Example sentences of "[prep] this time it " in BNC.

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1 About this time it was announced that pensioners whose means were insufficient to pay their rent were to have the amount made up by social security allowances even if they were living in a private home , so with a light heart I set about making application .
2 Last year at about this time it produced the admirable Victorian Newcastle painter Ralph Hedley ; this winter it is showing in ‘ A Romance with the North East ’ Rober and Isa ( Thompson ) Jobling , who lived and worked there until the 1920s producing powerful and poetic images of its countryside coast and people .
3 During this time it would be kept in vast concrete-lined tanks filled with water , colloquially known as ‘ cooling ponds ’ .
4 During this time it travels only five times its own length , and the widely spaced propellers allow it to turn in its own length at low speed .
5 My men , whom I had instructed to keep close together and sing from the time they left the camp until they joined me on the forest road , were not due for an hour and a half , and during this time it was more than likely that the tigress would break cover and try to stalk or rush me .
6 During this time it had become clear to him that , to use his phrase , ‘ the Holy Spirit had separated ’ him to the Vineyard movement which is led by John Wimber .
7 During this time it is likely that he also met Pompeo Batoni who was to be a considerable influence on his early manner .
8 During this time it is treated as prone , and ignores all attacks .
9 During this time it grew dark , the darkness seeming to rise from the river to make it one with the sky .
10 During this time it was not possible to determine oesophageal bicarbonate outputs by the pH/pCO 2 method as the pH was below 6.1 .
11 During this time it has donated more than £600,000 to over 2500 local groups , helping the disabled , under fives , elderly and youth groups with a wide range of special projects , or improving their facilities .
12 The extra detail visible in the monkey 's brain might just be a consequence of it being bigger than the rat 's , but a comparison between the somatosensory cortices of the two animals shows that this is n't so , for this time it is in the rat that the extra detail is visible .
13 Others say no — for this time it is the British and the Americans who are throwing him out .
14 For this time it was an army , no less , ten thousand strong , though its actions were still those of simple border reivers .
15 In this time it seems that all other areas of the Lakes have had a new guide , and some of them two .
16 A primitive shading is found on a few vases of the generation before , by the Brygos Painter for instance to indicate the roundness of shields ; and in this time it appears , very sparingly , both in red-figure and on another class of Attic vase which we have not yet considered , those with a white slip .
17 In this time it became clear that the military and state security forces were not all solidly behind the coup , especially in the face of popular resistance , with Russian Federation ( RSFSR ) President Boris Yeltsin setting himself at the head of protesters apparently willing to fight for the new freedoms brought about by the reforms of perestroika .
18 From this time it is hard to follow Tyndale 's movements , for he covered his tracks to avoid possible arrest .
19 Since this time it was a revolt in Aquitaine it was doubly significant for Richard 's future .
20 Prior to this time it had to travel in cask and the resultant ‘ sparkling ’ wine must have been a sorry product , hardly an advertisement for its quality and reputation .
21 At this time it came to pass that there was strife between Count Don Gomez the Lord of Gormaz , and Diego Laynez the father of Rodrigo ; and the Count insulted Diego and gave him a blow .
22 It usually took two men to hold the tyre and if the smith thought the fit was satisfactory — at this time it was half-an-inch larger than the wheel — the boy helping was ordered to throw buckets of cold water over the still very hot steel which would immediately contract and tightly hold the rim .
23 But if one issue is to be singled out as representing a point of potential conflict between partners at this time it will most likely concern the relationship between home and employment .
24 At this time it was filled with the sort of junk that might come in handy one day if one could remember where one had put it .
25 At this time it was impossible to bore out a smooth cylinder of this size , so the piston was not therefore a good fit .
26 In England at this time it was quite avant garde to possess a refrigerator .
27 The restructuring school argued that to understand what was happening to the geography of British manufacturing at this time it was necessary to analyse this situation .
28 At this time it was believed that the return of Mr. Osman to Hong Kong was imminent .
29 At this time it is not possible to predict whether all or just part of the above listed data will be required by the public registry , or whether the public registry itself will be a part of a larger commercial registry that would include other trade and secured transactions .
30 At this time it was , to use Nettl 's term , an ‘ inheritor party ’ ; that is to say , a party which expects to inherit power following the decline and overthrow of the existing political system and its socio-economic basis .
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