Example sentences of "[prep] us [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ What we going to do ? pull him along after us on a cart ?
2 before us but their plan now is to come after us on a D C nine
3 We left in a strange , silent huff , the women running after us into the street and trying to pull us back inside .
4 Otherwise he 'd have been down the line after us like a shot .
5 It 's a factual mistake , of course , because er , there are n't in fact deities looking after us in the way there were parents in , in childhood .
6 Elinor said , pointing to a figure marching towards us along the riverside .
7 Rank on rank they stretched to the horizon , their reflections shimmering towards us on a blue mirror .
8 The pilot cut the motor and the plane slid towards us with a curious hissing sound .
9 He became enormously excited and , as the rest of the party started back towards us with a huge mound of lavatory paper balanced on the ravioli , he hopped from foot to foot , clutching my arm .
10 Congressman Long thinks to give us alms , kicked towards us with the dirty soles of his shoes , so that the Salvadorean people , on their bended knees , lick them up from the ground with their tongues .
11 Then he was smiling , coming towards us with the charm turned on .
12 What is important is that God always acts towards us with an outbreak of invariable love , the expression of His unchanging nature .
13 He moved towards us across the road .
14 ‘ I think we had reached about 11,000 feet when the barrage opened up over Valetta and , against the white puffs , I saw seven biplanes heading directly towards us in a shallow vic formation .
15 One thing worth remarking about this is cosmology and astronomy in general is very unusual science in the sense that when we observe very distant objects in the universe we are observing the universe actually as it was in the past , because the light that 's coming towards us from a distant galaxy or cluster of galaxies actually left that object maybe millions or billions of years ago .
16 As he did this a Maltese feller started striding slowly but purposefully towards us from the back of the club .
17 There were some hill-walkers with ice-axes coming towards us from the other side of the hill , and I was trying to look as though I meant to come hill-walking dressed like a hairdresser 's receptionist .
18 It came rolling towards us from the west .
19 The island was spread in front of me , outrigger canoes paddling towards us from the silver beaches lined with tall , bending palm trees and feathery casuarinas , while , behind , the green volcanic mountains rose until they seemed to meet the sky .
20 I date the present coldness of Turkey towards us from the expulsion of the Axis from North Africa .
21 ‘ Since Patsy 's murder there has been a sea change in attitude towards us by the military , ’ said Alec , a 45-year-old Catholic who has worked for the MoD since before the Troubles .
22 She looked pleadingly at Tamar as she said , ‘ Mebbe when t'summer comes , your Mam 'll let thoo come and stop wi' us for a few days . ’
23 Below us in the village square Kalchu had pegged out his backstrap loom and was weaving a length of grey goat's-hair cloth to make a rug .
24 Whilst ever sexual relationships are foregrounded and idealised , those of us without a lover will be made to feel inferior and excluded .
25 I proposed that we fish the same swim , which was large enough to accommodate both of us without the risk of crossed lines .
26 Karen did , and I could quite understand her apprehension at the prospect of trying to maintain her rigid code of etiquette beneath the hot southern sun , in a festive holiday atmosphere , with both of us under the same roof twenty-four hours a day .
27 In consideration of your agreeing to make an offer , on behalf of our customer , [ client name ] for the whole of the issued share capital of a company known to both of us under the code name [ ] ' , we , [ name of Bank ] London Branch , [ address of Bank ] , hereby guarantee that our customer , [ client name ] have available to them funds up to a total amount of £ [ ] .
28 Things have not been quite the same between the two of us since the business with the vacuum cleaner in the cellar .
29 We had quite a lot of homework , so that those of us on a train journey involving an hour on either side of the school day , and then a couple of hours work , were not left with much free time .
30 One day outside Aigburth Huts , waiting to go off at 3 p.m. on the afternoon shift , two of us on a bike job .
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