Example sentences of "[prep] be in [noun] " in BNC.

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1 NO MATTER what way you look at it , you got ta be in favour of homosexuality .
2 I says Dublin he says I ca n't it 's got ta be in Geordie then he says erm he says well where do you wan na go through ?
3 Your mallet is going to be is got ta be in contact with the mallet the ball whilst the ball is in contact with the wire
4 But er , you know , I mean , I know it 's only practice and you know how far you got ta be in front of the other whatever !
5 Firstly , in the government 's calculations , it had allowed only an increase of 4 per cent in the spending of local authorities over the expenditure under the last year of the rating system , whereas inflation turned out to be in excess of 7 per cent .
6 ‘ Through one acquisition or a combination of acquisitions , I would like to be in excess of $100m in revenue in Italy when we go into next year , but that will only happen if we find the right match .
7 Indeed , apart from workers in holiday camps who , because they are taken on for periods expected to be in excess of 13 weeks , qualify for statutory sickness pay , most seasonal workers are not entitled to any income replacement in case of absence .
8 Sometimes the justification is that the government has access to better information than the private sector and judges the true social cost to be in excess of the private cost .
9 The COBUILD corpus ( Sinclair , 1987a ) has about 20 million words and the American TEI corpus ( Walker , 1989 ) and British National Corpus ( BNC ) ( Leech , forthcoming ) are expected to be in excess of 100 million words .
10 The loss in remittances from workers in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States by the end of 1991 was expected to be in excess of US$150 million .
11 It 's for those reasons , sir , that the City Council feels that it can no longer support the proposed proposals for new settlement , just to come to your question about the issue of scale , I am not able to define what er small is in P P G three , it 's obviously been left deliberately vague , but I would draw your attention to the Ucwetec T P A study I 've just referred to which makes it quite clear in their terms that to be self contained in transport terms the nearest any settlement ne really needs to be in excess of twenty thousand people .
12 But it seems to me that the wife might thereafter have offered to return and might have ceased to be in desertion , and that clause 2 would at that stage and in that event have been in operation : therefore it does not seem to me that it can be said that clause 2 was not of value to the husband .
13 Interpersonal conflict occurs between two or more people when attitudes , motives , values , expectations or activities are incompatible and if those people perceive themselves to be in disagreement .
14 Three months later the picture is in limbo , believed still to be in Sotheby 's storage .
15 The norm of " the language as a whole " is not the objective reality that it seems to be in Bloch 's definition , and some less absolute standard of comparison has to be found ( see 2.4 ) .
16 Still , it was true in the main , so for the few weeks she was to be in Venice she would take the greatest care to have as little to do with him as possible .
17 So Leee is going to the Irons and Leslie is probably going to be in Eastenders ( I hope ) .
18 There was certainly no implication in classical criminology , as there was to be in positivist , that we can ignore the content and operation of legal rules in addressing ourselves to the question of the causes and treatment of crime .
19 You can choose whether you want the rulers to be in inches or centimetres and it is possible to work to millimetre accuracy if you need to .
20 Even if Dáil members had thought otherwise , it must by now be clear that the ethos of the Irish Republic was still one in which it was impolitic to be in conflict with the church .
21 The so-called ‘ alternative ’ or ‘ complementary ’ medical scene embraces a large number of different ideas , theories and treatments , many of which appear to be in conflict with each other .
22 redeploying some of their skills — over and above applying them in work with failing , disheartened or work-refusing children — for working with fellow professionals whose expectations may likewise be in conflict with those of the would-be supporter , just as those of work-refusing children tend to be in conflict with those of their teachers .
23 If this argument is correct , it is possible to conceive that the European Court might , given the right circumstances , hold the English rule that damages are only available in English law to protect private law rights to be in conflict with European law .
24 A board of directors could not exist and act as a corporate entity if it were composed of two groups of people , each deriving its authority from and answerable to a different principal body , the one liable to be in conflict with the other ; for it would in fact be a negotiating committee .
25 In some cases they may appear to be in conflict .
26 Furthermore , your Lordships may feel that it is inconvenient and undesirable for the criminal law as enunciated in Lawrence and Dobson to be in conflict with the law affecting the title to money and other kinds of property .
27 Another case in which the courts appeared to be in conflict with ministers was Gouriet v. Union of Post Office Workers , in which the plaintiff sought an order from the court to restrain the defendant trade union from breaking the law by refusing to handle mail to South Africa .
28 That is especially surprising because the successful achievement of Stagecoach 's aims appears to be in conflict with the Government 's preference as repeatedly stated by the Minister .
29 This appears to be in conflict with Summala 's claim that ‘ it is inconceivable that drivers would continually operate under such emotional stress ’ ( Summala , 1988 , p.494 ) , and an alternative description of driver behaviour developed by Summala has been described as zero-risk theory .
30 In respect of God 's being , the fundamental axiom with which Barth works is that God is ‘ eternally and antecedently in himself ’ what he shows himself to be in Jesus .
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