Example sentences of "[prep] a [adj -er] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 BRITAIN 'S unemployment soared above 2.6 million for the first time in over four years yesterday after a bigger than expected surge in the number of people out of work .
2 Not healthy , especially coming after a bigger than expected £30bn deficit in the current tax year .
3 I had dreams of a greater and better life , and above all , I wanted to do more .
4 There now exist community groups of a greater or lesser degree of militancy which have eschewed political parties as the main vehicle of their demands ( although they often have to use them in the later stages of campaigns ) .
5 Although these differences are now widely known , there is so far no satisfactory explanation nor do particular penal philosophies , or the adoption of deliberate policy choices in favour of a greater or lesser use of custody , necessarily seem to have expected or intended effect on one jurisdiction or explain why its of imprisonment differs from that of another jurisdiction .
6 His firm conviction in the existence of a higher or hidden principle underlying the life process is not idle speculation but a well defined reality , with his published work appearing in prestigious journals of physics , such as Lamp , the Swiss International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics , and Italy 's Il Nuovo Cimento .
7 As to ‘ its effect upon national character ’ , Pearson thought that ‘ whether we are changing in the direction of a higher or lower morality is … the point that is most really at issue ’ .
8 They have made it their business to gain real knowledge in the political sphere , because they belong to a great consumers ' organisation with the definite purpose in view of production for use rather than for profit , and of the development of a higher and nobler system of society .
9 I have consistently supported the idea of a higher and further education council for our institutions in Scotland .
10 And it 's , it 's , it 's more of a number than minus one .
11 Snell has been criticized for causing a decline in handwriting by promoting his dull copperplate style , but his practice and teaching of a simpler and standardized mode of handwriting most effectively met the needs of clerks in the growing number of commercial houses .
12 The European variety has the advantage of a simpler and better understood theory of pricing , but it is a less flexible instrument .
13 Many readers will be aware that because of a lower than expected settlement for the civil service in the Chancellor 's 1990 Autumn Statement , higher than expected inflation , and exchange rate effects on international subscriptions , SERC has announced that certain activities will have to be curtailed if the Council 's programme is to stay within its budget .
14 In a pendentive method of construction the triangular spaces between the square section and the circular base of the hemisphere are built as if they are parts of a lower and larger dome so that their section is like that of an arch carried across the diagonal of the square space to be covered .
15 The piece prepared by the six young musicians includes a crisp packet being scrunched , playing cards flicked with the skill of a sharper and the zip on 14-year-old Sunjeev Singh 's bag buzzing backwards and forwards .
16 The Festival of Britain sought to persuade us of the imminence of a better and less contorted world .
17 While it is conceivable that bribes can be used to secure the sale of a better and cheaper product , the more general effect is to shift the balance of business away from the most efficient producer and in favour of the most corrupt producer .
18 She felt less of a stranger once she knew where the bathroom was .
19 ‘ I was aware of the presence of a stranger and asked the stage manager to ‘ see him off .
20 Most young children luckily will respond to the authority of a stranger and so the task is not as daunting as it sounds .
21 But I beg you to believe that there are also men of a wiser and more experienced sort , who by no means decline all consideration of negotiating terms .
22 The latter have also been aware of a closer and more detailed interest in how they use resources and efficiency : ‘ cost-improvement ’ programmes have been introduced and performance scrutinised .
23 Yet governments ought to resist the temptation to dismiss peace movements as representing only a minority opinion , for it is in the nature of a wider but vaguer anxiety about the issue that it can hardly be organized or form the basis of a coherent campaign .
24 In fact the channelling of reports and dissertations towards educationally productive goals is merely part of a wider and far more important issue , that of establishing a new climate of opinion among teachers and those who train them which regards enquiry about the learners and the environment in which they learn as an important part of a teacher 's professional life , which seeks to develop interests and provide skills for them to do so as part of their training and retraining and which rewards initiatives undertaken in college and subsequently .
25 That government made standards in education a principal plank in its election platform and the action undertaken by that government in relation to curriculum and assessment is part of a wider and coherent strategy on standards in education .
26 It was part of a wider and profoundly important cultural movement — religious , theological and artistic as well as purely literary — whereby the problems of an individual 's inner life , the reasonings of his mind , the demands of his heart , all came to be regarded as being as important as his external behaviour .
27 Above all , the Prime Minister and the Government should be negotiating for the inclusion of a wider and more positive concept of economic convergence in the treaty than any that has yet emerged .
28 This is all part of a trend away from the narrow specialization of the past and towards the offering of a wider and wider range of services .
29 It is recognised that in the Catholic school they will also be seen within the context of a wider and life-long catechesis .
30 Indeed , every day brings possibilities of new flowers , some new kind of insect : a fat , steel-blue oil beetle thrusting her way out of the earth to blunder over hedge-bottom debris in search of a slimmer but scarcely less clumsy male .
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