Example sentences of "[prep] which [vb past] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Bulgaria and Germany signed a debt rescheduling agreement in Sofia on May 8 , under which Germany would allow a postponement of repayment of trade credits guaranteed by it , the deadlines for which had expired in March 1992 .
2 It had been shattered along with the glass tank , the debris of which lay scattered on the carpet .
3 Also in 1983 , SAFER sold off 5,223 hectares , 2,447 hectares of which went to enlarge existing farms , ( 69% by area in the Zone de Montagne ) and 1,276 hectares to create 77 new farm units , 49 of them in the Zone de Montagne .
4 Sales fell 9.8% to $5,440m , and Bull blames the world economic slowdown , price wars in the personal computer market segment and the effects of structural changes in the industry — but those problems also affected Hewlett-Packard Co , ICL Plc and NCR Corp , all of which managed to remain profitable and to grow in 1991 .
5 Finally , guberniia executive committees were charged with the resurrection of village reading-rooms , most of which had gone under in the changed economic conditions of NEP .
6 She had full view of the stage and of the three female impersonators , kicking up their legs in a dance , the rhythm of which had gone a little awry .
7 The UN General Assembly annually reiterates its recognition of the Coalition Government of Democratic Kampuchea ( CGDK ) , which was formed in June 1982 and which comprises three organizations opposed to the Phnom Penh regime , namely ( i ) the Party of Democratic Kampuchea ( the Khmers Rouges ) , the leading members of which had headed , under Pol Pot , the universally reviled government of Democratic Kampuchea between 1975-79 ; ( ii ) the Armée nationale sihanoukiste ( ANS ) , headed by a former ruler of the Kingdom of Cambodia , Prince Norodom Sihanouk ; and ( iii ) the Khmer People 's National Liberation Front ( KPNLF ) led by Son Sann , a former Prime Minister under Sihanouk .
8 A Hornby clockwork train and a Number 4 Meccano set , both of which had given far more pleasure to John Redburn than they had to his son .
9 The decision , if fully implemented , threatened to split the LDP , many senior members of which had given their approval to , or accepted positions within , the new movement .
10 Virgin had also bought a London cinema , the Scala , specialising in ‘ art house ’ films ; and a video-editing suite , called Off Line — both of which had become the particular interest of Nik Powell .
11 The viability of the buy-back option was thought to be dependent on the availability of new loans especially from the World Bank and International Monetary Fund ( IMF ) , both of which had expressed support for the agreement , and also from the Japanese Export-Import Bank and the Spanish government .
12 He mentioned oil , chemicals , engineering and electrical engineering , all of which had made solid progress .
13 It draws on data collected during 1992 from three contrasting health districts , all of which had made considerable progress in care programming .
14 This followed assurances that no authority seeking a redetermination should suffer a reduced spending level , fear of which had prevented any of the selected authorities from appealing in the first year of operation .
15 He had inherited four major outlets : in New York , Paris , London and Rome , all of which had come through the war intact , all of which were in prime locations , and all of which had suffered from neglect .
16 On Vasilariov 's many levels — some of which had slumped into chasms — surviving refugees trudged through debris or foul floodwater back to their shattered factory-homes .
17 Efforts continued to establish a harmonization of European accounting practices , in accordance with the Fourth and Seventh Company Law Directives ( 1978 and 1983 respectively ) , the first of which had created the Contact Committee of officials , the standards body which had originated most of the current proposals ( but which was still not recognized by many EC members ) , while the second had included measures to standardize the presentation of consolidated accounts within the EC ( see p. 36154 for earlier developments ) .
18 Although few adopted a fully-fledged Lockeian position , most believed in the idea of a contract between rulers and ruled , the breaking of which had cost James II the throne .
19 By far the most important , by virtue of their numbers , were Carlism and the Falange , both of which had expanded considerably — in the Falange 's case enormously — since the start of the war .
20 It was a potentially dangerous operation involving 15 armed police officers , 2 of which had tracked the car in the force helicopter .
21 Over the bath , which stood on four , clawed , brass feet and contained a puddle of grit-flecked water in which floated a small plastic submarine from a packet of cereal , was a large geyser , the exposed metal of which had turned green with the years .
22 No longer would he have to pin all his hopes on the random burglaries that he 'd carried out in that first couple of days , none of which had turned up anything better than a shotgun or a low-calibre target weapon ; those were useless for his purpose , and he 'd left them where he 'd found them .
23 There were five dams built , none of which had to undergo frequent repairs , and the total expenditure incurred by the project up to the end of 1987 was $1.4 billion , not $14 billion as the article asserts .
24 In fact there were only a few cars but quite a number of pack mules , some horse-drawn carts and one or two carozzelle , fine horse-drawn carriages , most of which had seen better days .
25 In the 1970s the police were often concerned with the need to keep apart two rival groups , each of which had gathered together for a demonstration in the same place and at the same time .
26 There were three washbasins fixed to the far wall ; over the centre one was a pocket mirror one corner of which had broken and swung away on the screw to live a life of its own .
27 BP , ICL , IBM , Volvo , British Gas in Wales , British Telecom in the South-west , and a clutch of local authorities , many of which had led the way , had all shown it could be done , with Ford announcing its partial ban recently .
28 He reflected on the options which had been open to him , one of which had led to his downfall .
29 The street seemed to be full of perfume now , wafting around her in the biting wind — the perfume that was the most evocative memory she had of her mother , a haunting perfume , light and teasing and sweet , a perfume that smelled a little like a summer garden at dusk , a perfume , the memory of which had possessed the power to bring tears to her eyes long , long after she had forgotten how to conjure up the image of her mother 's face .
30 Furthermore , it gave him an excellent excuse not to apply his mind to the dismal subjects rearmament , the war in Spain , relations with Hitler , the distressed areas the weight of which had built up during his absence .
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