Example sentences of "[prep] which [vb base] it " in BNC.

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1 It is closely related to a longer version extant in four manuscripts three of which assign it to him .
2 The choice of which group it is relevant to claim membership of turns on specific circumstances .
3 That structure was consolidated in the Local Government Act 1933 , under which Act it remained the system of local government until the Local Government Act 1972 .
4 Yet Hunt could not say what station the broadcast came from nor upon which date it was transmitted .
5 The relative weight to be attached to the different characteristics of the vehicle depends upon which market it is aimed at .
6 If the key requested is 24 , then the index table will be searched to see in which block it is to be found .
7 Recording contracts can be particularly complicated due to the different royalty rates and ‘ packaging deductions ’ which can be applied to different types of record , and to where it is sold , when it is sold , and in which cover it is presented .
8 This can be rewritten as in which form it is often known as the Fundamental Theorem of Game Theory .
9 The tone in which Cap it had been said smarted like a cut .
10 It appears to be quite selective as to which fish it invades , some becoming covered in the mutated cells into which the virus has incorporated its own genetic material , others escaping .
11 In response to the proposed new guidelines the FMLN , which had demobilized the first 20 per cent of its forces in June [ see p. 38957 ] and a further 20 per cent on Sept. 21 , agreed to disband the next 20 per cent on Oct. 31 ( on which date it duly proceeded with the disarming of some 1,000 guerrillas ) , a further 20 per cent on Nov. 20 and the final 20 per cent on Dec. 15 .
12 Pilots should be encouraged to make an assessment during the final turn of how much airbrake they will need as they start to straighten up for the final approach , instead of waiting until the turn is completed at which point it is already too late .
13 The ‘ stope ’ , or place from which the rock is dug , becomes , at the end of the operation , just a cavity in the rockface , at which point it becomes a ‘ gunnis ’ .
14 A previously harmful being may change and become a helpful spirit guide to an individual , at which point it will also become circumspect , if not fearful , in its relationship with humans .
15 Mode 1 or ‘ standby mode ’ left one machine idle , waiting for its partner — supporting all the users — to fall over and die , at which point it would cut in .
16 We followed the wall 160 ft , at which point it doubled its width and was continuing and we had no time to go further .
17 Either he could wait until the pod splashed down at which point it would start to sink , and if the water was deep enough and he had difficulty in escaping from the safety envelope , or became entangled with the chute , he might drown before he was able to struggle to the surface — or else he could blow the hatch prior to landing , risking being either injured or knocked unconscious during an unprotected impact .
18 When pressed down half-way , at which point it can be caught in a notch , the note is raised a semitone ; when pressed down farther to the second notch the note is raised another semitone .
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