Example sentences of "[prep] it [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The Arts Council was thus the result of a political climate that favoured state intervention and support , with one of it principal exponents at the helm .
2 Sometimes , in the middle of a flow , or else at the small mouths or boccas from which the flows emerge , gas venting from the lava flings small glowing gobbets of it short distances up into the air .
3 He explained that the British envisaged that the union , having at its apex the European Council consisting of heads of government , would have beneath it distinct pillars of co-operation , with the Treaty of Rome and intergovernmental pillars representing respectively foreign and security policy co-operation and actions against drugs and terrorism overseen by interior and justice ministers .
4 No army would advance into enemy territory and carelessly leave behind it important pockets of resistance .
5 The United Nations Declaration of Human Rights takes it for granted not merely that all individual men are members of a single animal species , Homo sapiens , but that this biological fact carries with it moral implications .
6 Third , there was the severe deterioration of industrial relations in the few years prior to 1914 which brought with it violent strikes and syndicalism .
7 It is as if the creation of a regulatory bureaucracy carries with it implicit powers to achieve agency goals .
8 But I could not help observing that a flower plucked from a grave brings with it certain reverberations when sent to one who has written Ultima on a letter received not long before .
9 That is its sole function as prescribed by the Statutes , though membership of Convocation also carries with it certain privileges , such as use of the University Library .
10 This sort of black consciousness — and with it black textbooks , black English and black studies — has barely raised its head in Britain .
11 For the little good it 's supposed to do it brings with it inherent problems .
12 Record reviewers criticise from the standpoint of their own knowledge and experience , which is at once a strength , but carries with it inherent weaknesses .
13 Before considering making an application to the local council for a rent or rate rebate , an elderly person who is hard pressed financially should consider first whether her income is so low that she might do better to make an application for a supplementary pension , which brings with it other benefits ( previously described ) .
14 Basically speaking , the objectives set for the system have been achieved , but like all other systems the achievement of those objectives brought with it other problems .
15 As part of this a rather different kind of social survey emerged and with it new kinds of data .
16 While many feminists will abhor Segal 's conclusions about violence and pornography , I found them extremely relevant at a time when the British anti-porn bandwagon is sweeping along with it Labour women MPs and anti-censorship feminists , in company with the powerful , pro-family , homophobic moral right .
17 Quite often the limitations of its '50s design brought with it annoying problems you would n't think of in a more modern-thinking car .
18 The enjoyment of special privileges , such as the freedom to learn , carries with it corresponding responsibilities .
19 In practice this approach to user education still predominates , but in the UK in particular the scope of user education for schoolchildren has been expanded so significantly , bringing with it substantial implications for user education in other sectors , that the emphasis here must be on the description and discussion of this recent work .
20 Economic growth is slowing — from 5.6% in 1990 probably to less than half that in 1991 — and with it corporate profits .
21 At first out of courtesy , but then , almost imperceptibly , as a declaration , a statement which carried with it inevitable responsibilities , inevitable pain , inevitable joy .
22 This danger , and with it speculative pressures , mounts each time doubts arise that the Maastricht treaty will be ratified .
23 Just as the first Venetians found that the water-logged islands of their lagoon , far from merely affording them protection from their enemies on land , also provided them with ideal access to the sea and with it immense possibilities of wealth and naval power , so it emerged in the course of human social evolution that the psychological mechanisms which had been necessary in socializing man also proved serviceable for many other enterprises and in time produced the great flowering of human culture which we see around us today .
24 From this secure position , it extends a long tube , its siphon , along the tunnel and into the open water to suck in a current that brings with it minute particles of food .
25 The exercise of the rights provided for in paragraph 2 of this article carries with it special duties and responsibilities .
26 Digitisation brings with it exciting possibilities for the archival scholar .
27 Yet , to China 's discomfort , great power brings with it big responsibilities — and irksome public scrutiny .
28 And just as the growing dependence of European art music on written scores in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries led to a differential development of certain elements of musical language , so the replacement of popular song scores by recordings has increased the importance of performance , and with it different elements .
29 This contrast brings with it different theories of social action and how to study it .
30 It was thought to be nothing more than a shattered argillaceous deposit , produced by repeated submarine landslipping and carrying with it exotic blocks ranging in size from small fragments ( plate 4.2 ) up to whole mountains .
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