Example sentences of "[prep] a [noun] was " in BNC.

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1 A MAN suspected of drunken driving was under arrest last night after a father-of-four was mown down and killed as he cycled home from work .
2 ‘ Dilly ’ , as he was called , went to Summer Fields , Oxford , at the age of eleven and after a year was first in his election to Eton .
3 No abuse of a prisoner was allowed during court proceedings ( Mark 14:65 ; Matt.
4 In my judgment , therefore , if there were a statutory provision that the decision of a visitor on the law applicable to internal disputes of a charity was to be ‘ final and conclusive , ’ courts would have no jurisdiction to review the visitor 's decision on the grounds of error of law made by the visitor within his jurisdiction ( in the narrow sense ) .
5 The purchase of a tractor was often part-financed by the forest which made use of it for about half the year .
6 Nathan Bryce might have a temporary advantage , but no slate-eyed , ruthless , mercenary businessman with a calculator instead of a heart was going to get the better of her .
7 No one outside of the wilder sects of the artificial intelligence fraternity would suggest that a device that translated morse into natural language characters on the screen of a computer was releasing the consciousness implicit in morse .
8 Even extremists of the 1960s , who believed that the task of a school was to ensure that children enjoyed themselves while they were pupils , must have had in mind , as well , some further outcome , some advantage that would flow in the long run to the children who had been encouraged , under that regime , to ‘ grow ’ and ‘ blossom ’ and ‘ flourish ’ in the ‘ learning situation ’ provided by the class-room .
9 Perhaps the most remarkable usage of a station was at PETERHEAD prison where prisoners were conveyed in special vans between work in the quarries and the quarters .
10 A COFFIN containing the body of a father-of-five was set ablaze in a garden yesterday as a family feud raged out of control .
11 Just what sort of a marriage was she planning for herself ?
12 It was apparently a group of labourers seeking stone for a new engine house , whose opening of a barrow was witnessed , in his youth , by Mr. J. Harris of Liskeard .
13 As can be seen from the sample tasks above , identifying the place value of a column was generally rather easier than giving the place value of a particular digit .
14 The presence of a peak was also shown to be significantly beneficial on several occasions , particularly in the adenoidectomy only group ( maximum effect 7.6 ( SE 2.4 ) dB ) .
15 This can only mean that , at the time , the idea of a twin was perfectly acceptable to devout Christians .
16 The body of a girl was found in the gang car .
17 ‘ What sort of a girl was she ?
18 It is clearly important to establish what the earliest plan of a village was , since there have often been many post-medieval changes .
19 A first sighting of a nuthatch was recorded .
20 The link between judicial appointments and parliamentary politics has been one of the most durable connections , and it is therefore scarcely surprising that in the eighteenth century an appointment to the bench was not to be had without considerable political interest , and that this culmination of the career of a lawyer-freeholder was the reward of lengthy association with the great men of the period .
21 The quantitative relationship between the volume and pressure of a gas was first stated by Robert Boyle in 1662 .
22 The bomb-bay of a Mosquito was too small to accommodate so large a bomb , and they had to carry them slung underneath the fuselage with the bomb doors open .
23 Balen indicated that when a question about the propriety of a determination was raised , the Court was a proper forum for resolving it .
24 The rear of a truck was approaching rapidly .
25 I did n't personally think having a piano on the back of a truck was much use either , but it looked good and gave the band somewhere to balance their beer cans .
26 ‘ I told Philip Schofield that shagging a sheep on the edge of a cliff was better because they push back .
27 Vagueness was resorted to by the judge in Jenkins v Reid in order to explain why a reformulation of a clause was unacceptable and in Gledhow Autoparts Ltd v Delaney [ 1965 ] 1 WLR 1366 Dankwerts LJ criticised the phrase " districts in which the traveller had operated " as being too vague especially as instructions given as to where he should work were purely oral .
28 Two-thirds of the drinkers surveyed said the location of a pub was the main reason for visiting it and 32 per cent prefer a pub that serves food at most times of the day .
29 Its undeviating accuracy in recording the passage of time to within one twenty-millionth of a second was a joke in a world that still went largely by the leisurely passage of the sun , where stage-coaches left at dawn , noon or sunset .
30 One of the chief requirements of a poisoner was a quiet domestic life .
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