibid . ) .
24 It consists of an outer and inner gateway with two storeys of arcading having engaged columns between in the Tuscan-Doric Order .
25 Thus , on 23 July the rebels created a Committee for National Defence , composed of seven generals , whose role was that of an embryonic and , of course , illegal government .
26 The creation of an economic and monetary union is , in fact , at the heart of economic integration and of political integration . ’
27 The picture of an economic and political system in which social exclusion , however unfortunate , is somehow a remediable affliction is all but required .
28 PRESIDENT Mikhail Gorbachev has appealed to the Russian Republic not to go it alone on reform and warned that the Soviet Union stood on the brink of an economic and political abyss .
29 The pleadings of advocates contain much valuable information of an economic and social nature ; we can learn much , too , about human motivation which made men go to war .
30 Therefore , as part of the 1992 programme it was agreed at the Hanover summit meeting of heads of state and government in 1988 that the progressive realization of an economic and monetary union should be studied at the highest level .
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