Example sentences of "[prep] be find [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Outside the Church are to be found signs of the Kingdom in the form of his image , recognisable , though sadly disfigured , in the lives of all men .
2 Most of the mining remains to be found date from the nineteenth century , during the last period of activity before cheaper foreign copper brought about the decline and fall of the local industry .
3 Where the sea breaches former ridges in this type of coast intricate transverse rias of the type of Cork Harbour may be formed : an excellent example is to be found north of Zadar ( Zara ) on Fig. 9.2 .
4 However , there are still to be found undertones of catastrophism in many Marxist writings , even though the authors would reject any explicit adherence to such ideas .
5 The ‘ theological bias ’ , the humanism , the anti-establishment propaganda , the ‘ declining ’ moral standards , and the increasing use of ‘ foul ’ language , for which Mrs Whitehouse continually criticised the BBC , were almost all to be found aplenty , she felt , in one particular television programme , and the battle over this series is in many ways illustrative of the wider battle between the NVALA and the Corporation at this time .
6 In addition he was to be found building amphitheatres in Soissons and Paris to provide shows for the citizens .
7 Here are to be found experiences more wonderful even than mukti , moksha , sartori , or grace .
8 If oil in these quantities were to be found China 's production could be double today 's level by the end of the century with a consequent addition to government revenues of something of the order of $10 billion per year .
9 They are likely to be found breast-feeding in the high street while swopping telephone numbers of their family acupuncturists .
10 Indeed , at the seminar at which they announced their discovery , I remember that they called the first four sources to be found LGM 1–4 , LGM standing for " Little Green Men . "
11 The couple vanished , only to be found weeks later in Ghar Hasan . ’
12 And so there are still to be found Latinists who think that the hilarious mistranslations in his Homage to Sextus Propertius ( 1919 ) were inadvertent rather than mischievously deliberate .
13 The minifundium is frequently to be found side by side with the latifundium ; indeed the existence of the great entailed estates increased the pressure of men on the land .
14 It was obviously very much a part of everyday life , to such an extent that " in some Grocers and Spice-sellers House , are to be found barrels filled with them ( dried petals ) " for use in soup and medicinal prescriptions .
15 Among the gentry residing there was to be found Mr Benedict Beckenham , riding as hard as he could to the devil .
16 Amongst the disorganised provision were to be found examples of clients who would never be charged by solicitors ; advice-giving by stipendiary magistrates , magistrates ' clerks , and county court registrars ; a poor Man 's Lawyer service in London and the provinces staffed by volunteers ; trade union legal advice and Citizens ' Advice Bureaux .
17 Here are to be found squares and terraces as distinguished architecturally as in other British cities , and shopping streets which have been precincted and pedestrianised .
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