Example sentences of "[prep] going [adv prt] in " in BNC.

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1 And being part of the tradition , they are part of the way of going on in those sub-cultures .
2 The problem of going round in circles is caused by a surplus of information and explanation , and a deficit of ideas and reactions to those ideas .
3 Idea-having is the best antidote to the common problem of going round in circles ( see Going round in circles on page 76 ) .
4 The District Council 's argument is in danger of going round in a circle .
5 He says that he 's fed up of going round in circles — how can he make a fresh start when he ca n't get a grant for clothing , and so ca n't then tunr up for job interviews ?
6 is it me or are they sort of going round in a circle of Elsa , Sarah and erm some other people , some of the other common lot cos erm they seem to be cuddling and hugging like a different one every day , have you noticed that ?
7 Jasper thought of going up in his place .
8 The idea of going out in the garden to sit looking back towards the house was popular , as was the line of the path , laid in stock bricks in a colour best described as crushed strawberry .
9 It 's really ridiculous — ridiculous — of you to think of going out in this wet , grey , slippery , miserable weather ! "
10 He dreamed of going out in glory , winning the best-platoon prize — a dream that appeared to be shattered when he saw Ken and his barrack mates arrive .
11 With the final diagnostic criterion that depends on the gonococcus 's propensity for going round in pairs as ‘ diplococci ’ we have the microscopic finding that enables the diagnosis to be made in cases of suspected gonorrhoea — Gram-negative intracellular diplococci .
12 And so it was that she did n't hear Andrew come in and enter the sitting-room , there to see his daughter dressed for going out in her wide-skirted jersey dress , her black hair hanging loose about her shoulders , and wearing , of all things , green-lobed earrings .
13 To be honest I 'd rather be there for going out in the morning and
14 She made some weak excuse when she telephoned to break the appointment , but she knew perfectly well that she was apprehensive about going out in case the weather changed and it began to rain .
15 There are days when some of our residents are quite determined that you are going to enable them to do what they want to do , even though what they want to do is completely ridiculous , like going out in the rain without a coat on .
16 It was like going back in time .
17 ‘ In some ways it was like going back in time , living in the mountains where there was no electricity or running water .
18 ‘ Blackburn 's like going back in time , ’ he says .
19 She seemed unable to prevent herself from going over in her mind every single minute of the days they had spent together in America .
20 Yet a study done for RLA last summer suggested that $1 billion and more than 75,000 new jobs were needed to prevent the city 's riot zone from going up in flames again .
21 She complained of being prevented from helping in the house — ‘ You 'll tire yourself out ’ — or from going out in cold weather , and above all , of not being taken seriously .
22 In the past , when a postponement was to our obvious advantage , I have had to physically restrain fanatical supporters from going out in freezing conditions to shovel snow off the pitch .
23 Woosnam had had three birdies in his first five holes and the only shot he dropped in going out in 34 was to take five at the ninth , where he drove into the trees .
24 ‘ I 've had businesses and lots of youth groups contacting me extremely interested in going out in the boat .
25 And I 'd got them here and I thought well I do n't know what to do with them and I b b interested in I 'm interested in going back in time , I 'll go anywhere where I can see something and I 'd been over there and they 'd got some Home Guard stuff in a case , only a small show , and I asked them if they 'd like it and they said yes .
26 Ten days later , the Senate as a whole approved this bill by an overwhelming majority before going on in May to embrace a budget resolution that ‘ contained nearly one hundred per cent of the administration 's entire economic program , by a vote of 72 — 20 .
27 Having an extra wash tray to rinse your prints before going back in the dev. will keep it longer .
28 Males , therefore , generally wait until the female has started to lay her eggs before going off in search of a second mate , since females rarely mate again once laying has begun .
29 Wimbledon fans will remember Castle 's fine court one performance in 1986 when he led Matts Wilander two sets to one before going down in five .
30 It can be gathered from every conversation that the people 's comrades from all walks of life want a return to the living standard of the pre-war era as soon as possible , and do n't lay the slightest value on going down in history . ’
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