Example sentences of "[prep] more [conj] [adv] " in BNC.

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31 They reflected the emergence of aspects due to the prolonged looking demanded by the method and revealed that ‘ growing up ’ to a painting , mentioned earlier , in which the discovery of more and more forms part of the process of coming to know a work .
32 In the past two and half years it has risen four times in real terms to pay for the publication of more and more glossy pamphlets such as the parents charter — party political propaganda produced at the taxpayers ' expense .
33 Much as technology seems to gather pace with the development of more and more sophisticated equipment so do the methods employed by the many users .
34 This is a major issue for an information provider , such as a library , because it draws attention to the obligation to supply support for users of a new and different kind , and to develop ways to reduce the dependence of historians of the future upon the support of more and more highly skilled staff .
35 And the ‘ they ’ of more or less the whole town will have heard too .
36 It would also be a simple matter of alter the ‘ daily ’ timing to a period of more or less than one day .
37 For most people nowadays , any mention of computers conjours up vague images of more or less two things : either Sonic the Hedgehog , or a shapeless , grey , John-Majorish boredom .
38 Liam Brady 's choice of more or less the side who lost to Falkirk in the Scottish Cup the previous weekend — Rudi Vata was replaced by Brian O'Neil — was not so much a vote of confidence as a challenge to those players to prove they could not be so bad again .
39 Secondly , changes in the labour market and the increased participation of women in employment has raised questions about the extent to which lone mothers — like more and more married mothers — should be expected to take paid employment ( Brown , 1989 ) .
40 Now that 's what it looks like more or less now .
41 They are up against more than just the law though .
42 The Prince needed sound advice , particularly as he moved into more and more controversial areas .
43 And then that general principle of Equity , which began as the mere application of moral sense to particular cases , develops into more and more definite rules .
44 What was barely tolerable before 1914 became increasingly intolerable to the mass of the population , as the enemy forces pushed the Tsarist regime into more and more desperate expedients to raise the finance and manpower with which to conduct the war .
45 A mood which seems to be slipped into more and more frequently as the months have elapsed since they first met .
46 The Cabinet accepted the recommendation that a substantial British aircraft industry was required to hold off competition , and should be developed with more than just the Empire in mind ; also the premise that work on new aircraft should proceed under government direction , with the Treasury accepting responsibility for new types .
47 It made our day to know that MKM can help with more than just knitting advice .
48 It 's more common among the very young , men with more than just a basic education , and very common among the unemployed .
49 The more easterly of the two valley roads which combine at Pierrefitte takes you first to the charming town of Luz-Saint-Sauveur , which may look like one place but is really two , with more than just a hyphen dividing them .
50 The public-interest objective is harder to reject , because it is eminently reasonable that public policy should be concerned with more than just economic efficiency , though it clearly generates considerable uncertainty for firms about what they may and may not do .
51 Arm yourself with more than just protection products if you are spending a day in the sun .
52 Dissatisfied with mainstream Christianity they were impressed by his apparent certainty , but he persuaded his potential British followers with more than just his Biblical knowledge .
53 ‘ When I got here , ’ he said expressionlessly , ‘ I realised I needed to be in love with more than just a city .
54 We had some discussion about competition , if I can use that word , between ourselves and and Leeds , but where Selby sits in in North Yorkshire we are in competition with with more than just West Yorkshire .
55 The growth in occupational pension provision for women was even more marked with more than double the proportion of 60–69 year olds having them ( 32 per cent ) compared with the over-80s ( 15 per cent ) .
56 We are concerned , then , with more than simply linguistic competence .
57 As for NT , Microsoft is back describing it as primarily a server operating system , and acknowledging that vendors are unlikely to bundle it with more than about 10% of the desktop machines they ship .
58 As for NT , Microsoft is back describing it as primarily a server operating system , and acknowledging that vendors are unlikely to bundle it with more than about 10% of the desktop machines they ship .
59 Another deme with more than purely parochial status was Piraeus , whose demarch was a state appointment ( Ath .
60 Two of his partners protested promptly that the said Susy was fully deployed on their cases , and Peter Yeo settled down to reorganize the workload , emerging after ten minutes ' hard negotiation with more or less the conclusion he had wanted .
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