Example sentences of "[prep] the years [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Only two years earlier the Twelve had battled at epic length over increasing the EC budget for the years to 1992 from 0.7 per cent of each member state 's gross national product to nearly 1.2 per cent , with the ceiling fixed at over £30 billion .
2 An inquiry into British energy should be undertaken to weigh up the arguments and to give the UK a national strategy for the years to 2012 and beyond . ’
3 A comparative example provides another good illustration ; in 1959 , we are told , French archives of diplomacy already held more documents for the years since 1914 than for the whole history of French diplomacy backwards from that date to its foundation under Richelieu .
4 Research by a joint US-Australian team has found a strong correlation between the thickness of the tree rings and the recorded temperatures for the years since 1900 .
5 A rather different result was obtained by Geoffrey Green when he examined election results in Sheffield and Leeds for the years between 1951 and 1966 .
6 At present the indexers are preparing the newspaper volumes for the years between 1786 and 1790 .
7 For the years between 1972 and the early 1980s were commercially traumatic .
8 Ways must be found to provide women with additional pension protection for the years of domestic responsibility when they are caring for children , handicapped or elderly relatives .
9 It was natural , but unreasonable , to feel guilt for what seemed like a failure in duty , rather than feel thankful for the years of unremitting and unselfish care that they had been able to give .
10 Poland 's claim to Danzig was part of the mythologising in which the new state indulged , part of its creative compensation for the years of partition .
11 Nevertheless , I was given no monies , no form of compensation for the years of labour , of struggle , no consideration for being a pioneer of the business — which today is one of Glasgow 's best-known firms in the field of print and stationery .
12 Second , an understanding of doubt helps us to prepare for the years of testing which , I think , are to come .
13 By hook or by crook , football is being called to account for the years of profligacy .
14 The taxpayer 's profits from its sub-licensing transactions for the years of assessment 1980–81 to 1983–84 were assessed to profits tax under section 14 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance as profits arising in or derived from Hong Kong within the meaning of section 2(1) of the Ordinance .
15 and Kaplan J. ) [ 1991 ] 2 H.K.L.R. 215 given on 15 March 1991 allowing an appeal by the taxpayer , HK-TVB International Ltd. , from the order of Godfrey J. made on 9 April 1990 in the High Court whereby he had allowed an appeal by the commissioner by way of case stated from the decision of the Board of Review that the relevant profits for the years of assessment 1980–81 to 1983–84 inclusive did not arise in or derive from Hong Kong from a trade or business carried on by the taxpayer in Hong Kong .
16 The question of law for the opinion of the High Court stated by the Board of Review was whether , on the facts agreed and proved , the relevant profits for the years of assessment in question did not arise in or derive from Hong Kong from a trade or business carried on by the taxpayer in Hong Kong .
17 It was an unemotional summary ; Rostov thought that it hid well the bitterness which he felt towards Irina 's kin for their concerted opposition to her marriage , for the years of separation which had been achieved by her father 's influence with the Navy Board and , not least , for the extent to which Alexei 's upbringing had been influenced by the rigid infrastructure of the Court .
18 Why not more Gaudies , especially for the years of my interlocutors ?
19 Her class members thank her for the years of enjoyment she has given them ; her fellow-teachers thank her for her constant support and friendship .
20 ’ This statement is certainly invalid for the years after 1730 when labouring poets became more prominent .
21 The taxpayers were assessed to Schedule E income tax for the years from 1983–84 to 1985–86 on the basis that under the concessionary scheme they had received benefits that were to treated as ‘ emoluments ’ of their employment under section 61 of the Act of 1976 , the cash equivalent of such benefit being chargeable to income tax in accordance with the provisions of section 63 of the Act .
22 For the years from the fourth to the tenth I assess her net earnings at twelve thousand three hundred pounds and award the sum of thirty six thousand nine hundred pounds on a multiplier of three .
23 The authority of the clergy had been second to none during the years of persecution and this appears to have strengthened as a direct result of Roman centralization from the 1850s onwards .
24 During the years of World War N and for some time afterwards there had been a heavy demand for commercial and military explosives but by 1960 when Haslam was made personnel director of the Nobel Division of ICI the demand , particularly for military explosives , had dropped dramatically .
25 The situation is not dissimilar to that in England during the years of austerity in the Forties , when a number of First Division players were tempted to play in Bogota .
26 Yet as early as this blacks were also making their own films : ‘ race films ’ , shown in all-black theatres during the years of segregation .
27 In every county , except Bedfordshire and the Suffolks , growth occurred in the District 's educational activity and was most evident in Essex , Hertfordshire , Norfolk , Northamptonshire and the Soke of Peterborough which in aggregate accounted for 75% of the provision and enrolled students during the years of the 1939–45 war .
28 Both the gardens and the castle are said to be undermined with escape tunnels built during the years of Communism .
29 Owners of a historic building on a valuable site who are determined to realize substantial sums on the property often allow the building to decay during the years of indecision .
30 During the years of its active life ( its decline and fall will be related later ) it gave thrust and direction to the necessary attempts to develop curricula that would be appropriate to the diverse aptitudes and abilities now present in all secondary schools .
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