Example sentences of "[prep] more [noun sg] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 By seven , after more coffee and a cigar , he had still not been able to bring any order to his confusion of thoughts .
2 Or do they do a public service by tilting government towards more openness and accountability ?
3 I relish the trend towards more analysis and context in news programmes .
4 Lower prices for West Indian sugar , according to American evidence which had been gathered , would encourage the use of more land and slaves in food production ; the result would be much better feeding of slaves than under a regime where owners took advantage of artificially high prices for cash crops to maximise profits and imported insufficient food for their labour force .
5 A person in their eighties today has lived through a century of more change than at any other time in history .
6 There was also the prospect of more poetry although " They would have to be new poems in a new idiom " .
7 Place and spirit of place is the inspiration of more poetry than we nowadays like to admit ; and to do that poetry justice , the critic needs to turn himself into a tourist .
8 Had the set been finished there , we might have got an album of more intensity but without commercial success — ‘ Exodus ’ was on the UK album charts for over a year .
9 Are they guilty of more abuse than domestic companies ?
10 So is there an what kind of things would you like to see in the village and round about int eh way of more music or less music or a different music ?
11 Friendly enthusiastic , yeah , did n't use any slang erm the link was there , the attention to the client 's responses that was good , I was saying to erm th th that , that sales people tend to be a bit sort of more rabbit than Watership Down , you know that they 're
12 It was n't that I thought myself deserving of more delight than was offered the mass of mankind ( I told myself ) but that the common lot seemed so dire .
13 Georgia had long provided a cadre for the Social Democratic movement , and the Tiflis Soviet was of more substance than many in the region .
14 In a similar vein , Geis ( 1978 : 281 ) writes that ‘ the heavy electrical equipment price-fixing conspiracy alone involved theft from the American people of more money than was stolen in all of the country 's robberies , burglaries , and larcenies during the years in which the price fixing occurred ’ .
15 And despite the wonderful climate , and being able to play Riviera whenever I wanted , I longed to see green fields and my folks and my friends , and hear the cricket scores on the radio , and escape from the constant pursuit of more money and better deals for the clients , who mostly did n't care anyway because they already had more money than they knew what to do with . ’
16 Emergency measures to fight organized crime , announced by the Cabinet on Sept. 20 and supplemented on Sept. 25 after Livatino 's murder , included the commitment of more money and police , moves to oblige magistrates to work in Mafia-controlled areas , and vetting of candidates for local government office , as well as closer state supervision of financial transactions in local administration .
17 Mr Lamont is not happy because he has been the subject of more criticism and speculation over the past three months than most Ministers suffer in a lifetime .
18 Mr Major , whom one suspects of more mischief and humour than he is credited with , has declared his old enemy to be ‘ Minister for the Little People ’ , which sweetly traps Mr Waldegrave between the cartoonist Pont and the leprechauns .
19 The partial remedy , for no one could think of exhaustive response , was to clear London and other big cities of children aged under fifteen , the sick and the handicapped : all those who were of more hindrance than help to the defence effort .
20 Although deregulation in the markets for products , services and labour has brought benefits in the form of more choice and lower prices , the liberalisation of financial markets may leave a less happy legacy .
21 With the need for speedy disposal of the dead — and that organized by others than the coffin-makers — together with a dwindling supply of wood in the face of more work than they could handle , few involved in the trade were going to do more than fabricate a utilitarian box of standard shape .
22 Such surplus as was created was used not for the accumulation of more wealth but , instead , was used for conspicuous consumption ( courts , fine clothing and castles ) or for wars against foreign foes .
23 WAKING UP one Sunday morning , my first thought was of more sleep and consequently not bothering to go to the deanery day that had been organised in our area .
24 A serious extension of the simple analysis presented in the previous paragraph would be of more help than a thousand more studies documenting that socio-economic differentials in mortality exist .
25 It proposes the controlled planting and harvesting of more fir and birch trees .
26 And Chief Joseph was a man of more sagacity and intelligence than any Indian I have ever met .
27 I went to the cinema considering that that would be of more benefit than taking a Latin exam that I could not pass .
28 This can be traced back as far at least as Lord Mansfield , who said : ‘ In all mercantile transactions the great object should be certainty and therefore it 's of more consequence that a rule should be certain , than whether the rule is established one way or the other .
29 However , it has been our aspiration to introduce ideas of more novelty and distinction , urging students to write accompaniments which have originality and may provide a unique framework for the melody and words which express the composer 's more intimate feelings .
30 This is of more value than infrequent formal contact
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