Example sentences of "[prep] and [noun sg] for " in BNC.

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1 The desirability of and necessity for continuing education throughout the lifespan is now widely accepted in principle , although in practice there still exist many barriers , not least of cost , which limit adult participation in education and training .
2 Detection of and Memory for Road Signs
3 There are perhaps two things upon which each of us is the indisputable world expert , firstly the function of our own bowels and hence those of everyone else and secondly the causes of and treatment for addiction .
4 The accusation of " Catch 22 " is most commonly made by those who do not accept the disease concept and who may themselves be working professionally in the field of addictive disease , commonly believing in the psycho-social model of the cause of and treatment for addiction .
5 Timing of and Preparation for Calving
6 Serious chipmakers ca n't afford to be out of the market , and Hitachi Ltd has announced that it has developed a new type of AND gate for Flash memory , which achieves the world 's smallest cell surface memory of just 1.28 square microns .
7 It stated that ‘ the first objective for all sentences is denunciation of and retribution for the crime ’ but continued : ‘ Depending on the offence and the offender , the sentence may also aim to achieve public protection , reparation and reform of the offender ’ ( Home Office , 1990a : 2.9 ) .
8 Each school will have to identify the best means of and route for communication but this is something which school librarians in particular , being outside the subject departmental structure , learn about very quickly .
9 However , his Lordship considered the second submission , that a contract had been created in respect of the provision of and payment for the valuation report , to be well-founded , because the declaration in question consisted of an offer by the society to provide a copy of the report to the pursuers in exchange for payment , which they accepted by signing and returning the form .
10 One of the problems to have emerged is , however , the relativity of the concept of special educational need , which is said to be causing ‘ uncertainty and confusion ’ amongst LEAs , and consequently ‘ variations in the extent of and provision for special educational needs from LEA to LEA ’ .
11 Many organizations such as the Royal National Institute for the Blind ( RNIB ) and that for the deaf ( RNID ) provide services on a national basis , aiming to promote better understanding of and provision for the needs of the people they represent .
12 These schemes , then , can be summarized under the following heads : we run residency and award schemes , we run grants to artists and craftsmen and photographers , we run an artists in school scheme , which involves placement of and artist for two weeks or so in a local secondary school , we offer payments to artists for exhibiting in certain galleries , something akin to the public lending right , we also provide assistance for the purchase and commissioning of contemporary work , and finally we run an artists ' register , which is a slide register of work of artists within the region , which is accessible to anyone who wants to come along and look at it , whether they are organizing an exhibition or thinking of commissioning a piece for their own living rooms , or perhaps a piece for their town hall or public library or whatever .
13 The Carrier contracts for itself and as agent of and trustee for its servants and agents and all other carriers referred to in ( 2 ) above and such other carrier 's servants and agents and every reference in Conditions 3–17 inclusive hereof to ‘ The Carrier ’ shall be deemed to include every such other carrier , servant and agent with the intention that they shall have the benefit of the Contract and collectively and together with the Carrier be under no greater liability to the Trader or any other party than is the Carrier hereunder .
14 According to Whiting , much of this initial conformity was occasioned either by a fear of and respect for authority , or by the reluctance of testators to throw away their assets on objects and practices which were now proscribed .
15 It is only fair to our advertisers to put on record that , pretty well without exception , they have a lively appreciation of and respect for the constraints under which an Institute journal necessarily operates .
16 The main reason for general practitioners ' enthusiasm for counselling may well be a desire to reduce contact with and responsibility for a very demanding group of patients .
17 With several hundred delegates from 16 states , including a group from Germany led by Konrad Adenauer , as well as observers from the United States and Canada , the Congress was an impressive display of the widespread interest in and enthusiasm for the idea of unity .
18 Corruption could occur or it could prove impossible to induce much positive interest in and enthusiasm for political matters among a population that had no tradition of political involvement and no overt disputation over policies to excite its interest .
19 The questions on it are open-ended and allow space for recruits from all backgrounds to express their interest in and suitability for CAB advice work .
20 But these considerations , which are no fault of the present author 's , should not be allowed to diminish pleasure in and admiration for the parts of her book under review that have to do with the history of ideas .
21 I never before worked with such complete belief in and admiration for any man or any government and one 's faith in democracy is apt to be shattered when one sees a man like S.B. defeated by falsehood and misrepresentation .
22 Establish their confidence in and respect for himself ( the member ) and his qualification .
23 One of the actions of calcium is to stimulate the translocation of transcriptional factors ( NF-AT and NF-IL2A for example ) from the cytoplasm into the nucleus .
24 The importance of ‘ generic skills ’ has been stressed in recent years by the Manpower Services Commission ( now Training Agency ) as a flexible response to and preparation for a fast-changing economy .
25 May they take realistic action as well as being open to and expectant for the provision of God .
26 They reckoned that they had already entered into their reign with Christ : they were already rich already filled with the powers of the Age to Come ( 1 Cor 4:8 ) Paul comes down immediately like a ton of bricks on this attitude which regards the Spirit as a medium of religious experience or an embodiment of supernatural power , rather than as the vocation to and equipment for the role of the Servant .
27 It is clear that the greatest of them had beliefs about their relationship to and responsibility for their subjects different from those of their seventeenth or early eighteenth-century predecessors .
28 They were an adjunct to and lubricant for existing activities rather than part of the supplanting of a traditional culture .
29 As inspirational pronouncement rather than an operational blueprint , not only did it give expression to and authority for the idea that a fairer , juster society should be created , as the inalienable rights of man required ; but more , it asserted that thanks to machinery powered by steam it could be .
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