Example sentences of "[prep] that time [art] " in BNC.

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1 During that time no Chadian resident was allowed to seek information about the prisoners , as they risked becoming prisoners themselves .
2 What they had said really ‘ took seed ’ a few months later , when I set off on a world trip for seven months , and during that time the friend I was with , Ella , decided a few times , in different parts of the world , to lose some weight and tone up .
3 It lasted three days and during that time the 4,000 delegates had a choice of plenary sessions with top speakers , technical study groups , workshops , banquets , free time and even great music .
4 During that time the pleasures of furtiveness were open to all concerned , and to these was added the satisfaction of hard physical work and the stimulus of a mild sense of danger while actually working under the earth .
5 For all her strange behaviour in rehearsals and in the office , she had held her position as director for eleven years and during that time the Tiller troupes still commanded the highest respect and dominated all other dance troupes .
6 I was eight months at Huntingdon , from February to October 1945 , and during that time the war came to an end , first the German war and then , most unexpectedly , the Japanese war .
7 During that time the stench around the house was terrible .
8 It was during that time the lady Primaflora was summoned to the palace at Nicosia to be scrutinised by the King 's mother .
9 Two people have not spoken to each other for months and during that time the sun has gone down day after day upon their anger with each other .
10 ‘ This first stage of the course will last about three weeks ( ten days for the short courses ) and during that time the crews will complete about 84 hours of lectures covering eight different subjects .
11 Miss Taylor , you went to Hollywood as a very young girl and during that time the young actors and actresses such as Mickey Rooney , Judy Garland and Deanna Durbin seemed to be channelled towards song and dance .
12 And during that time the house had become brighter in all ways , not only through her cleaning and her presence but also through her cooking .
13 During that time the main emphasis was on the female as fashionable : hemlines rose inexorably with the soaring British economy .
14 though in fact during that time the unfolding story of the public regulation of the urban environment has been far from one of even continuity .
15 The training lasted only four months , but during that time the young mother was only able to spend one precious afternoon a week with her babies .
16 During that time the allocation to that gallery has been reduced , and subsequently frozen .
17 During that time the passengers had been made to dismount and the car subjected to an exhaustive search .
18 We have been here since 1986 and during that time the town has gone completely down the pan . ’
19 In the period February 21st-26th , the French losses amounted to 25,000 men , and , although during that time the ratio of French and German casualties was reliably estimated at three to one , by the 29th German losses had already passed the 25,000 mark .
20 After that time no further amendments to the policies may be made and the policies , as agreed , must be applied by the vendor 's auditors in the preparation of the completion accounts .
21 This earthly world was depleted of all powers at the end of creation time history ; after that time the community could only be achieved and continuously recreated through individuals carefully taking , with the help of the ruwatu , limited amounts of transformational forces to do so from the gods .
22 We now know too that in the later part of that time a form of Greek was widely spoken there .
23 There has been a monastic community at Einsiedeln for more than a thousand years , for most of that time a Benedictine monastery .
24 The samples go back over 30 000 years , and they show that after being constant for most of that time the methane concentration began to increase in 1580 ( Geophysical Research Letters , vol 9. p 1221 ) At the end of the 16th century , the methane concentration began increasing at a rate of 0.114 ppmv per century ( parts per million by volume ) and around 1915 the rate accelerated to the present figure of 2.5 ppmv per century — if the data can be taken at face value .
25 This , then is the state of affairs which Rigoberta Menchu has been trying for the past 11 years to bring to the world 's attention — an almost impossible task , given the fact that for most of that time the international press found Nicaragua and El Salvador much more diverting .
26 It was written during the latter part of 1913 and the first half of 1914 and for part of that time the author was travelling in Austria .
27 At the end of that time the conscientious manager may well find it difficult to credit the evidence .
28 ( 2 ) If on an allotted day on which any proceedings on the Bill are to be brought to a conclusion at a time appointed by this Order the House is adjourned , or the sitting is suspended , before that time no notice shall be required of a Motion made at the next sitting by a member of the Government for varying or supplementing the provisions of this Order .
29 An article in the Timber Trades Journal reported Michael Latham , chairman of a major UK timber firm and then president of the European tropical timber importers union , as saying that : ‘ The entry of the WWF into the field enlarged the scale of the problem for the timber trade , since before that time the trade had been dealing with small local conservationist groups ’ .
30 However , if before that time the supplier issues a tax invoice or receives payment , then to that extent the time of supply ( also known as the ‘ tax point ’ ) is the earlier of when the invoice is issued or payment received ( s 5(1) and ( 10 ) ) .
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