Example sentences of "[prep] a erm [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It 's , certainly erm well attended , there 's , you know thousands of people attend and basically it centres around erm , a fire , Beltane means erm , sacred fire and erm a procession of drummers leads me to top of a path and along Carlfa , Carlton Hill and erm fire sculptures are lit around me and I unfo ha have this great costume that I unfold in and erm process round the hill and round hill are different performers erm painted in different colours to represent different elements of nature , and finally we come to this big fire where which I light with hands , which have been sculpted and bannocks are given to the people to eat , and erm the tradition that you 're supposed to cross the fire as a sort of a erm purification ceremony or or through the ashes of the fire .
2 She said it was br it was , I did n't think it was but it wa it was really good fun and also I was going out with Carl at the time and so , you know , in our big like little group big little group , our big group , that was a bit of a erm contradiction , erm in our big group and erm we knew masses of people and there were lots of there and there were lots of Felixstowe people there and it was just a really good laugh and erm Right Said Fred were there and some other sort of ravey group , ca n't remember what now and then , no some techno group , and then erm so we all thought oh let's go for this , let's go , la this time last year we thought oh well let's go over to this one for a joke , you know , for old time 's sake let's just go along and have a joke and we went and it was full of erm like they were all about fourteen , I suppose when we went we were all fourteen too but last year well most of my friends are sort of you know sixteen erm we went and it was n't , it was n't , it was n't full at all and the place is huge and it says , it says on the thing , you know , two thousand people go and there must have been about four hundred at the most and it was really , and I , also I ha I was ill that day and it was really shit so if they said it was brilliant last year it probably was n't the stockings because it was , nobody I met said it was , and also yeah the stockings and the feathers were put on the same day and there 's competition between the two companies does stocking and I 've forgotten what feathers is , there 's competition and so lots of people went to the feathers instead and the feathers had like too many people and the stockings had too lit too few .
3 Oh he said oh I 'd like to give it all a good he wants to clean it there 's always something on the floor , it 's like a erm lino , it 's probably but all bigger squared
4 Well it is n't erm specifically in the erm cupboards it 's just erm because I 'm now coping with who has acted like a erm shoemaker shoemaker 's son do all your job I am coping with what he did thirty odd years ago
5 Electric immersion heater , er , ah , oh of course we had an Ideal boiler under there and it , that 's what heated this kitchen actually an Ideal boiler and it heated the water in the winter and also heated the , and in the summer we let that out and had an immersion heater , well being in the electrical trade we had an immersion heater all the time and if we wanted to top up from the boiler we used to just put the immersion heater on for a erm week or so and get hot water and then let it go off in the winter time , you know , but er we have n't made a great deal of alteration to this place really , we 've put a new front door on fairly recently , that was one of the things that er was very ugly , they , the back of the front of the doors to look at , ooh they were ugly doors
6 Erm my father was a er a gardener , sort of as a erm hobby and he had allotments and erm we lived very well foodwise you know on what he really produced .
7 Do you know the story o , first of all I was gon na write about fairground about a erm ghost
8 Having served as sort of er apprentice there as an artillery clerk , I was put , posted up to Woolwich to go through a erm clerk 's course .
9 But what I am saying in context , no this has a deal to do with the co boundaries , as you know erm the honourable member well knows , the essence of this this is wholly inappropriate in terms of erm trying to latest citizenship through an arrangement of six additional boundaries into a erm union and a political state and I think that that is the profound objection that this side of the house has expressed over a long period of time now , is a reflection of the public mood in the country in respect of this election and the way the boundaries er are are erm apportioned and all I say in conclusion is that this is an evidence further of the irrelevance of this house in reflecting and attesting to public opinion outside .
10 I 'd read about , I read erm read in erm some paper or other not so very long ago , about erm a funeral and the that was going along the road of course , and they came to a to a erm hotel and they were och , they were going for miles and miles and miles and they went into this hotel and the they party the funeral party went into the hotel and had a good few drinks and they were well away when they came out and they they they went away without the coffin , for two miles , two miles before they discovered that they did n't have the coffin .
11 You 've all been and this is really addressed to H O H members , not to erm delegates group or whatever we call ourselves erm everyone 's been to a erm job evaluation H O H A discussion , right ?
12 It 's relevant perhaps to report hereof that John Dennis has done a very useful spreadsheet of erm video profitability on a erm video by video basis , which we have actually a sort of profit and loss account for every year it was produced , and that is going to become a quarterly erm document which we can look at erm and that that 's very useful to and we did actually at our meeting discussing that yesterday we decided that we were going to erm try to break down erm the sales of that into title by market , did n't we ?
13 I had erm I was going to be representative of this committee at a erm safety seminar for three days at the beginning of this week that I was n't able to go to , and Councillor Kurtz has very kindly gone in my place , which is why she is not able to come to this meeting .
14 Before we move on , let's just have a look at those numerical estimates , can we look at the coefficients on income , notice that in this model because we 've logged both dependent and the independent variables , right , the coefficients that we estimate are elasticities , right , so we can read those coefficients off directly as elasticities and that 's the case for any model in which all the variables are logged right , in er , if we did n't log the data , in order to calculate the elasticity we have to multiply a coefficient the computer gives us by a erm price quantity ratio , price less , less part of the income constant ratio to obtain the income elasticities .
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