Example sentences of "[prep] us at the " in BNC.

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1 I 'd heard the voice of an angel — and when a meeting was eventually arranged between David and myself , through NEMS ' who were handling both of us at the time , I expected a very pimply youth to be standing there .
2 If this was true for Stendhal at the beginning of the 19th century , it remains so for increasing numbers of us at the end of the 20th .
3 We are all of us at the mercy of our adrenaline , and there is a very fine dividing line between being justifiably keyed up and ready to do your best and being rendered helpless by panic .
4 Dietary fibre is the substance which makes the waste matter from the food we eat pass through us and out of us at the desirable , speedy , natural rate .
5 GROWING OLD is a terrible business for most of us at the best of times .
6 ‘ I wanted to have one of us at the house . ’
7 ‘ The mugs who were ahead of us at the hotel , Fatso .
8 None of us at the moment is prepared to spend — probably waste — our time trying to find out .
9 A gutsy but vulnerable underdog who swiped the prince and was still one of us at the end of it .
10 Talisker may not be too healthy for the likes of us at the moment , I 'm thinking , ’ Ratagan said .
11 If the Press were to arrive you 'd find both of us at the gates with shot-guns .
12 My wife was flying from Tel-Aviv to London and who should be in front of us at the airport …
13 It always is er a moment to reflect , to look forward to renew acquaintances , to recharge the batteries , to get new ideas and that 's quite right and this public meeting marks the eve of a particularly important year for all of us at the Save The Children Fund .
14 There was a crowd of us at the dancing in Panama Jax , a disco just down by the Clyde .
15 I 'd like to present on behalf of Colonel centre , a plaque from all of us at the Three-Ninetieth at D M Museum .
16 As he began to speak a young boy ran straight through a plate glass window behind us at the back of the church .
17 What 's worse is that the commentators are constantly fawning to the scum , the game against us at the pigstye being the prime example , going on the BBC coverage Leeds did n't appear to touch the ball let alone get it out of their own half .
18 What 's worse is that the commentators are constantly fawning to the scum , the game against us at the pigstye being the prime example , going on the BBC coverage Leeds did n't appear to touch the ball let alone get it out of their own half .
19 There should be a car waitin' fur us at the airport when we get in to Lima .
20 He was waitin' fur us at the airport , a mean-faced little mestizo dressed in a pale blue suit .
21 Upson would not normally run the winner again , but as he says , ‘ things are not exactly normal with us at the moment .
22 My maternal grandmother was living with us at the time , it having been decided that her flat in Highgate should be closed down for the duration of the war , and she circulated between the homes of her son and three daughters so that she could be looked after .
23 When he finally arrived in Calcutta he was not of course allowed to stay with us at the Sisters , which puzzled you children , but he stayed with the Oxford Mission Fathers and came over every day to see us , until a kindly businessman heard about us and took us along to his palatial house until we could decide what next to do .
24 ‘ I 'd find it embarrassing for Prince Charles to be out with us at the moment , ’ said Captain Barker .
25 Evolution is presented as a progression from simple to complex forms with us at the pinnacle of it all as the most complex .
26 The Corporal who was with us at the time , a new one detached from Orange , immediately awarded Mike 2,000 press-ups .
27 From Jibuti my father crossed to Aden and then went to Cairo to confer with Sir Reginald Wingate , the High Commissioner , while we went to Berbera to stay with Geoffrey Archer , the Commissioner in British Somaliland ; he and his wife had stayed with us at the Legation for Zauditu 's coronation in February .
28 After we had been at school for about three years Arnold Hodson , who had been Consul in Southern Abyssinia , was staying with us at the beginning of the holidays .
29 Well I remember being aboard the Brandon , because Uncle John came and stayed with us at the cliff and er , er father was at sea somewhere but he came and stayed with us and then he now went down into er to see his captain cos they were sailing on on the tide the next day .
30 The dry , cloudy weather will still be with us at the start of the night , but some patchy , light rain will creep into the Borders and Dumfries and Galloway by the end of the night .
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