Example sentences of "[prep] which any [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The judges , for their part , came increasingly to regard the law as embodying a legal limit of forty-eight hours , after which any detainee had to be brought before a court .
2 Nectar flow in the red-flowered Brownea rosa-de-monte ( Leguminosae ) of the Panama forests is known to be influenced by interference from stingless bees and lepidopteran larvae , though , in general , flow in this species decreases through the day during which any flower is presented .
3 Term Characteristic Six months Part II of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 does not apply to a tenancy for a term of years certain not exceeding six months unless : ( 1 ) it contains provision for renewing the term or extending it beyond six months from its beginning ; or ( 2 ) the tenant has been in occupation for a period which , together with any period during which any predecessor in his business was in occupation , exceeds twelve months ( Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 , s43(3) ) .
4 The other Non-academic Parties will also notify the Lead Organization of the sale or transfer out of the Project of any capital equipment for which any claim for payment has been made under this Agreement .
5 After the acquittal of " Inside Linda Lovelace " in 1976 , the authorities largely abandoned the attempt to prosecute books for which any claim of literary merit could be made .
6 I think that given that University work is supposed to encourage intellectual activity at the highest level of which any individual is capable it is very important to increase motivation by allowing those individuals to proceed at their own pace and to establish their cognitive frames as and when they feel capable of doing so .
7 But this rhetorical nonsense ends in the old strain of mischievous nonsense : for immediately a list of these pretended natural rights is given … there is not , it seems , any one of which any government can , upon any occasion whatever , abrogate the smallest particle .
8 Nevertheless , in speaking of the different ‘ rhythms ’ of which any relationship needed to take account , he showed a pretty shrewd understanding of the female character ; an understanding which has sometimes been denied .
9 Growth also depends on the efficiency with which any investment is utilized .
10 Indeed , the fundamental in-built instability of the global system , and the most important contradiction with which any theory of the global system has to grapple , is that the hegemonic ideology of the system is under constant challenge , particularly outside the First World .
11 The Swastika is also associated with the Elephant-headed God of Expression , Ganesh , whose symbol is the Sanskrit word ‘ Om ’ with which any student of Yoga is familiar .
12 ‘ Saddam Hussein ’ in ‘ Baghdad ’ , attacked by the world 's greatest power and its allies , becomes a vessel into which any amount of grievances , frustrations and wretchedness can be poured .
13 Networked computer facilities are set up into which any number of firms can be hooked .
14 Hohensemer et al. ( 1983 ) make the important point that hazards are multidimensional in nature and suggest 12 dimensions along which any hazard may be scored ( see Table 10.2 ) .
15 Within the UK the threshold has been set at a level of £135,000 , above which any business supplying or acquiring goods will have to complete this form on a monthly basis .
16 Under s665(2) , a settlement shall not be deemed to be revocable by reason only : ( a ) that it contains a provision under which any income or assets will or may become payable to or applicable for the benefit of the settlor , or the wife or husband of the settlor , on the bankruptcy of the settlor 's child or in the event of an assignment of or charge on that income or those assets being executed by the settlor 's child ; or ( b ) that it provides for the determination of the settlement by the act or on the default of any person in such a manner that the determination will not , during the lifetime of the settlor 's child , benefit the settlor or the wife or husband of the settlor ; or ( c ) in the case of a settlement to which section 33 of the Trustee Act 1925 applies , that it directs income to be held for the benefit of the settlor 's child on protective trusts , unless the trust period is a period less than the life of the child or the settlement specifies some event on the happening of which the child would , if the income were payable during the trust period to him absolutely during that period , be deprived of the right to receive all or part of the income .
17 The most dangerous clause in the draft is on self-provision for museums , under which any museum can be closed by the authorities if it can not finance itself .
18 He expressed disquiet , however , over strong British government support for the ‘ Carter Doctrine under which any part of the world can be proclaimed a sphere of vital American interests ’ including ‘ the oil-rich Persian Gulf region ’ .
19 Details of the suspension surfaced a matter of days after the USA had outlined a four-stage plan for the normalization of US-Vietnamese relations , under which any improvement in relations was fully conditional on Vietnam 's acceptance of the stalled UN peace plan for Cambodia [ see p. 37654 ] .
20 Objections to the proposals essentially turn on the terms under which any devolution would take place , and the question of the competence and reliability of the organisations which would be taking on responsibility for the sites .
21 This is the dichotomy that must be used to form a framework within which any curriculum change must be placed .
22 ‘ This , in my opinion , is essential to provide the framework within which any manager can lead this great club .
23 We said that this was the last stage before which any unfixedness could be tolerated .
24 1.24 Pursuant to the Queen 's Bench Masters ' Practice Direction of 29 November 1989 , in order to save time at trial , copies of disclosed medical or other experts ' reports upon which any party intends to rely ( whether agreed or not ) must be lodged by that party as soon after setting down as is practicable .
25 But no reported case has been cited to the court in which any judge in any jurisdiction has ever purported to order a doctor to treat a patient in a particular way contrary to the doctor 's will until Waite J. made his order in the present case .
26 Well if that were so my Lord then there would never be any any solicitor 's negligence claims , in which any expert was ever called to give evidence because it 's always going to be eventually a matter of law as to what the defendant 's duty is but what the er what the plaintiff had not said at any stage is that a matter of law is ever going to be admissible and in fact the is Justice our in the course of er er a case in which he , despite expressing reservations about the admissibility of the evidence , plainly admitted it because he was within the course of his judgement .
27 The legislative intention was to give rise to a charge whenever there was a change in the proportion of the settled property in which any participator was deemed to be entitled , whether the change had arisen on death , or on termination of the interest , or on a disposition or deemed disposition .
28 Clearly memories are not formed instantaneously , as if by throwing a switch , but are built up over a period of hours after the event to be memorized has occurred ; during this build-up the form in which any memory is stored changes .
29 The congress agreed to establish a closed trade unions ' assets management company in which any union could become a member .
30 In those circumstances it does not seem to me right to leave open , whether the court has power to do so I 'm doubtful , but in any event it does not seem to me right to leave open a question of whether there should be some damages to provide for the possibility that er Paul may have to leave school , nor do I think that it is a situation in which any contingency award should be made in respect of that .
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