Example sentences of "[prep] a [noun sg] being " in BNC.

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1 Any regularity in monitoring activities allows the discharger , in anticipation of a sample being taken , an opportunity to step up his pollution control to produce a better effluent .
2 Sometimes , but not too often , there was the sound of a window being broken , whereupon a general speedy exodus took place , with the consequent panic whenever a knock came at the street door during the next few days .
3 ABOVE Restoration of a temple being carried out at Petra .
4 More importantly , the ending escapes the cliché in countless films of a marriage being halted in the nick of time although it most resembles the climax of a 1928 Harold Lloyd comedy , Speedy .
5 The probability of a constituency being selected was proportional to its size .
6 The legal advice is part of a smokescreen being put up to hide its intentions and its concern .
7 The close attention which the union committee gave to every case of a girl being hired in the winter and spring months of 1910 argues that the recruitment had slowed to a trickle , as is borne out by an analysis by age of the sample in Chapter 6 : whereas large numbers of the women would have been 14-year-olds in 1908–9 , hardly any were younger than this .
8 An actor can wear his cap as an academic in private conversation as well as the next person , but once on stage the actor responds to the requirements of a scene being played , and works through from moment to moment .
9 Police switchboards were jammed with reports from the public of a detective being shot and hostages taken near the sleepy seaside village of Boulmer , Northumbria .
10 I have heard of various instances of a butler being displayed as a kind of performing monkey at a house party .
11 If the answer was that American global strategy required an allocation of priorities in geographical terms could south Korea be abandoned in favour of a stand being made in Japan or elsewhere ?
12 But this man here is obviously going to say he 's seen no cruelty , he h obviously has n't seen the circus madness video that w was released by I A W A and Animals Defenders this year , where there is an absolutely horrendous scene of a llama being beaten around the head and chest .
13 A Health and Safety Executive spokesman said : ‘ Research like this can help us take steps to reduce the risk of a mistake being made that could have catastrophic consequences . ’
14 Despite considerable pressure , much of it from outside the club , there was little chance of a decision being taken yesterday .
15 Some may say yes and some may say no and it will have all the appearance of a decision being made , but the real structure may have been no more than the bland question/answer relationship between the teacher-in-role and the class .
16 There are certain other circumstances in which this problem of unduly encouraging an authority to reach a particular decision does not arise and in which a scheme of compensation might be feasible and desirable : where there is no question of a decision being re-made , notably where the time-limit for challenging an allegedly illegal decision has run out ( through no fault of the applicant ) ; or where a citizen has suffered loss by relying on a representation by a public body that it will act in a particular way , in circumstances where the law will not require the body to make good its representation because it has undertaken to act illegally ; or where a court exercises its discretion not to quash an illegal decision In such cases the problem of causation does not exist because the decision in question will not be reconsidered .
17 This proposal was rejected outright by the Royal Commission , primarily on the grounds that the risk of a decision being overturned on an appeal is a risk inherent in all litigation and ‘ should be taken into account by all who embark on it . ’
18 Derek can we take on the dockyards , Derek , I did indicate the situation that half an hour before speaking to congress my office has not been told officially by M O D of any change of a decision being made .
19 Either the salt would sting into a cut or raw spot on my body , bringing back bodily feeling in one fell swoop , or else , from somewhere in the bowels of building , my ears , questing for the remotest of stimuli , would pick up on the sound of a toilet being flushed , or perhaps a trolley banging against a wall .
20 Incidentally , the first report of a Rottweiler being shown at an official dog show was at Heilbronn in 1882 .
21 The first record of a Rottweiler being exhibited in Holland was in 1910 .
22 You have heard my opinion that in general terms , the existence of a conservation area is an indication of the likelihood of a contribution being made to the special character of the settlement and therefore to the setting of York , which is the prime purpose or the prime function of the York greenbelt .
23 There was a noise of a parcel being unwrapped as Mick unfolded the space blanket .
24 The question of a couple being happy or unhappy did not really seem to arise .
25 Then she heard the sound of a flask being unscrewed .
26 Banks have full recourse against an exporter ( or contractor ) in the event of a bond being implemented , so they are naturally concerned with his creditworthiness and commercial/technical expertise .
27 Other than by special arrangement in the event of a transaction being completed , the following scale of introduction fees will be payable to KPMG Peat Marwick ( ‘ KPMG ’ ) by the acquiror on completion .
28 The preparation of the title is one of those tasks that can be undertaken in advance of a transaction being negotiated , and should form part of the early work of a seller 's conveyancer .
29 Schrödinger 's original reason for putting forward this thought experiment was to demonstrate the folly , as he then believed , of the quantum theory : clearly it was ridiculous to think of a cat being neither dead nor alive — or , as an obvious corollary , both dead and alive at the same time .
30 Pardons and commutations are also granted on the basis of good behaviour , and there is a reasonable expectation of a sentence being reduced once a prisoner has progressed to the open system of Stage 4 .
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